Anti-Obamacare blowhard blown away!

The only 'Socialist' healthcare in the country is delivered by the V.A. You're going to have to refine your bullshit talking points, unless you want to continue to sound like an ass

Unless you can present some other economic and social system other than ”SOCIALISM”: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles. (Encarta English Dictionary), OR,

”CAPITALISM”: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit.(Encarta English Dictionary), then I’ll have to ask you which definition, “socialism” or “capitalism” best fits Obamacare? It has to be one or the other or a hybridized combination of both. What’s your determination? Is it socialist, capitalist or crony socialist/capitalist?
What a fantastic collection of supposition and conjecture and just plain bullshit by this bogus Classic Liberal. All he does is just repeat long, tired and defeated neocon/teabagger BS...but like the man in the video, the second he's presented with reality, he just retreats into his own fantasy.

As usual the leftist moron, for a lack of specific rational argument decides just like his/her counterpart on the right Truth Detector to shoot the messenger with insult bullets, because of course he's fucking clueless! how fucking cute is that??????????????
What's the difference between allowing an extension for Obamacare and allowing an extension to file federal taxes?

Well gee; the first difference is that in order to file an extension on your taxes you have to PAY what is owed WITH the extension.

There are a myriad of other differences but this analogy is too painfully stupid and ignorant to actually take seriously.
Hey chuckles, where's the information about all those Republican control states that have REFUSED to comply with the ACA mandate, and have INTERFERED WITH FEDERAL AIDS TO HELP GUIDE PEOPLE MANUALLY?

This is quite common when debating with gullible leftist twits stuck on stupid; the idiot claim that the ONLY reason this law is an incredible mess and failure is because Republicans just won’t support it.

‘Obamacare’ National Marketing Campaign To Cost Nearly $700 Million

The federal government has spent $634million on the Obamacare website – more than it cost to build Facebook or Twitter, it was revealed today.

A new report from the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, using Congressional Budget Office data, reveals the federal health care law will impose $4 trillion in tax increases by 2035.

Hell, the money they have pissed away just trying to implement this “O”bamination would have insured millions of poor.

Grow the fuck up and get your head out of Limbaugh's ass, you nit!

Isn’t it typical of low information dunces like you to engage in your child-like canards? And then you wonder why people point at you and laugh.

What a fantastic collection of supposition and conjecture and just plain bullshit by this bogus Classic Liberal. All he does is just repeat long, tired and defeated neocon/teabagger BS...but like the man in the video, the second he's presented with reality, he just retreats into his own fantasy.

Another typical leftist strawman canard from leftist twits; everyone is a neocon/teabagger.

You really are an blithering idiot aren't you? No wonder you voted for the most inept, inexperienced, economically clueless hyper partisan divisive dunce to sit in the White House. You're the poster boy of the low information voter.
The only 'Socialist' healthcare in the country is delivered by the V.A. You're going to have to refine your bullshit talking points, unless you want to continue to sound like an ass

So hoisting a FEDERAL mandate on ALL Americans that they HAVE to buy insurance that can only contain SPECIFIC types of coverage is not a socialist effort? Perhaps you are correct, that it is not mere socialist, but actually Fascist?
As usual the leftist moron, for a lack of specific rational argument decides just like his/her counterpart on the right Truth Detector to shoot the messenger with insult bullets, because of course he's fucking clueless! how fucking cute is that??????????????

I am amused that you farcically think you can command the moral high ground when it comes to hurling personal insults. How stupid are you? How old are you; three? You sound just like the cabal of whiney brain dead Liberals that infest this forum with their special brand of stupid. Hell, they even thank you! Let's be honest here, you're really a whiney empty headed leftist wearing a Libertarian disguise.

Do you not read your own insult laced posts? It is beyond mere irony when a repulsive vulgar dunce like you whines when others hurl insults.

I found a video of you:

What's the difference between allowing an extension for Obamacare and allowing an extension to file federal taxes?

Well if you can point me to where Obama has statutory authority to do so I would love to read it

By allowing this you nullify Congress. I know you don't care and will twist yourself in knots defending it because it is The Obama

But ask yourself this question. If there were a Republican President right now and he were delaying Obummercare left and right would you be so accomodating?

Be honest. Your words may come back to haunt you some day
I am amused that you farcically think you can command the moral high ground when it comes to hurling personal insults.

When did I ever claim the “moral high ground” Jerkoff?

The difference between my insulting rhetoric and yours is mine is always attached to actual rational and specific well thought out arguments, (for emphasis),and yours simply has nothing to do with rational well thought out arguments it’s simply all rambling blabbering insults straight from your pea-brain catalog of “lower learning.”

How stupid are you? How old are you; three?

I was lecturing on political constitutionality and the lack thereof when your pea-brain ran down your momma’s leg Idiot.

You sound just like the cabal of whiney brain dead Liberals that infest this forum with their special brand of stupid. Hell, they even thank you! Let's be honest here, you're really a whiney empty headed leftist wearing a Libertarian disguise.

Maybe that’s because I AM a proud CLASSICAl LIBERAL pea-brain. I’m one of so very few true, Bill Of Rights liberals. The fucking morons you identify as liberals are actually neo-commie leftist, moron, but don’t worry I never expected you to know anything about that.

If the lefties “thank me” it’s only because I endlessly expose your hypocrisy and clueless drivel.
This is really all we need to know about your link, huh?

“Paul is right about the numbers when he said most people in Kentucky signing up for health care were enrolled in Medicaid. About 90,250 individuals have been enrolled in Medicaid while 33,290 have picked private insurance plans.”

“Clearly, a dependent with out-of-state parents applying for insurance isn’t a typical situation. Maybe one of the Pauls made a mistake on the paperwork. Or maybe the state marketplace made the mistake and directed Paul to the wrong coverage. We can’t really know for sure either way.”

Fact is, in Kentucky just like every other state, the majority of the people signing up for Obamacare are the ones government is placing into the extorted taxpayer’s redistribution of wealth program ”Medicaid.” Obamacare is just another hybridized socialist/capitalist/crony racket to extort the taxpayers and reward government’s insurance company cronies.

Once again, you deliberately misinterpret the conclusion of the article by excerpting only what fits your preconceived notions.

Bottom line: Paul made a DEFINITIVE STATEMENT THAT CANNOT BE CORROBORATED BY THE FACTS. Either he screwed up or the state did. Here's a quote YOU don't like:

Because Kynect staff cannot comment on Paul’s son’s application, it leaves us with a quasi he-said-she said situation. Paul said his son never indicated he wanted Medicaid; Kentucky officials say that he shouldn’t have been enrolled if that was the case.

Given the SUCCESS rate of ACA enrollment in Kentucky under a governor who DID HIS HOMEWORK and fully complied with the gov't, Rand Paul's incessant BS just doesn't stand up to scrutiny....just like the blowhard in the opening video of this thread.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What a fantastic collection of supposition and conjecture and just plain bullshit by this bogus Classic Liberal. All he does is just repeat long, tired and defeated neocon/teabagger BS...but like the man in the video, the second he's presented with reality, he just retreats into his own fantasy.
As usual the leftist moron, for a lack of specific rational argument decides just like his/her counterpart on the right Truth Detector to shoot the messenger with insult bullets, because of course he's fucking clueless! how fucking cute is that??????????????

Why do you lie when the chronology of the posts clearly shows otherwise? The video is VERY SPECIFIC, and your response AVOIDS that in favor of a litany of long refuted neocon/teabagger talking points coupled with your own supposition and conjecture. Bottom line: the anti-Obama BS artist couldn't get his act together when faced with FACTS and TRUTH....and evidently neither can you.

Oh, and spare us all this "insulted" attitude you roll out every time you can't win a debate. YOU consistently level insults either directly or through innuendo or implication. So in the immortal words of the late, great James Brown, "Don't start none, won't be none!" Carry on.
Yes, what this video shows is that Liberal dunces get most of their information from comedians and entertainers. No wonder Liberals are so incredibly stupid and uninformed.



So in other words chuckles, YOU cannot refute or disprove what was presented in the video. Like the neocon/blowhard in the video, you just babble when proven wrong.

Laugh, clown, laugh.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Hey chuckles, where's the information about all those Republican control states that have REFUSED to comply with the ACA mandate, and have INTERFERED WITH FEDERAL AIDS TO HELP GUIDE PEOPLE MANUALLY?

This is quite common when debating with gullible leftist twits stuck on stupid; the idiot claim that the ONLY reason this law is an incredible mess and failure is because Republicans just won’t support it.

‘Obamacare’ National Marketing Campaign To Cost Nearly $700 Million

The federal government has spent $634million on the Obamacare website – more than it cost to build Facebook or Twitter, it was revealed today.

A new report from the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, using Congressional Budget Office data, reveals the federal health care law will impose $4 trillion in tax increases by 2035.

Hell, the money they have pissed away just trying to implement this “O”bamination would have insured millions of poor.

Isn’t it typical of low information dunces like you to engage in your child-like canards? And then you wonder why people point at you and laugh.



But what's interesting is that clods like Truth Detector parroted the whining of his neocon/teabagger masters when they decried the ever increasing costs to states by people using hospital emergency rooms as their primary healthcare because THEY COULD NOT AFFORD HEALTH INSURANCE OR WHERE DENIED FOR BOGUS REASONS. Hmmm. Maybe TD should talk to Dr. Peelo, or Wendell Potter.

For those of you who are interested in the truth, check this out from January of this year:

A piece of news that would delight John C. Calhoun: In the coming weeks the South Carolina Senate will consider legislation that is purported to nullify the implementation of Obamacare. H. 3101, known as the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act, would ban state agencies from helping people sign up on the state insurance exchange and offer a tax deduction to counteract any federal financial penalties imposed for failure to comply with the law’s individual mandate to obtain insurance. Since its easy passage in the state’s House of Representatives last summer, the bill has attracted support from some conservatives, but also incited protests among those disturbed by the implications of a state initiative to negate federal law.

Such legally dubious proposals have grown in number as conservative states seek to insulate themselves from progressive change imposed by Washington. Last year, when political support for gun control was at its highest, Kansas passed a law declaring any federal regulations on firearms “null, void, and unenforceable” within the state and stipulating criminal prosecution against federal employees attempting to enforce such regulations (the law prompted a written warning from the Justice Department). The Missouri Senate held hearings on similar legislation last week, and the Democratic governor of Montana vetoed another nullification measure last March.

Health care reform has provoked an even stronger response nationally, with more than 20 legislatures debating bills to invalidate Obamacare within their states. As the National Conference of State Legislatures has demonstrated, none of these proposed bills have become law. This is because they would almost certainly be overturned by the courts if they ever took effect. The Constitution states, and the Supreme Court has unambiguously affirmed, that federal statutes and treaties make up “the supreme law of the land,” and the states hold no power to overrule them. Even representatives from the conservative Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute have cautioned activists to abandon nullification as a pointless and destructive tactic.

The bill under consideration in South Carolina is one of several new attempts to circumvent judicial challenges by narrowing the aims of nullification. It does not formally declare Obamacare void or attempt to impede federal employees from carrying it out. “It’s not really a nullification bill,” said Derek Black, a law professor at the University of South Carolina, in a phone interview. “If you look at the bill closely, what it does is say, ‘We’re not going to help citizens get healthcare and comply with the Affordable Care Act.’ That does not fit into the category of express nullification. It’s just contrary, I suppose.”

Constitutional scholars concede any state’s right to pick and choose which federal law to enforce. “The federal government can pass legislation in an area, and people who are citizens of the states have to obey that legislation,” said UCLA law professor and noted author Adam Winkler. But, he continued, drawing on the example of Washington and Colorado’s move to legalize marijuana, federal authorities “cannot require state officials to enforce federal law.”

Even so, Winkler said, elements of H. 3101 still rest on weak legal ground. “Generally, the Supreme Court says that when the federal government legislates in an area, states are not allowed to enact laws that are fundamentally inconsistent with that federal goal. And so that tax deduction seems quite clearly inconsistent.”

Analogous efforts in other states have already been shown to be untenable. In October, a district judge issued a temporary restraining order against the government of Tennessee, preventing it from issuing fines to churches and labor unions that assisted the uninsured in registering with the state exchange. A similar ruling was made recently in Missouri. Even the advocates of South Carolina’s law seem to be cautiously retreating from the fiercest rhetoric surrounding the bill. Republican state Senator Tom Davis, who plans to introduce an amendment to strip the bill of its tax deduction, wants nothing to do with talk of dismissing federal law. “Everybody talks about nullification,” he remarked after a recent hearing. “This isn’t nullification. We can’t nullify.”

It’s perhaps wise for Republicans to eschew that word, both as a cultural and a legal strategy. In South Carolina, the term isn’t merely an abstraction of Constitutional theory; it is a long-cherished recourse against government overreach, and comes with a tortured history. As any AP U.S. History student can dutifully report, the Nullification Crisis of the early 1830s—in which South Carolina politicians, led by the arch-conservative Calhoun, declared two recently passed tariffs unconstitutional and mobilized troops to ward off federal intervention—was a crucial milestone on the road to the Civil War. Over a century later, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education against the segregation of schools, the state adopted a resolution of “interposition and nullification,” seeking to reverse the historic development.

“Any time there’s major change in the state-federal relationship, South Carolina—either by legislation or by lawsuit—is always first in line to claim unconstitutionality,” said Black, the USC law professor. “It’s partly the idea of South Carolina culture—protecting what they believe to be the core historical South Carolina culture against outside forces trying to interfere with it.”

Regardless of the notions of federalism which fuel the effort, one thing is certain: The bill, if it becomes law, will further hamper the U.S. government’s ability to reach its most disadvantaged citizens. “We’re in a state with a high proportion of people living in poverty and with low income—certainly a large proportion of folks living under 400 percent of federal poverty line, who could potentially benefit from the exchanges,” said Christina Andrews, an assistant professor at USC’s College of Social Work. “It’s frustrating that a state with one of the highest rates of poverty in the country, which ranks near the bottom in terms of health outcomes, is spending this kind of time and energy on something like this.”
Another typical leftist strawman canard from leftist twits; everyone is a neocon/teabagger.

You really are an blithering idiot aren't you? No wonder you voted for the most inept, inexperienced, economically clueless hyper partisan divisive dunce to sit in the White House. You're the poster boy of the low information voter.

And yet YOU cannot refute or disprove the content and conclusion of the video.

Blather on, my bogus Truth Detector.
Well if you can point me to where Obama has statutory authority to do so I would love to read it

By allowing this you nullify Congress. I know you don't care and will twist yourself in knots defending it because it is The Obama

But ask yourself this question. If there were a Republican President right now and he were delaying Obummercare left and right would you be so accomodating?

Be honest. Your words may come back to haunt you some day

Why don't you do some honest homework for a change? You're neocon/teabagger masters already ran this by the SCOTUS, and LOST! Yeah, it's legal, and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it accept act the fool lap dog as the GOP wastes YOUR money trying time and again to repeal a law that is CONSTITUTIONALLY AND LEGALLY SOUND.

Carry on.
A side note: it's hysterical to see to neocon/teabagger buffoons like Classic Liberal and Truth Detector go at each watching the pot call the kettle black. :awesome:

And to date, neither can disprove or logically/factually refute the contents and conclusions of the video presented.
Once again, you deliberately misinterpret the conclusion of the article by excerpting only what fits your preconceived notions.

The excerpt says it all. The rest is simply FAILED leftist horseshit attempting to make a derogatory point to defame the finest Senator in the United States Senate.

Given the SUCCESS rate of ACA enrollment in Kentucky under a governor who DID HIS HOMEWORK and fully complied with the gov't, Rand Paul's incessant BS just doesn't stand up to scrutiny....just like the blowhard in the opening video of this thread.

”SUCCESS”??? Your kiddin right? Y’all fucking lefties have been trying to put lipstick on the fucking Obama-Care pig ever since the vast majority of the Sheeple discovered it’s just another neo-commie, leftwing wealth redistribution scam.

The fact is and will soon be revealed that not just Kentucky as Paul has noted, but in every State and the federal exchange the majority signing up for Obama-Care are getting MEDICAID!!!!!!!!!! A very, very highly taxpayer subsidized socialized healthcare program which will have to be paid for by the looting of the Medicare program that Obama-Care has instituted, or higher and even outrageously high healthcare premiums on middle class working Americans, and or raising taxes on middle America and or larger and larger federal annual deficits for future generations of Americans and or all of the above.

And of course honest patriotic Americans know that there’s NO authority in the Constitution for the federal government to even be involved in a federal healthcare program. And of course honest patriotic Americans also know that y’all fucking neo-commie/neo-fascist/leftist bastards don’t give a flying fuck about the Constitution.
Actually without the extension you'd see an acknowledgment of some amount of constitutional decorum. The "bastard" President has no constitutional power to rewrite the law.
I'm going out on a limb here....I'll bet you were saying the same exact thing about the constitutionality of the mandate before SCOTUS took up the issue.

How'd that work out for you?