Ummm, for one, Obama's Green Jobs Czar is an admitted Communist and Black radical.
So, in Tutu-language, that means he's an African American Democrat?
Look out, America; kiss your freedom goodbye....
Ummm, for one, Obama's Green Jobs Czar is an admitted Communist and Black radical.
Ummm, for one, Obama's Green Jobs Czar is an admitted Communist and Black radical.
The "Green Jobs Czar" is actually the Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and is a position within the Council on Environmental Quality, an entity created by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. In addition to creating the Council on Environmental Quality through the NEPA, Congress authorized the Council to employ such persons as it deemed necessary to carry out its functions. The members of the Council are all Senate approved and the "Green Jobs Czar" was employed by the Council consistent with the congressional authorization.
I understand that you don't like the guy, but what's the problem from a constitutional perspective?
So, in Tutu-language, that means he's an African American Democrat?
Look out, America; kiss your freedom goodbye....
Oh man, where's a rim-shot when you need one!!
Give Onceler a Ba-DOOM!