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The only 'Socialist' healthcare in the country is delivered by the V.A. You're going to have to refine your bullshit talking points, unless you want to continue to sound like an ass
Unless you can present some other economic and social system other than ”SOCIALISM”: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles. (Encarta English Dictionary), OR,
”CAPITALISM”: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit.(Encarta English Dictionary), then I’ll have to ask you which definition, “socialism” or “capitalism” best fits Obamacare? It has to be one or the other or a hybridized combination of both. What’s your determination? Is it socialist, capitalist or crony socialist/capitalist?