Anti-Czar bill introduced

Originally Posted by Damocles View Post
Energy czar Carol Browner --Yes Energy Czar, but an old position

Urban czar Adolfo Carrion, Jr. - Director of the newly-created White House Office of Urban Affairs Policy.

Infotech czar Vivek Kundra -- Federal Chief Information Officer

Faith-based czar Joshua DuBois -- head of the Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Health reform czar Nancy-Ann DeParle -- director of the White House Office for Health Reform

New TARP czar Herb Allison -- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability of the United States.

Stimulus accountability czar Earl Devaney -- chairman of the new Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board

Non-proliferation czar Gary Samore -- U.S. government-wide coordinator on the prevention of WMD terrorism and proliferation

Terrorism (I thought they didn't use that word) czar John Brennan -- Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism

Regulatory czar Cass Sunstein -- head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske -- Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

Guantanamo closure czar Daniel Fried -- Guantanamo Closure Czar

I did find one new Czar in there.
Impeach Obama!
are you claiming bush created all these czars?

Are you claiming he didn't?

A drug czar has been around since Bill Bennett. Many of these people were around for years under different titles. It's only the rabid righties that are now making an issue of it, since they don't have anything important to focus on.
Are you claiming he didn't?

A drug czar has been around since Bill Bennett. Many of these people were around for years under different titles. It's only the rabid righties that are now making an issue of it, since they don't have anything important to focus on.

as this thread is about NEW czars....i would have expected that when you called them "bush's" czars you were talking about NEW czars...i didn't want to assume so i asked you a question

the czar issue has been a topic ever since a czar was appt....get your facts straight you partisan if no libs criticized any of bush's new czars
1) What is "it?"

2) Continue reading the thread.
1. Since I quoted you can ascertain what "it" is without my help, unless you are incapable of understanding the subject of the quote.

Anyway, here is the line in the quote that I was talking about "it"...

It's also quite interesting that suddenly the Republicans are concerned about expansive executive power.

2. They are all new, IMO, as they have received their jobs in the last 6 months.
1. Since I quoted you can ascertain what "it" is without my help, unless you are incapable of understanding the subject of the quote.

Anyway, here is the line in the quote that I was talking about "it"...

2. They are all new, IMO, as they have received their jobs in the last 6 months.

As to 2, please provide a list of czars created by Obama as opposed to "czar" positions that existed under previous presidents that Obama filled. Please also provide a list of czars that existed under Bush but that were not filled by Obama.
2. They are all new, IMO, as they have received their jobs in the last 6 months.


I guess the office of president is new as well since Obama has only been in there about 6 months?
2. They are all new, IMO, as they have received their jobs in the last 6 months.


I guess the office of president is new as well since Obama has only been in there about 6 months?
When Obama reached 9 he already had more czars than any preceding President, yet he continued to create no less than 20 positions, not counting the "Pay Czar" and many others. Can you name Bush's Energy czar? How about his "Pay czar"? How about his "Auto recovery czar"? No? (Obama's auto recovery czar: Czar Ed Montgomery) Can you name Bush's Urban Affairs czar? (Obama's Czar Adolfo Carrion, Jr.) How 'bout his "Information czar"? (Obama's: Czar Vivek Kundra). His Technology czar? (Obama's: Czar Aneesh Chopra). How 'bout Bush's "Great Lakes czar"? (Obama's: Czar Cameron Davis). Yeah... Obama's created many new "czars".

He is a new President, yes. He asked me which of the czars were new, they are all new, just as the president is, and the administration, etc.

Here is a list of czars that Bush created. (IMO still a power grab by the President and a way to run around the checks and balance that the Congress is supposed to provide with affirmation votes of appointees.)

Donald E. Powell.
Bush’s Czar to Rebuild Gulf Coast

John P. Walters.
Bush's Drug Czar (I believe this one was created under Reagan) Obama's Drug Czar: Czar R. Gil Kerlikowske

Karen Hughes.
Bush's Public Diplomacy Czar

Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute.
Bush's 'War Czar'

Randall Tobias.
Bush's AIDS Czar

Dr. Mark Dybul.
Bush's other AIDS Czar

Richard Stickler.
Bush's Mine Safety Czar

John Negroponte.
Bush's Intelligence Czar

Otto Reich.
Bush's Latin America czar
Strange that their jobs titles do not say Czar. Except for a couple.
so where does this czar spin come from?
Strange that their jobs titles do not say Czar. Except for a couple.
so where does this czar spin come from?
But they do say Czar in their titles. For the ones that I put in that post I even included it.

There are also other czars that have the same power but are called something else, I did not include those in the post. Obama has created or appointed to ones that already existed no less than 20 of them that have the title of czar.

Here's a nice list of them:

1. Czar R. Gil Kerlikowske; Drug Czar
2. Czar Carol Browner; Energy Czar (one of the "new" ones)
3. Czar Ed MontgomeryMontgomery; Auto Recovery Czar (one of the "new" ones)
4. Czar Adolfo Carrion, Jr.; Urban Affairs Czar (arguably one of the "new" ones, but could replace the domestic policy czar)
5. Czar Vivek Kundra; Information Czar (one of the "new" ones)
6. Czar Aneesh Chopra; Technology Czar (one of the "new" ones)
7. Czar Cameron Davis; Great Lakes Czar
8. Czar Dennis Blair; Intelligence Czar
9. Czar Nancy-Ann DeParle; Health Czar
10. Czar Paul Volcker; Economic Czar
11. Czar Cass Sunstein; Regulatory Czar
12. Czar Herb Allison; Bailout Czar (or TARP Czar)
13. Czar Earl Devaney; Stimulus Accountability Czar
14. Czar Alan Bersin; Border Czar
15. Czar Gary Samore; Non-Proliferation Czar
16. Czar Danny Fried; Guantanamo Closure Czar
17. Czar John Brennan; Terrorism Czar
18. Czar Joshua DuBois ; Faith-Based Czar
19. Czar Ashton Carter ; Weapons Czar
20. Czar Van Jones; Green Jobs Czar
21. Czar John Holdren ; Science Czar
22. Czar Jeffrey Crowley; AIDS Czar (look, old position, new czar)
23. Czar Kenneth Feinberg; Pay Czar
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But they do say Czar in their titles. For the ones that I put in that post I even included it.

There are also other czars that have the same power but are called something else, I did not include those in the post. Obama has created no less than 20 of them that have the title of czar.

I googled all those in you list and only 3 I thnk said Czar in their title.
What I put on my reply was what I found, no intrepretation or spin.

Most were from wiki.
I googled all those in you list and only 3 I thnk said Czar in their title.
What I put on my reply was what I found, no intrepretation or spin.

Most were from wiki.
And what I put in my reply, including the list is what I found.
This bill should be titled "Hamstring the President bill".
Bullshit! There is no Constitutional allowance for czars. They are appointed to cabinet type positions without any vetting, any advice and consent. I voted for this guy but I don't like this use czars to avoid accountability. I am encouraging my rep to vote for it.
Bullshit! There is no Constitutional allowance for czars. They are appointed to cabinet type positions without any vetting, any advice and consent. I voted for this guy but I don't like this use czars to avoid accountability. I am encouraging my rep to vote for it.

good are you going to be as passionate on all things that constitution allows? for instance, spending?
Bullshit! There is no Constitutional allowance for czars. They are appointed to cabinet type positions without any vetting, any advice and consent. I voted for this guy but I don't like this use czars to avoid accountability. I am encouraging my rep to vote for it.

Which of the czars do you contend were appointed to "cabinet type positions?" Which do you contend were "to avoid accountability?"

As I said, I support the premise of the bill, but I can't think of many of the so-called "czars" that fit the description of performing functions typically performed by cabinet secretaries and that were not Senate-confirmed.
Bullshit! There is no Constitutional allowance for czars. They are appointed to cabinet type positions without any vetting, any advice and consent. I voted for this guy but I don't like this use czars to avoid accountability. I am encouraging my rep to vote for it.

We face serious problems and need as much "Braintrust" power as we can get to advise the president and congress. Similar to the way FDR did.
I don't get what the big issue is with Czars. I didn't care about them under Bush, I don't care about them under Obama; there have been "czars" in Washington for as long as I can remember.

Show me an example of a czar overriding constitutional authority; it may be out there, but I haven't really seen it. To me, it's just appointing someone to oversee whatever efforts are being made on issues that they have deemed important. I don't expect a President to get involved in the minutia of coordinating efforts between the legistlative branch, White House, local authorities, corporations, etc., on an issue like energy.

People have become far too paranoid. The erosion of our freedoms! Spitting on the Constitution! Tyranny! In the end, we're really a bunch of spoiled brats to think that "czars" are a huge infringement on freedom or the Constitution....
I don't get what the big issue is with Czars. I didn't care about them under Bush, I don't care about them under Obama; there have been "czars" in Washington for as long as I can remember.

Show me an example of a czar overriding constitutional authority; it may be out there, but I haven't really seen it. To me, it's just appointing someone to oversee whatever efforts are being made on issues that they have deemed important. I don't expect a President to get involved in the minutia of coordinating efforts between the legistlative branch, White House, local authorities, corporations, etc., on an issue like energy.

People have become far too paranoid. The erosion of our freedoms! Spitting on the Constitution! Tyranny! In the end, we're really a bunch of spoiled brats to think that "czars" are a huge infringement on freedom or the Constitution....

Ummm, for one, Obama's Green Jobs Czar is an admitted Communist and Black radical.
Ummm, for one, Obama's Green Jobs Czar is an admitted Communist and Black radical.

REally! An admitted Communist and a Black radical!

Now, can we see where he "admitted" he is a Communist? And can you also define "Black radical"? Does that mean black people who don't think you're better than they are?