You're the moron for trying to conflate the two completely different issues of the standard of behavior by individual cops while arresting suspects vs the increasingly militarized state of police depts nationwide vis-a-vis the kind of armaments, equipment and tactics they employ across the board etc.
I would argue that because of the increased violence police face on a regular basis, thanks not only to gangs and ghetto thugs, but to radicalized right-wing and libertarian anti-gub'mint extremists as well as terrorists, the police are justified in upping their game in order to provide better protection for the public and themselves.
At any rate, just because you saw some book mentioned on some goofball libertarian kook blog/forum or heard it spoken about by some goofball libertarian kook radio host, doesn't mean you have a firm understanding of it and certainly doesn't make you as smart as you're trying to make yourself sound by calling other people morons.
You obviously don't even know what you're babbling about, DumberthanShit.
you're blinded by your blue goggles, obviously. that's ok. you'll feel differently once they finally get around to making you squirm and squirt