Another Vigilante Case.......We Knew It Was Coming .....

I stated that the Zimmerman case and this one were similar because Zimmerman stalked Trayvon. You cleared it up that Florida law means it's necessary to harass multiple times to be considered stalking. I'm willing to admit my mistake in terminology even though the rest of the Country has a different definition.
No, they don't. Stalking/harassment is determined by a PATTERN of behavior. There is no state in the union (or territory in our posession) that defines either the way you do.
But you never debated me that it wasn't harassment...The leading part of "stalking" but only if it happens "multiple times". You basically stated that it is harassment, but not stalking according to Florida Law. Tomato wins.
No. It was not stalking, it was not harassment, it was not in any way, shape or form, a crime. Zimmerman was legally in the right 110%.

I'm going to give YOU the Liberty to give me the term that describes what Zimmerman did. I'll guess it will be "followed" but I will let you pick the term kid. Chose the term it takes to describe the actions that Zimmerman made. Then explain why........................THIS is where you coward and leave because you don't have that in you.

I don't know why Zimmerman followed Martin. There are a slew of possible reasons. However, none of those possible reasons are relevent. Zimmerman was doing nothing wrong. Martin attacked him based on this, which is against the law. And in the end he died for his stupidity.
No, they don't. Stalking/harassment is determined by a PATTERN of behavior. There is no state in the union (or territory in our posession) that defines either the way you do.
No. It was not stalking, it was not harassment, it was not in any way, shape or form, a crime. Zimmerman was legally in the right 110%.

I don't know why Zimmerman followed Martin. There are a slew of possible reasons. However, none of those possible reasons are relevent. Zimmerman was doing nothing wrong. Martin attacked him based on this, which is against the law. And in the end he died for his stupidity.

Ok kid, educate me. Tell me why Harassment is only Harassment when done on multiple occasions. Also explain in your "law is perfect and always correct terms" that it takes multiple occasions to consider harassment, YOU stated.

I'm waiting :good4u:
So easy..

Hey, don't respond right away. Google it, look it up. Is Harassment illegal and does law in Florida bla bla bla.

Why not just use your brain on what is right or wrong nut fuzz. It's only PEOPLE who write the laws, not immortals. PEOPLE interpret what is right and wrong through debate, not by googling it kiddo.

*looks for a way to like own post*


Looks like 2 minutes is the length of your attention span.
Either that; or your so narcacistic that you feel you need to be responded to, immediately.
I stepped away kid....maybe chill a bit. You seem to be very emotional when debating me. I understand why, but you need to grow up and be an adult. Control your emotions and make decisions based on what is right and what is wrong. Not on what someone tells you to say.

Settle down, breath........control yourself.

Drop your party and make a decision on your own in your mind. Your copy/paste answers only win on certain terms. Your inner belief is what politics is about, not copy/paste. The PEOPLE run this Government, not the other way around.

This is funny; seeing as how it was you who started crying like a fucking bitch, after 2 minutes.
So tell me what you mean by stating "Fix You" Do you mean I'm not entitled as an American to have an American opinion and you need to "Fix me"? Sounds very David Koresh to me.

You commented that stupid couldn't be fixed and I responded that I wasn't trying to fix you.
Are you also cognitive impaired, along with being myopic?
You commented that stupid couldn't be fixed and I responded that I wasn't trying to fix you.
Are you also cognitive impaired, along with being myopic?

I speed read your argument, mostly because it didn't deserve time or attention and made a mistake. THANK YOU for pointing it out.

Perhaps now you can focus on the FORUM TOPIC.

No you can' takes BRAINS.
I speed read your argument, mostly because it didn't deserve time or attention and made a mistake. THANK YOU for pointing it out.

Perhaps now you can focus on the FORUM TOPIC.

No you can' takes BRAINS.

Your desire to jump to conclusions is verified by your constant use of falsehoods.

By the way, you're a fucking liar.