Another warning to the Conservative Republican Christians About Halloween

I want to have fun with it again like we always used to. But no doubt about IS a pagan thing not a Christian thing,.... so we cant. Be glad when its over...LOL

"Malachi 4:2

The worship of the Sun (Sol) was indigenous to the Romans, who had a temple to Sol Indiges on the Quirinal that was said to have been established by Tatius, king of the Sabines, the first inhabitants of the hill who, after the rape of the Sabine women, reconciled with Romulus and ruled jointly in the eighth century BC (Quintillian, Institutio Oratoria, I.7.12; Varro, De Lingua Latina, V.10). There also was a temple to Sol (as well as one to Luna) in the Circus Maximus, where chariot races took place under the auspices of these deities (Tacitus, Annals, XV.74; Tertullian, De Spectaculis, VIII.1). The four-horse quadriga, for example, was consecrated to the sun, just as the two-horse biga was entrusted to the Moon (Tertullian, IX.3). The foundation dates, too, of the temples on the Quirinal and in the Circus both were in August (the ninth and twenty-eighth, respectively), when the heat of the sun was most intense."
The marriage of Christianity and the Republican party has formed the no-fun league. They just bitch about everything. Halloween used to be fun for kids. They never gave a thought to the scary shit the Repubs weep about now. Were you people ever kids?
The marriage of Christianity and the Republican party has formed the no-fun league. They just bitch about everything. Halloween used to be fun for kids. They never gave a thought to the scary shit the Repubs weep about now. Were you people ever kids?

the marriage of demmycrats and abject ignorance is sad......will you children ever be adults?......
How many people celebrate Christmas, but don't celebrate Christmas?

Mixed religion families celebrate Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa etc. without a care about what the 'religious' ramifications are.

It's free fucking candy. A kid's dream. Does your wife actually believe that any of the kids who might litter your doorstep worship Satan? Or trees?

She's missing a good opportunity to make some kids happy. Sounds Christian to me.

We dont do Christmas or Easter anymore either.
What you guys have to understand is this....... I like celebrating Halloween and Christmas,....but its not THAT big of a deal. I could easily sit down and have a talk with my wife and it would end up that we could kind of celebrate those holidays again somewhat. But here is the KEY POINT,...she is not wrong. In fact she is 100% right. I cant in good conscience talk her into this stuff when I know she is right. Just wouldnt feel right AT ALL. People get used to things like Christmas or Halloween because we have done it all our lives so we do not question it. But it still doesnt make it right.
I want to have fun with it again like we always used to. But no doubt about IS a pagan thing not a Christian thing,.... so we cant. Be glad when its over...LOL

Halloween is not part of the Pagan religion. There is no Pagan religion. Paganism is simply any religion that is not Christian. It's a simple belief in humanity. The name of Halloween came from Christianity though, specifically the Catholic Church.

This festival (or holiday in today's terms) simply marked a the beginning of a new year on a calendar in use at the time, and celebrated the harvest home, and also remembering those that have passed before us (The Day of the Dead is a similar practice in Mexico, but is held on Nov 1st). In some cultures, such as Mexico, they will set up afrinda alters with photographs or pictures of loved ones in their past family. A rather sweet tradition.

New Year celebrations are often associated with two faces, the beginning and the end. It is at this time that people also remember their loved ones that have passed. You might say the link between the living and the dead is closest during this celebration. In the States, New Year comes instead after the Winter Solstice, and the 1st month is named January, after the two-faced god Janus.

Originally the festival was called Samhain, and was celebrated among the Celts. The Catholic Church, in an effort to quash Samhain, created All Saints Day, which ironically is used to celebrate all saints, known and unknown, and including those that have already passed. It later became known as All Hallows Day, again to honor the saints. The Samhain festival was the day before, so it became known as All Hallow's Eve, later shortened to Halloween.

The tradition of candy for the kids stems from the harvest home.
The traditions of ghosts, goblins, witches, silly decorations and costumes, grew over the years...sort of a mutation of the Day of the Dead celebration mixed into it.

If you want to feel miserable on Halloween, that's your business. It's also being an ingrate. Harvest home is a special time. Appreciate the harvest. It feeds you through the coming hard winter months ahead. For kids, it's fun and candy. Why make their life miserable?
How many people celebrate Christmas, but don't celebrate Christmas?

Mixed religion families celebrate Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa etc. without a care about what the 'religious' ramifications are.

It's free fucking candy. A kid's dream. Does your wife actually believe that any of the kids who might litter your doorstep worship Satan? Or trees?

She's missing a good opportunity to make some kids happy. Sounds Christian to me.

How could you celebrate Christmas and NOT celebrate Christmas?? By being miserable at Christmas?

I know it's early, but Christmas was yet another attempt by the Catholic Church to quash a normal celebration of an annual astronomical event (the winter solstice). We really have the day Christ was born. The Bible does not mention one. It does tend to mention a season, however. Lambing season, which takes place in the Spring.

So why is this celebration now held in the Winter??
There is,.... lots of them . I want to hand out candy this year like we always used to. She says its celebrating an evil non Christian holiday by giving out candy.
The holiday was NAMED as a result of the Catholic Church, dude. Not all celebrations require a religious purpose. You don't want to celebrate harvest home. That's your miserable. What makes this holiday 'evil'?
Hardest part? .......she is actually 100% right.
How? What makes this holiday 'evil'?
So, sorry kids, candy from us this year.
Expect tricks then. You deserve it. You want to name a happy celebration 'evil'. You want to be miserable. You have only yourself to blame. You are also an ingrate. You do not honor those that came before you...not even your own family.

You want to enforce your misery on kids by becoming a hermit on this day.

If anything is evil, THAT is.
The marriage of Christianity and the Republican party has formed the no-fun league. They just bitch about everything. Halloween used to be fun for kids. They never gave a thought to the scary shit the Repubs weep about now. Were you people ever kids?

Halloween is still fun for kids. The Republican party has done nothing to quash Halloween. Not all Republicans are Christians either. You're a bigot.
I notice YOU are bitching about everything.
We dont do Christmas or Easter anymore either.

Your choice. Live in your own self-induced misery.

You call yourselves Christian. Christmas is short for Christ's Mass, and celebrates the birth of Christ. It doesn't matter what time of year you celebrate that. I celebrate it every day of the year myself!

Christmas was set where it is to try to quash celebrations of the Winter Solstice, the moment when the Sun starts its long journey northward, and the the days start getting longer and brighter.

The Egyptians were the first to bring a tree into the house and decorate it during this time. Norse traditions as supported from the Prose Erda envisioned a 'world tree' that tied all the planes of existence together. It was an ash tree. The demi-god Loki was a shape shifter, and the demi-god of fire. The lights of Loki were put on trees to decorate them, first as candles. In the Prose Erda, Loki destroys the World Tree and Valhalla. Too many trees also burned from the candles, and often burned down the house! Too realistic!

When the Catholic Church came northward and tried to quash these celebrations, they did it by renaming it Christmas, and designating an evergreen to be used instead of an ash or palm tree, for the evergreen never loses it's needles in the winter like other trees, resembling the word of Christ and God lasting forever.

Fortunately, today trees can be decorated with LEDs, an altogether safer form of lighting them! Many are good artificial trees too, which are safer than the so-called 'real thing'. Plastic trees nasty? They actually last better and look pretty good these days. Go check 'em out at your local Home Depot or Lowes store.

I celebrate Christ's birth at the Winter solstice. The Sun is beginning to return, just as Christ promises life everlasting and resurrection from death.
I celebrate Christ's birth in the Spring too. It probably is more accurate according to what little information is given in the Bible.

Easter is a celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. You say you are a Christian, but you do not want to note this important event in Christianity??
Christmas is a Pagan holiday, but Easter?

Christmas is not a Pagan holiday. There is no such thing as a Pagan religion. Paganism is simply any belief that is not Christianity. The word itself comes from the Catholic Church.

Christmas itself is a celebration of Christ's birth. How is that a Pagan holiday?
The holiday was NAMED as a result of the Catholic Church, dude. Not all celebrations require a religious purpose. You don't want to celebrate harvest home. That's your miserable. What makes this holiday 'evil'?

How? What makes this holiday 'evil'?

Expect tricks then. You deserve it. You want to name a happy celebration 'evil'. You want to be miserable. You have only yourself to blame. You are also an ingrate. You do not honor those that came before you...not even your own family.

You want to enforce your misery on kids by becoming a hermit on this day.

If anything is evil, THAT is.

I honor those that came before me all the time. Not by handing out candy though...WTF,...thats just stupid. I really really wanna honor great grampa, kid,..have a mini snickers bar, that otta do it!
Whaaaaaaaat?? :laugh:

Maybe for Memorial day we can start a new tradition and throw lollypops on everyones lawn and instead of showing the Sands of iwa jima on tv they can show Willy wonka movies.
Easter? Sure is,....BIGTIME. The rabbit, the egg,...symbolic. Easter= Ishtar.

Rabbits tend to have their litters in the Spring. (Actually, I figure they are born pregnant...they seem geared to do little but eat and make more rabbits).
The egg is representative of birth. Spring is a kind of birth in it's own right. Plants are waking up after the long winter, and crops are planted to begin anew.

Easter itself is a celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. It's a Christian holiday...a rather important one.

Kids hunting colored eggs is just plain fun for the kids. Sure they miss a few. Make a map to remove them after the hunt so you don't leave the minefield out there of rotten eggs. It's not hard.

In my opinion, you simply don't like kids.
What you guys have to understand is this....... I like celebrating Halloween and Christmas,....but its not THAT big of a deal. I could easily sit down and have a talk with my wife and it would end up that we could kind of celebrate those holidays again somewhat. But here is the KEY POINT,...she is not wrong. In fact she is 100% right. I cant in good conscience talk her into this stuff when I know she is right. Just wouldnt feel right AT ALL. People get used to things like Christmas or Halloween because we have done it all our lives so we do not question it. But it still doesnt make it right.

She is wrong. So are you.
Such are your beliefs. They have brought you to misery. You want to impose that misery on kids. You don't like kids.
Christmas is not a Pagan holiday. There is no such thing as a Pagan religion. Paganism is simply any belief that is not Christianity. The word itself comes from the Catholic Church.

Christmas itself is a celebration of Christ's birth. How is that a Pagan holiday?

For one thing if you actually take the time to dig deeper, YES, are correct Christ was NOT born on DEC 25th,....but you know who WAS CLAIMED TO BE? Several of the heathen Dieties were thats who!