Another"responsible" gun owner gives public demonstration of safety skills

Oh my...lectured again on how I know nothing but you are an EXPERT on dog combat!

You ever shove your thumb into a dog's eye?

You know how fast one will let go of whatever it's got a hold of, when you do?

Allow me to quote the old cliche:

Only point your gun at someone you intend to shoot...and only shoot at someone you intend to kill.

And you are right...all I heard was that ANOTHER RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNER drew down on someone at a Chucky Cheese...lord knows what horrendous crime was committed that warranted such action...maybe someone blew smoke in her gutless, intolerant face.

Only point your gun at someone you intend to shoot...and only shoot at someone you intend to kill.

Nice to see you following the rules of responsible gun ownership.

I wonder if any of the other "responsible gun owners" on these boards will have anything to say ab out your cowardly overreaction.
You think it ok to blow smoke into an infants face?

If she felt justified, she was justified. Where was there intolerance?

What would you do if someone blew toxic chemicals into your child's face?
Thank him?
Your a fucking retard!
The woman was deemed "responsible" when she applied for, AND WAS GRANTED a permit to carry a weapon legally...this fact clear despite attempts to arbitrarily change the guidelines used to determine "RESPONSIBILITY".

as usual, the whiny two faced douchebag runs away from the tough comments

furthermore, your argument lacks any merit whatsoever. for example, you have a license to drive, thus deemed responsible enough to drive when you pass the test. using your logic, if someone gets into an accident or acts irrationally one time, they are no longer a responsible driver.

keep running away little zap
You think it ok to blow smoke into an infants face?

If she felt justified, she was justified. Where was there intolerance?

What would you do if someone blew toxic chemicals into your child's face?
Thank him?
Your a fucking retard!

I wonder what kind of pathetic excuse for a father takes his one year old into an establishment where smoking is allowed?

I wonder what kind of pathetic excuse for a father doesn't IMMEDIATELY take his child and LEAVE when he finds smokers in the establishment he just entered?

I wonder what kInd of pathetic excuse for a father puts his own selfish desires ahead of the safety of his child?

Then I remembered who I was talking to and the answer became obvious to me...
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i wonder what kind of pathetic excuse a poster uses when he whines about insults, derision, name changes etc...and then turns around and does that which he complains of

then i remembered who i was talking about and the answer became obvious to me
as usual, the whiny two faced douchebag runs away from the tough comments

keep running away little zap

Are you implying that the woman at the Chucky Cheese ACCIDENTALLY chambered a round in front of another?

Because that's the only way your analogy makes any sense.

If one intentionally acts irrationally while driving...say drives drunk, puts others at risk,whatever...and gets caught, then yes, they lose their right to drive and must prove to the proper authorities they are once again responsible enough to drive before they get their license returned.

As usual, ButtHurtYurt resorts to parsing words and spending post after post detouring the discussion with his petty insistence on endlessly arguing the excruciating minutiae...and all just so he won't have to admit he's wrong.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Blowing clouds of poison at my child?
I even asked hi to blow his poison Elswhere. His response was to put his mouth one inch from my one year old and blow smoke right in his face.

Smoke kills right?
He tried to kill my son, even the liberal Boston police agreed that I was completely justified, the liberal cigar smoking child abuser was arrested on harrasment charges.
I was justified and had no option.

Rationalize it any way you have to, you overreacted.

It's quite the tale take your son somewhere smoking is allowed, get pissy when a smoker blows some smoke your way and stick a gun in his face then expect me to buy that the cops let YOU go and arrest HIM?

Do you even have a son or is he just another part of this gun fantasy you have?
I wonder what kind of pathetic excuse for a father takes his one year old into an establishment where smoking is allowed?

I wonder what kind of pathetic excuse for a father doesn't IMMEDIATELY take his child and LEAVE when he finds smokers in the establishment he just entered?

I wonder what kInd of pathetic excuse for a father puts his own selfish desires ahead of the safety of his child?

Then I remembered who I was talking to and the answer became obvious to me...
Newbury st is not an establishment you fucking tard!
Newbury st is outside!
You fucking retard!
You would murder children to achieve your political goals, wouldn't you?

Celebrate each death you liberal fuck!
Rationalize it any way you have to, you overreacted.

It's quite the tale take your son somewhere smoking is allowed, get pissy when a smoker blows some smoke your way and stick a gun in his face then expect me to buy that the cops let YOU go and arrest HIM?

Do you even have a son or is he just another part of this gun fantasy you have?
Smoking is permitted everywhere.
But you forget one thing!
A reasoned and respectful individual would not blow smoke into an infants face!
He was clearly a liberal, liberals apperently desire to see children poisoned!!
Keep up your attacks, it's all you liberals have!!!
Newbury st is not an establishment you fucking tard!
Newbury st is outside!
You fucking retard!
You would murder children to achieve your political goals, wouldn't you?

Celebrate each death you liberal fuck!

Oh, it's outdoors?

In that case your position becomes even more untenable.

Someone was smoking OUTSIDE...where the smoke can just blow away...and you STILL flipped out and threatened to SHOOT ANOTHER PERSON...ROTFLMAO!

And your petty whining that I would murder children to achieve my political goals is OBVIOUSLY a thinly veiled attempt to distract from your outrageous overreaction to someone smoking.
Smoking is permitted everywhere.
But you forget one thing!
A reasoned and respectful individual would not blow smoke into an infants face!
He was clearly a liberal, liberals apperently desire to see children poisoned!!
Keep up your attacks, it's all you liberals have!!!

First of all...smoking is NOT PERMITTED EVERYWHERE...that is total bullshit.


You think you can lecture others on what constitutes "reasoned and respectful"??

You, who stuck a gun IN THE FACE of another for the HIGH CRIME OF SMOKING? OUTDOORS??

Oh nonononono, a "reasoned and respectful" person would not stick a gun in another's face for such a minor infraction...but you go right on trying to get others to accept that what you did is right or even make a better case justifying gun control than I EVER COULD
You think you can lecture others on what constitutes "reasoned and respectful"??

You, who stuck a gun IN THE FACE of another for the HIGH CRIME OF SMOKING? OUTDOORS??

Oh nonononono, a "reasoned and respectful" person would not stick a gun in another's face for such a minor infraction...but you go right on trying to get others to accept that what you did is right or even make a better case justifying gun control than I EVER COULD
it's impossible to take you seriously about what you consider reasoned and respectful when you disparage anyone for exercising rights you don't like. so maybe you should just shut up.
First of all...smoking is NOT PERMITTED EVERYWHERE...that is total bullshit.


You think you can lecture others on what constitutes "reasoned and respectful"??

You, who stuck a gun IN THE FACE of another for the HIGH CRIME OF SMOKING? OUTDOORS??

Oh nonononono, a "reasoned and respectful" person would not stick a gun in another's face for such a minor infraction...but you go right on trying to get others to accept that what you did is right or even make a better case justifying gun control than I EVER COULD
Putting his mouth 1 inch away from my sons face and blowing smoke directly into the face of my son is not smoking.
That is a serious and potentially lethal assault on a 1 year old.
Because I asked him to blow his smoke the other way.
You feel that is acceptable?
He did nothing wrong?
Putting his mouth 1 inch away from my sons face and blowing smoke directly into the face of my son is not smoking.
That is a serious and potentially lethal assault on a 1 year old.
Because I asked him to blow his smoke the other way.
You feel that is acceptable?
He did nothing wrong?

I never said he didn't do anything wrong.

The question is, did he deserve to have a gun shoved in his face for merely blowing smoke your son's way?
Are you implying that the woman at the Chucky Cheese ACCIDENTALLY chambered a round in front of another?

Because that's the only way your analogy makes any sense.

If one intentionally acts irrationally while driving...say drives drunk, puts others at risk,whatever...and gets caught, then yes, they lose their right to drive and must prove to the proper authorities they are once again responsible enough to drive before they get their license returned.

As usual, ButtHurtYurt resorts to parsing words and spending post after post detouring the discussion with his petty insistence on endlessly arguing the excruciating minutiae...and all just so he won't have to admit he's wrong.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

you're wrong about DUI's. you don't have to prove your responsible to get your license back, you don't even lose your license after the first DUI

your ignorance is appalling
i wonder what kind of pathetic excuse a poster uses when he whines about insults, derision, name changes etc...and then turns around and does that which he complains of

then i remembered who i was talking about and the answer became obvious to me

I never said he didn't do anything wrong.

The question is, did he deserve to have a gun shoved in his face for merely blowing smoke your son's way?
Yes he did.
I asked him to blow it away, he refused, I moved, he followed continuing to puff smoke.
I asked him to stop the 3rd time and he walked up to us and put his face right up to my son and blew the smoke into his face at a distance of one inch.
I drew my weapon and told him again to stop, he stopped.
An effective and appropriate use of a weapon in the defense of my family.
What else could I have done?
you're wrong about DUI's. you don't have to prove your responsible to get your license back, you don't even lose your license after the first DUI

your ignorance is appalling usual.

Here is the standard penalty for a first offense in Texas:

A first offense brings:

Up to a $2,000 fine

Up to six months behind bars

Driver license suspension: Up to one year

Annual fine of $1,000 for three years to keep driving privileges.

Got that right from

Once again it's just too much to expect ButtHurtYurt to discuss the issue with any honesty.
i don't live in texas retard, i live in california

poor whiny petty douchebag zappa can't ever get it right

I stated what the law is in the state I then claimed I was wrong.

I pointed out it was indeed YOU who was wrong again, and right on cue, the evasion and word parsing began...LOL!

And lookie here!! What's this I found? The DUI laws in California:

In fact, the moment you are arrested, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will revoke your driving privileges by issuing a license suspension. While you have the opportunity to challenge this penalty by requesting an administrative hearing, you must submit an official request within ten days after your arrest in order for the proceeding to take place. Otherwise, your suspension will remain in effect until your case is tried in criminal court.