Another republican waste of money

That stupid wall was a huge waste of money to make a show. Is there anyone who thinks those rail cars are going to be left there? It surely is not an impenetrable wall. It is a show designed to fire up haters and Trumpys. This board shows the targeted audience went for it.

It's being torn down and the containers hauled away as we speak. It was just another republican political stunt that costs over a million dollars.
The construction material is being repurposed, used to repair walls that have collapsed or fill in gaps in the wall, some was even donated to Abbott for his state funded wall.
I thought an open border was his legacy?

His legacy will be what he makes of it, not what an asshole like you seems to think.

his legacy is what he's already made borders and the cost of repairing the damage from it.....not to mention inflation, Ukraine, Afghanistan, more covid deaths than Trump despite Trump having given him the vaccine......
They ALL have regular jobs and do side labor like working for me on the weekends. They typically work 7 days a week because they aren't lazy shits like right wingers on welfare. Two out of the three had to leave to go pick up their kids from a public school function, their kids were born in this country and aren't going anywhere and neither are their parents. They will eventually become citizens just like all the other Hispanics in this country that currently are not.

demmycrats love open borders and the cheap labor it provides them......
his legacy is what he's already made borders and the cost of repairing the damage from it.....not to mention inflation, Ukraine, Afghanistan, more covid deaths than Trump despite Trump having given him the vaccine......

Biden is already ranked in the top 20 US presidents, nobody gives a flyin fuck what a shithead like you thinks.
They can't perform heart surgery either. They can't read a micrometer so they will bleed the country of tax dollars, that is fucking stupid. They can and do easily perform countless jobs and most of them won't take a dime from any welfare thinking that will cause them to be deported. No, we won't send them back and more will come and fuck you, get used to it or fucking leave.

Oh. So YOU can't read a micrometer either, eh? YOU are a burden as well. You probably have trouble with a ruler.
It doesn't prevent people from coming into the country because 99% of immigrants walk across the border at legal entrances. And yes it does make sense to create more legal paths to immigration, we could use them.

Illegal immigration does not walk across the border at legal entrances.
They can't perform heart surgery either. They can't read a micrometer so they will bleed the country of tax dollars, that is fucking stupid. They can and do easily perform countless jobs and most of them won't take a dime from any welfare thinking that will cause them to be deported. No, we won't send them back and more will come and fuck you, get used to it or fucking leave.

This country is more than populated enough to be self sufficient. Maybe teach the young to work for what they get? Anyone who has, knows you take better care of what you worked for.
No, fuck you. Teach your kids to become self supportive by taking these entry level jobs and we wouldn't need (which we do not!) this pathetic influx of illegals. I ain't goin' no where.