Another warning to the Conservative Republican Christians About Halloween


Adorable how loser is screeching for attention. :)






Leftism/Liberalism is a mental disorder and must be stopped. Warn and teach the children.

To be continued...
Tips for good christians on Halloween

1. Wait for unsaved children to come to your door and hurl a bucket full of warm lamb's blood (goat or dog blood can be substituted later in the night if you run out) all over their hair and faces. Shout - "I plead the power of the Blood of the Perfect Lamb over you! Take that! FOUL DEMON!"

2. Dress up as the freshly resurrected Christ. To make your costume as realistic as possible: (a) use your mother's sewing needles to poke holes in your hands and stomach; (b) wear bluish makeup to look like someone who has been dead and lying around in a cave for a couple of days; and (c) stuff five pounds of week-old hamburger meat in your pockets to smell like rotting flesh. Sneak up behind people, grab them, turn them around, look them in they eyes and scream, "Why have you forsaken me!" And then slap them very hard across the face with a palm-full of rancid hamburger meat. It will usually scare the living Hell out of little children, and they are sure to remember their first experience with Jesus for the rest of their pathetic lives.

3. Offer to exchange your giant treat bag with the small bag of an unsaved child - when he gets home, surprise! BIBLES!
Tips for good christians on Halloween

1. Wait for unsaved children to come to your door and hurl a bucket full of warm lamb's blood (goat or dog blood can be substituted later in the night if you run out) all over their hair and faces. Shout - "I plead the power of the Blood of the Perfect Lamb over you! Take that! FOUL DEMON!"

2. Dress up as the freshly resurrected Christ. To make your costume as realistic as possible: (a) use your mother's sewing needles to poke holes in your hands and stomach; (b) wear bluish makeup to look like someone who has been dead and lying around in a cave for a couple of days; and (c) stuff five pounds of week-old hamburger meat in your pockets to smell like rotting flesh. Sneak up behind people, grab them, turn them around, look them in they eyes and scream, "Why have you forsaken me!" And then slap them very hard across the face with a palm-full of rancid hamburger meat. It will usually scare the living Hell out of little children, and they are sure to remember their first experience with Jesus for the rest of their pathetic lives.

3. Offer to exchange your giant treat bag with the small bag of an unsaved child - when he gets home, surprise! BIBLES!

Okay. I admit to laughing out loud. I'll try to remember to say some Hail Marys tomorrow. :laugh:
^I take it back, guno IS 'tarded.

As a rebuttal:

Give the trick-or-treaters gefilte fish and matzoh.


guno is a tard.
Tips for good christians on Halloween

1. Wait for unsaved children to come to your door and hurl a bucket full of warm lamb's blood (goat or dog blood can be substituted later in the night if you run out) all over their hair and faces. Shout - "I plead the power of the Blood of the Perfect Lamb over you! Take that! FOUL DEMON!"
A Christian performing an old Jewish rite???
2. Dress up as the freshly resurrected Christ. To make your costume as realistic as possible: (a) use your mother's sewing needles to poke holes in your hands and stomach; (b) wear bluish makeup to look like someone who has been dead and lying around in a cave for a couple of days; and (c) stuff five pounds of week-old hamburger meat in your pockets to smell like rotting flesh. Sneak up behind people, grab them, turn them around, look them in they eyes and scream, "Why have you forsaken me!" And then slap them very hard across the face with a palm-full of rancid hamburger meat. It will usually scare the living Hell out of little children, and they are sure to remember their first experience with Jesus for the rest of their pathetic lives.
What makes you think a resurrected body is rotting??
3. Offer to exchange your giant treat bag with the small bag of an unsaved child - when he gets home, surprise! BIBLES!
Play the trick on that house. They earned it.
Yeah. Instead of a fun Holiday for kids, it's turned into a 'Political' issue. :( (A Day for Satan-Worshippers)

Some have turned it into a religious issue. Moron fundamentalists, mostly. Yup. Christianity has it's fundamentalists, just like any religion.
No kids in the neighborhood?

There is,.... lots of them . I want to hand out candy this year like we always used to. She says its celebrating an evil non Christian holiday by giving out candy. Hardest part? .......she is actually 100% right. So, sorry kids, candy from us this year.
I want to have fun with it again like we always used to. But no doubt about IS a pagan thing not a Christian thing,.... so we cant. Be glad when its over...LOL
I want to have fun with it again like we always used to. But no doubt about IS a pagan thing not a Christian thing,.... so we cant. Be glad when its over...LOL
How many people celebrate Christmas, but don't celebrate Christmas?

Mixed religion families celebrate Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa etc. without a care about what the 'religious' ramifications are.

It's free fucking candy. A kid's dream. Does your wife actually believe that any of the kids who might litter your doorstep worship Satan? Or trees?

She's missing a good opportunity to make some kids happy. Sounds Christian to me.