Another republican waste of money

You are out of date, dude. Old news stories about tunnels under the old wall mean nothing. Sensor detect this kind of activity now...even one down sixty feet as this one was.
We are finding them every year.
You are out of reality. ,dudette. We have had tunnels under the wall for decades. We still do. they are huge projects to build. Those are made by cartels and are used for drugs and bringing in people who pay. Of course, now they can climb Trump's wall in about a minute, so they do not have to pay .
Most illegals fly in. If you can stack those cars 36,000 feet tall, you may have something.
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We are finding them every year.
Past is not present dude.
You are out of reality. ,dudette.
Inversion fallacy.
We have had tunnels under the wall for decades.
And now we have sensors to detect that kind of activity.
We still do. they are huge projects to build.
Nope. We have sensors to detect that kind of activity.
Those are made by cartels and are ud=sed for drugs and bringing in people who pay.
Nah. The cartels don't need them.
Of course, now they can climb Trump's wall in about a minute, so they do not have to pay.
No, they can't.
Most illegals fly in.
Why not address the FACT that the entire wall can collapse. A fact that the trump administration kept hidden as long as they could. It's a multi billion dollar fiasco. This was a wall the El Jeffe told us could not be breached, he lied again and again.

It did in the wind.
why is it a financial burden? The ones who are coming in to this country are about the hardest working individuals you will find. Your insinuation that they will be a "burden" is fucking bullshit. I employ many hispanics on a regular basis to perform various jobs on rental properties. I've called the local painting contractor who gives a $3000 quote and says it will be 3 weeks before they start and I call Carlos and he says he can be there next tuesday with 3 guys and it will be about $1500. He showed up, did the job, did a fine job and even replaced glazing on a few windows before painting. The local contractor probably would have called and said I need an additional $1,000 to do that, I was floored. I don't know if his guys were documented or not they didn't speak English and I really could not care. I've used them a half dozen times since on a variety of jobs and have always been happy with the work. Those people at the border are people looking for a place to live and make a living and would be nothing but an asset to this country. We currently are at less than 4% unemployment which is considered "fully employed" and those who think they are going to steal Americans jobs I'd say you need to fucking work harder. Isn't that what the right wing likes to say? The way you fucking people talk as though those at the border are animals is disgusting, fuck you, I'd say let them immigrate here, we could use them.

Of course they are a burden, half of them can't even speak fucking English.
So you don't give a shit if you hire illegals? You should be fined $250,000 for
each illegal you hired. Then lock your ass up for 5 years or so. Fuck you!
You say they are so damned eager to work? I ran a small machine shop and
interviewed for a few machinist jobs. Do you think those illegals you speak of
can read a micrometer? How about a vernier caliper? Set up a lathe? A milling
machine? A flat grinder? No, they can't, so they will bleed this country of hard
working American tax dollars to support them. Fuck them. Send them back.
Of course they are a burden, half of them can't even speak fucking English.
So you don't give a shit if you hire illegals? You should be fined $250,000 for
each illegal you hired. Then lock your ass up for 5 years or so. Fuck you!
You say they are so damned eager to work? I ran a small machine shop and
interviewed for a few machinist jobs. Do you think those illegals you speak of
can read a micrometer? How about a vernier caliper? Set up a lathe? A milling
machine? A flat grinder? No, they can't, so they will bleed this country of hard
working American tax dollars to support them. Fuck them. Send them back.

They can't perform heart surgery either. They can't read a micrometer so they will bleed the country of tax dollars, that is fucking stupid. They can and do easily perform countless jobs and most of them won't take a dime from any welfare thinking that will cause them to be deported. No, we won't send them back and more will come and fuck you, get used to it or fucking leave.
so you admit to hiring illegals?....remember, that's what we're talking about, not Hispanics, most of whom are here legally.....
I have no idea, I don't ask.

and yet, you're the one who just said they were "migrating" like a herd of buffalo, hires them because they are cheap labor, and prefers them to legal immigrants or citizens who can work for higher wages because they aren't afraid of being deported......of course you can USE them.......
No I never said anyone was migrating like a heard of buffalo. I said animals migrate back and forth across that border and when I say "animal" I'm not talking about humans.
wouldn't it make more sense to create more paths to LEGAL immigration?.......or would that cost you money in higher wages......

It doesn't prevent people from coming into the country because 99% of immigrants walk across the border at legal entrances. And yes it does make sense to create more legal paths to immigration, we could use them.
You never answer questions put to you but expect others to? go fuck yourself.

Sybil has "issues"...and I strongly believe he's not in control of his own faculties. Asking him questions and expecting a rational answer would be like asking a four-year-old to explain Quantum Physics.
It doesn't prevent people from coming into the country because 99% of immigrants walk across the border at legal entrances. And yes it does make sense to create more legal paths to immigration, we could use them.

obviously if your only justification for allowing people to walk across the border illegally is that we need employees, then increasing legal immigration removes your justification and we can go ahead and STOP people from just walking across the border illegally.......or are you ready to admit that you have another reason for it that your labor is cheaper if the people you hire can't get jobs with employers who follow our laws?.......
I thought an open border was his legacy?

His legacy will be what he makes of it, not what an asshole like you seems to think.

Pmp is dying...sooner than most on JPP. He wants to burn down the house and take everyone with him when he goes.

Not very Christian, is he? LOL
obviously if your only justification for allowing people to walk across the border illegally is that we need employees, then increasing legal immigration removes your justification and we can go ahead and STOP people from just walking across the border illegally.......or are you ready to admit that you have another reason for it that your labor is cheaper if the people you hire can't get jobs with employers who follow our laws?.......

They ALL have regular jobs and do side labor like working for me on the weekends. They typically work 7 days a week because they aren't lazy shits like right wingers on welfare. Two out of the three had to leave to go pick up their kids from a public school function, their kids were born in this country and aren't going anywhere and neither are their parents. They will eventually become citizens just like all the other Hispanics in this country that currently are not.
That stupid wall was a huge waste of money to make a show. Is there anyone who thinks those rail cars are going to be left there? It surely is not an impenetrable wall. It is a show designed to fire up haters and Trumpys. This board shows the targeted audience went for it.