Another Tea Party lie exposed!

why is it the right wants businesses to fail that treat employees decently?

why do they spew hate on anyone with money that wants the people paid a living wage?

Because their bullshit lies become apparent when businesses treat employees decently while simultaneously turning a profit.
no, they are not you fucktard. The real TEA party folks are about the FREE MARKET setting wages, DUH!!!!!

Another pile of horseshit.

The TEA Party is ABSOLUTELY against the minimum wage:

GOP-Tea Party Senate candidate, Ms. Jamie Radtke, whining against the government setting a minimum wage to remind anybody who needs reminding that the Tea Party is not a grassroots party or movement for ordinary working people, but reflects the opinions and policies of people like the Koch Brothers whom dropped a ton of dough to start and finance the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party is for corporations.

Its policies are anti-worker. Remember the Tea Party's support for the union busting Governor of Wisconsin?

There is no good argument that one can make against the minimum wage. People who rail against minimum wage laws want only one thing, cheap labor. All wages are based on the minimum wage, which serves as a wage floor. Lower the minimum wage, or get rid of the minimum wage, and all wages will fall.
How's that -30 hour work week caused by the unaffordable healthcare act working out.

And you've based this statement of yours on what? Some BS spewed out by the Koch Brothers or Roger Ailes' media? Read the article and do your own homework, you willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger parrot!
It really wouldn't be an issue if the dems and reps would stop making the cost of living, and doing business keep going up.

But that's what they do.

As opposed to the sheer convoluted "free market" BS that libertarian's spew? Give me a fucking break, will ya please?
Who is rooting for companies to fail? To me a company can pay its employees what it wants. Saying that is different than saying I believe the federal government should force a certain pay amount (minimum) on every employee.

Yeah right, because slave wages are a purely moral, just and economically sound thing to do. Why, Ronnie Raygun's "trickle down" and deregulation has done just fine for us all.

:palm: Give me a fucking break, will ya please?
I'm still trying to figure out what it has to do with the Tea Party......did they claim that Trader Joe was not paying a "living wage" somewhere ? That seems to be
what Clarabell is accussing them of ......

obviously, this has nothing to do with the Tea Party.

....what do they pay anyway ?

Oh my God, it's that asshole who's stuck in some "Father Knows Best" fantasy from the 1950's! Clarabell? Jeezus gramps, get with the times.

FYI: The Tea Party dupes, like the Libertarian lunkheads and the neocons, all spout off some version of reaganomics...a "free market" utopia where ownership/inheritance and investor class rules and workmanship is left to their mercy.

In your fucked up world, Walmart is the model AND is to be defended it's "right" to treat it's workers as it sees long as you ignore the FACT as to the piss poor pay and work rules it uses to make obscene profits for it's owners. And NO ONE claimed that Trader Joe's was paying an unfair wage at one time per se.....READ THE DAMNED ARTICLE, YOU TWIT!
Originally Posted by evince View Post
they are anti minimum wage asshole

no, they are not you fucktard. The real TEA party folks are about the FREE MARKET setting wages, DUH!!!!!

Wake up, you libertarian lunkhead....the Tea Party, like you, are about GREED. So long as YOU are okay, fuck everyone else. YOU don't care how the guy who serves our coffee and donut fares. Why, if they don't like the job, then they can go somewhere else. Surely, the "free market" will provide a living wage situation suitable.

Unfortunately, toodles, 30 years of Reaganomics has proven exactly the opposite. The race to the bottom has resulted, with Walmart employees needing to supplement their pay via foodstamps. Don't take my word for it....LOOK IT UP!

Man, you need to STFU and do some looking around the world you live in.
Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post
we have been doing it for decades and there is nothing fucking wrong with it

Other than it's economic consequences (good and bad) sure there is nothing wrong with it.

If you've EVER tried to live for more than one year on a minimum wage salary, you wouldn't be parroting the Tea Party/new conservative/libertarian tune.
Another pile of horseshit.

The TEA Party is ABSOLUTELY against the minimum wage:

GOP-Tea Party Senate candidate, Ms. Jamie Radtke, whining against the government setting a minimum wage to remind anybody who needs reminding that the Tea Party is not a grassroots party or movement for ordinary working people, but reflects the opinions and policies of people like the Koch Brothers whom dropped a ton of dough to start and finance the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party is for corporations.

Its policies are anti-worker. Remember the Tea Party's support for the union busting Governor of Wisconsin?

There is no good argument that one can make against the minimum wage. People who rail against minimum wage laws want only one thing, cheap labor. All wages are based on the minimum wage, which serves as a wage floor. Lower the minimum wage, or get rid of the minimum wage, and all wages will fall.

This is why I call POS like STY "willfully ignorant", because if you and I can easily access this information, why can't he? Why is he and his like minded compadres so quick to blather on about how wrong I am and NOT be aware of FACTS that contradict their mantras?
Oh my God, it's that asshole who's stuck in some "Father Knows Best" fantasy from the 1950's! Clarabell? Jeezus gramps, get with the times.

FYI: The Tea Party dupes, like the Libertarian lunkheads and the neocons, all spout off some version of reaganomics...a "free market" utopia where ownership/inheritance and investor class rules and workmanship is left to their mercy.

In your fucked up world, Walmart is the model AND is to be defended it's "right" to treat it's workers as it sees long as you ignore the FACT as to the piss poor pay and work rules it uses to make obscene profits for it's owners. And NO ONE claimed that Trader Joe's was paying an unfair wage at one time per se.....READ THE DAMNED ARTICLE, YOU TWIT!

Well of course...they don't have the facts to back up their position so they have to continually make up bullshit to confuse the issue and get people to contradict themselves.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And it's not....the INDIVIDUAL determined a good course of action. READ THE DAMNED ARTICLE CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, will ya please?

And because of their CHOICE, the MARKET has rewarded them. Holy fuck, who would have predicted that?

Stop lying, will ya please? Because the "market" on the whole is NOT following Trader Joe (or Costco) lead. Walmart sure as hell isn't. "Free Market" flunkies like yourself just REFUSE to acknowledge the facts even as it stares them in the face.
This is why I call POS like STY "willfully ignorant", because if you and I can easily access this information, why can't he? Why is he and his like minded compadres so quick to blather on about how wrong I am and NOT be aware of FACTS that contradict their mantras?

It all comes down to a variation on the old "you can lead a horse to water..." line.

You can lead a narrow-minded conservative to the truth, but you can't make him/her accept it.
And you've based this statement of yours on what? Some BS spewed out by the Koch Brothers or Roger Ailes' media? Read the article and do your own homework, you willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger parrot!
Let me see, I base this on what's happened at the company I work for, information from other company's I do business with, TV, radio, etc.

As opposed to the sheer convoluted "free market" BS that libertarian's spew? Give me a fucking break, will ya please?

I wouldn't expect someone who grew up on the tax $ of hard working Americans to understand.

Free market is America baby.

Government controled market is marxism.
Okay, for all you Libertarians, new conservatives, Tea Party folk and general right's what the article is pointing to:

Walmart salaries:

Trader Joe salaries:

If people want jobs that pay more than min wage, they should go get such a job. The only problem is that people like you vote to run good jobs out of here, and make good jobs less likely to find.

So the only real problem is,,,,,,, people like you.

Yes,,,,,,,, "You", and like minded people like you are the problem.
I wouldn't expect someone who grew up on the tax $ of hard working Americans to understand.

Free market is America baby.

Government controled market is marxism.

You grew up in the one of the most heavily government subsidized eras in this county's history....the Post WW2 era. GI bills, student loans, housing loans, etc. You also grew up in an era where black folk where fighting against discrimination in the job market, the housing market, Jim Crow laws, etc. As for a true "free market", just do a little research as to what happened to a guy named Tucker and his car design.

A matter of fact, a matter of history.....minus your simple assed "Father Know's Best" fantasy.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, for all you Libertarians, new conservatives, Tea Party folk and general right's what the article is pointing to:

Walmart salaries:

Trader Joe salaries:

If people want jobs that pay more than min wage, they should go get such a job. The only problem is that people like you vote to run good jobs out of here, and make good jobs less likely to find.

So the only real problem is,,,,,,, people like you.

Yes,,,,,,,, "You", and like minded people like you are the problem.

WTF are you babbling about? Obviously, you cannot/ will not deal with the FACTS I put forth here, so you parrot the same old drivel that the Koch brothers and Walmart preach to you.

Think, you stupid SOB, THINK! If the gov't (local or fed) grants Walmart a tax break on property, then they can move right into a town, usurp the local stores with lower prices and not pay their workers a decent wage. Maximum profit to the owners, and everyone else is screwed.

Look it up stupid, or don't you have the guts?