Anti-Obamacare blowhard blown away!

Wipe the spittle from your mouth and screen, bunky. All your regurgitated claptrap from the GOP's 2008 play book FAILED THEN, FAILED IN 2012 AND FAILS NOW.

As for the ACA constitutionality, here's something for your dumbass to either ignore or ponder :

The Affordable Care Act's requirement that certain individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance may be reasonably characterized as a tax. Because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.


Believe it ir not we have ANOTHER delusional, whacked-out Lieberrhoidal clamouring for the top spot as the Prize Idiot among the Lieberrhoidals: it is none other than the TAICheeeeedLIEBERRHOIDAL !!!! ROFLMAO

This DEMENTED Lieberrhoidal, the TAICHEEEDDLieberrhoidal, apparently claims that since all the other delusional or lame excuses don't exonerate his MONUMENTAL FRAUD, TRAITOR, AND IDIOT of a leader & idol, Obumsky.......the preposterous excuse he will try to milk is that ObummerCare's requirement will be .... get this .....CONSIDERED AS A TAX.....YESSIREE, BOB.......IT IS A FUCKING TAX !!!!

And what about this FUCKING TAX ?!?!? Well, in the words of the TAICHEED Lieberrhoidal: "it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness."

This fucker is really HILARIOUS !!! ROFLMAO !!!!

Time out, folks.

It's just too much .......hahahahahahahaha......I can't handle this !!!
Wow.....never mind the IRREFUTABLE FACTS about the Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "Goddamn America" Wright, and his Cathedral of Hate where trhe Obummerrhoid had a TWENTY YEAR TENURE..... Or, Obumsky's Cousin/Friend Raila "The AFRICAN STALIN" Odinga, the Muslim/Commie Leader of the Kenyan "Orange Democratic Party" which, according to our State Dept at that time, stated that he "Ethnically Cleansed" close to a thousand fellow Kenyans, including women & children.......Bringing these facts to light, to the Lieberrhoidal Althea is just about my "race/ethnicity" thingie. Well, then what does the Lieberrhoidal genius think my thingie is when I expose Obumster's bosom buddy, and colleague at ACORN: Bill Ayers, the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE TERRORIST who bombed a Police Hq and the Pentagon......and who later announced on national TV that "he was sorry he wasn't more successful " ? And later, from Ayers' home Obummie kicked off his Senatorial career. Also the home of Ayers' wife Bernadine Dorne, the convicted Commie Terrorist......what is my "thing" with respect to the exposure of that horrendous fact about Lieberrhoidal Althea's leader and idol the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, TRAITOR, and IDIOT Obumsky ?!&p=1473613#post1473613!&p=1473604#post1473604

Somebody take away Raptor's beer and give him his meds when he dries out. He, like many other teabagger/neocon/libertarian lunkheads just haven't been right since a black man WON TWICE FAIR AND SQUARE BY BEING ELECTED BY ALL AMERICANS.

Now we have Raptor babbling everything except the FACT that he cannot refute what was proven in the opening video of this thread.

Like the blowhard in that video, Raptor just spews the SOS rather than just acknowledge he was wrong on a point. Sad.!&p=1473613#post1473613!&p=1473604#post1473604

Somebody take away Raptor's beer and give him his meds when he dries out. He, like many other teabagger/neocon/libertarian lunkheads just haven't been right since a black man WON TWICE FAIR AND SQUARE BY BEING ELECTED BY ALL AMERICANS.

Now we have Raptor babbling everything except the FACT that he cannot refute what was proven in the opening video of this thread.

Like the blowhard in that video, Raptor just spews the SOS rather than just acknowledge he was wrong on a point. Sad.

What can I tell you ?????

The Taicheed Lieb is a funny freako.

No sense wasting any time on that wierdo.

End of story.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Wipe the spittle from your mouth and screen, bunky. All your regurgitated claptrap from the GOP's 2008 play book FAILED THEN, FAILED IN 2012 AND FAILS NOW.

As for the ACA constitutionality, here's something for your dumbass to either ignore or ponder :

The Affordable Care Act's requirement that certain individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance may be reasonably characterized as a tax. Because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.


Believe it ir not we have ANOTHER delusional, whacked-out Lieberrhoidal clamouring for the top spot as the Prize Idiot among the Lieberrhoidals: it is none other than the TAICheeeeedLIEBERRHOIDAL !!!! ROFLMAO

This DEMENTED Lieberrhoidal, the TAICHEEEDDLieberrhoidal, apparently claims that since all the other delusional or lame excuses don't exonerate his MONUMENTAL FRAUD, TRAITOR, AND IDIOT of a leader & idol, Obumsky.......the preposterous excuse he will try to milk is that ObummerCare's requirement will be .... get this .....CONSIDERED AS A TAX.....YESSIREE, BOB.......IT IS A FUCKING TAX !!!!

And what about this FUCKING TAX ?!?!? Well, in the words of the TAICHEED Lieberrhoidal: "it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness."

This fucker is really HILARIOUS !!! ROFLMAO !!!!

Time out, folks.

It's just too much .......hahahahahahahaha......I can't handle this !!!

And for all the hysterical blathering this fool does, he just can't handle this simple point from the SCOTUS:

Because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.

So Raptor can't disprove or blow off the conclusion of this threads title subject....nor can Raptor deal with the FACT that the right leaning SCOTUS determination of the legal CONSTITUTIONALITY of the ACA. So he just rants and raves like some crank spoon fed on the bilge of O'Reilly, Levine, Limbaugh, Hannity, Crowley, Maulkin, Krauthammer, Kristol and the rest of the neocon/teabagger peanut gallery.

Pity Raptor, as he neither has the intellectual honesty or capacity to deal with facts that don't support his beliefs. As Raptor confessed, he can't handle this. So unless he's got something other than his foolish ranting, I'll just ignore him.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

Somebody take away Raptor's beer and give him his meds when he dries out. He, like many other teabagger/neocon/libertarian lunkheads just haven't been right since a black man WON TWICE FAIR AND SQUARE BY BEING ELECTED BY ALL AMERICANS.

Now we have Raptor babbling everything except the FACT that he cannot refute what was proven in the opening video of this thread.

Like the blowhard in that video, Raptor just spews the SOS rather than just acknowledge he was wrong on a point. Sad.

What can I tell you ?????

The Taicheed Lieb is a funny freako.

No sense wasting any time on that wierdo.

End of story.

See folks, like all the intellectually impotent neocon/teabagger cranks, Raptor just runs away when he can't logically or factually support his blathering, nor does he have the courage to just acknowledge how the blowhard in the video was nailed for BS.

See ya Raptor....don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
You need only to read the SC opinion on same. I'm sure you can Google it

So then you have no argument that you can support with constitutional article or amendment, right? You're only argument is that the Supreme Court is infallible and never made a wrong decision, correct? If that’s the case in your world, then you should be able to square that assertion with constitutional scripture, don’t you think?

I repeat, the Supreme Court is a gang of political ideologues, appointed by political ideologues and confirmed by more political ideologues. They have little to no interest in preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution and every interest in preserving protecting and defending their own personal political agendas and those of the crooked bastards that appointed and confirmed them. They don’t necessarily prove or confirm the constitutionality of written legislation, but they on the other hand so very, very often simply “legalize” unconstitutional legislation, i. e. Obama-Care.
So then you have no argument that you can support with constitutional article or amendment, right? You're only argument is that the Supreme Court is infallible and never made a wrong decision, correct? If that’s the case in your world, then you should be able to square that assertion with constitutional scripture, don’t you think?

I repeat, the Supreme Court is a gang of political ideologues, appointed by political ideologues and confirmed by more political ideologues. They have little to no interest in preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution and every interest in preserving protecting and defending their own personal political agendas and those of the crooked bastards that appointed and confirmed them. They don’t necessarily prove or confirm the constitutionality of written legislation, but they on the other hand so very, very often simply “legalize” unconstitutional legislation, i. e. Obama-Care.

And the clown in the video voicing similar rhetoric like you was NAILED being wrong with FACTS. All he could do was parrot is disproved rhetoric.

Here's the part from the SCOTUS decision that puts the kibosh on the crux of your rant here:

Because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.

You don't like the decision, then get your political rep to lobby to have it changed. That's the system.

On a side note, you do realize that your rant essentially makes you a hypocrite if you EVER argued in favor of a law that went to the SCOTUS and was ruled valid? I mean, as a right wing crank, you are in favor of all the rulings that came in favor of the Shrub's tenure? How do you feel about the recent rulings regarding campaign contributions?
And the clown in the video voicing similar rhetoric like you was NAILED being wrong with FACTS. All he could do was parrot is disproved rhetoric.

Here's the part from the SCOTUS decision that puts the kibosh on the crux of your rant here:

Because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.

But that’s not constitutional text, it’s simply the blabberings of the partisan ideologue gang of nine.

Any sane and honest reading of the Constitution recognizes without hesitation the Congresses power “to tax,” however only ideological criminals would transfer that power to tax for actions NOT AUTHORIZED by the Constitution as a power of the federal government. The Constitution explicitly states all powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution are RESERVED TO THE STATES OR THE PEOPLE thereby denying it as a power to the feds.

I prove my case as follows with actual constitutional text which is absent in your argument.

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;” (Article 8, United States Constitution)

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (10th Amendment, United States Constitution)

You don't like the decision, then get your political rep to lobby to have it changed. That's the system.

My political reps are all Neo-Commie Democrats or Neo-Fascist Republicans with absolutely no interest in affairs of the Constitution. They’re simply ideological low-life’s who’s only interest is their corrupted ideological authoritarianism and their next election whereby they can bribe their way to reelection where they can continue to fuck over the nation and its people.

On a side note, you do realize that your rant essentially makes you a hypocrite if you EVER argued in favor of a law that went to the SCOTUS and was ruled valid? I mean, as a right wing crank, you are in favor of all the rulings that came in favor of the Shrub's tenure? How do you feel about the recent rulings regarding campaign contributions?

So in your lame-brained distorted world favoring constitutional correctness and exposing and despising constitutional violence is HYPOCRITICAL? You leave no doubt that you’re that confused and ignorant.

From time to time the court gets one or two right. While it may have everything to do with their ideology that would be only because even the right and left have some elements of their ideologies that meet constitutional decorum. For me personally the court’s decisions are only constitutional when they actually meet the strict construction of the Constitution because my ideology is ”CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLICANISM” which makes me actually one of few TRUE classic liberal/classic conservatives.

I did not and do not support G. W. Bush’s socialist programs, i. e. “Prescription Drugs for Seniors,” “No Child Left Behind,” or “Faith Based Initiative.” I oppose G. W. Bush’s undeclared, unconstitutional wars. I oppose G. W. Bush’s “Patriot Act.” I opposed G.W. Bush’s signing into law the “McCain Feingold Election Reform Act.” I opposed most everything G.W. Bush did and also oppose Barrack Obama’s putting of the G. W. Bush agenda on steroids and everything else he’s done outside of constitutional decorum.

The recent court rulings relative to campaign contributions is consistent with constitutional decorum because political donations are “FREE SPEECH” and the 1st Amendment forbids the Congress to abridge the “Freedom Of Speech.” And since you support the court’s ruling that Obama-Care is constitutional, but surely you oppose the free speech ruling and everything the “Shrub” got through the court, I reckon then in your confused ignorant world that makes you a fucking ”HYPOCRITE,” Huh?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And the clown in the video voicing similar rhetoric like you was NAILED being wrong with FACTS. All he could do was parrot is disproved rhetoric.

Here's the part from the SCOTUS decision that puts the kibosh on the crux of your rant here:

Because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.

But that’s not constitutional text, it’s simply the blabberings of the partisan ideologue gang of nine.

SO NOW YOU ARE STATING THAT THE SCOTUS IS WHAT, UNCONSTITUTIONAL OR EXCEEDS IT'S AUTHORITY? So you have NEVER agreed with any SCOTUS decision? Man, STFU with this foolishness of yours, because I'm about to put you to shame.

Any sane and honest reading of the Constitution recognizes without hesitation the Congresses power “to tax,” however only ideological criminals would transfer that power to tax for actions NOT AUTHORIZED by the Constitution as a power of the federal government. The Constitution explicitly states all powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution are RESERVED TO THE STATES OR THE PEOPLE thereby denying it as a power to the feds.

I prove my case as follows with actual constitutional text which is absent in your argument.

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;” (Article 8, United States Constitution)

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (10th Amendment, United States Constitution)

Yes, and with your lame, myopic opinion aside,

Roberts summed up the split-the-difference decision: “The federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance,” he wrote. “The federal government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance.”

Joined by the conservatives, he also rejected the argument that requiring health-care coverage was different, because everyone at some point will require medical care.

“The Commerce Clause is not a general license to regulate an individual from cradle to grave, simply because he will predictably engage in particular transactions,” he wrote.

But Roberts said it is the court’s duty to look for ways in which acts of Congress can be upheld, and he found it in Congress’s taxing power, a point pressed during oral arguments by Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr.

Roberts acknowledged that the law refers to the “shared responsibility payment” due on a person’s 2014 tax returns if he or she does not obtain health insurance as a penalty, not a tax. But he noted that it was calculated as a portion of a person’s income and due to the Internal Revenue Service.

And Congress frequently imposes taxes, such as cigarette taxes, to encourage people to quit smoking.

You don't like the decision, then get your political rep to lobby to have it changed. That's the system.

My political reps are all Neo-Commie Democrats or Neo-Fascist Republicans with absolutely no interest in affairs of the Constitution. They’re simply ideological low-life’s who’s only interest is their corrupted ideological authoritarianism and their next election whereby they can bribe their way to reelection where they can continue to fuck over the nation and its people.

Spoken like a true libertarian don't dare take a stance, yet you criticize everyone else. So Rand and Ron Paul are/were what to you? Phonies? Spare us all your bullshit, because you offer NOTHING in place of the ACA, much less what preceded it.

On a side note, you do realize that your rant essentially makes you a hypocrite if you EVER argued in favor of a law that went to the SCOTUS and was ruled valid? I mean, as a right wing crank, you are in favor of all the rulings that came in favor of the Shrub's tenure? How do you feel about the recent rulings regarding campaign contributions?

So in your lame-brained distorted world favoring constitutional correctness and exposing and despising constitutional violence is HYPOCRITICAL? You leave no doubt that you’re that confused and ignorant.

From time to time the court gets one or two right. While it may have everything to do with their ideology that would be only because even the right and left have some elements of their ideologies that meet constitutional decorum. For me personally the court’s decisions are only constitutional when they actually meet the strict construction of the Constitution because my ideology is ”CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLICANISM” which makes me actually one of few TRUE classic liberal/classic conservatives.

I did not and do not support G. W. Bush’s socialist programs, i. e. “Prescription Drugs for Seniors,” “No Child Left Behind,” or “Faith Based Initiative.” I oppose G. W. Bush’s undeclared, unconstitutional wars. I oppose G. W. Bush’s “Patriot Act.” I opposed G.W. Bush’s signing into law the “McCain Feingold Election Reform Act.” I opposed most everything G.W. Bush did and also oppose Barrack Obama’s putting of the G. W. Bush agenda on steroids and everything else he’s done outside of constitutional decorum.

The recent court rulings relative to campaign contributions is consistent with constitutional decorum because political donations are “FREE SPEECH” and the 1st Amendment forbids the Congress to abridge the “Freedom Of Speech.” And since you support the court’s ruling that Obama-Care is constitutional, but surely you oppose the free speech ruling and everything the “Shrub” got through the court, I reckon then in your confused ignorant world that makes you a fucking ”HYPOCRITE,” Huh?

Oh sweet Jeezus....every blessed time the fake Classic liberal is faced with facts he cannot deny or refute, he becomes a gas bag of convoluted logic and substitution of his opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. He also displays his sheer partisan stupidity on the subjects he attacks.

Check it out: This idiot was AGAINST everything the in the Bush Administration, and the same with the Obama administration.


Since Obama has enacted some policies that contradict the Shrub, WTF is this libertarian lunkhead going on about?

And remember, campaign finance reform was a good thing...shot down by the GOP

CL is a fool.
Last edited:
SO NOW YOU ARE STATING THAT THE SCOTUS IS WHAT, UNCONSTITUTIONAL OR EXCEEDS IT'S AUTHORITY? So you have NEVER agreed with any SCOTUS decision? Man, STFU with this foolishness of yours, because I'm about to put you to shame.

As stated earlier, I, like every sane, logical and honest folk I agree with the court when the court agrees with the Constitution. Regretfully, because the court’s members are notorious partisan ideological bastards, their decisions so very often simply expose their partisan ideological views and have nothing to do with constitutional decorum. And that friend is just plain and logical fact easily observed by any honest folk.
What a fantastic collection of supposition and conjecture and just plain bullshit by this bogus Classic Liberal. All he does is just repeat long, tired and defeated neocon/teabagger BS...but like the man in the video, the second he's presented with reality, he just retreats into his own fantasy.

And yet you do not address the fact that this POS POTUS is writing law, the very law he forced through congress to the regret of all freedom loving Americans. It's basically more handouts for votes, at the peril of the middle class.
Spoken like a true libertarian don't dare take a stance, yet you criticize everyone else.

Oh! But I do take a stance, you simply choose to ignore it. I stand in every instance on constitutional principles. I back my arguments with constitutional scripture. I’m a “constitutionalist.” I believe in constitutionally limited government and maximum individual rights.

So Rand and Ron Paul are/were what to you? Phonies? Spare us all your bullshit, because you offer NOTHING in place of the ACA, much less what preceded it.

Ron Paul is a constitutionalist patriot and I’m still in the mode of deciding how constitutionally tuned in his son Rand is.

I offer constitutional correctness and righteousness in place of the travesty of Obama-Care, that being prohibition of the federal government to operate a national healthcare system and leaving healthcare to ”The States or the People” as mandated by amendment 10 of the United States Constitution and intended by our founding fathers.
Oh sweet Jeezus....every blessed time the fake Classic liberal is faced with facts he cannot deny or refute, he becomes a gas bag of convoluted logic and substitution of his opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. He also displays his sheer partisan stupidity on the subjects he attacks.

Which “facts?” Thus far you haven’t presented a single fact to support Obama-Care as being constitutional by any article or amendment of the Constitution. I on the other hand have produced the 10th amendment ”FACT” that proves beyond any reasoned doubt that Obama-Care is ”UNCONSTITUTIONAL.”

Partisan-ism is only apparent when one is a proven ”PARTY” loyalist by their touting the hogwash and propaganda of a political ”PARTY.” So genius, identify if you can my affiliation with ”A PARTY.”
Check it out: This idiot was AGAINST everything the in the Bush Administration, and the same with the Obama administration.


Since Obama has enacted some policies that contradict the Shrub, WTF is this libertarian lunkhead going on about?

I notice you have yet to identify those Obama “enactments” that contradict the “Shrub.” Betcha I can name more Bush policies that Obama has put on steroids than Bush policies that you can identify that Obama has overturned or reversed!
Roberts summed up the split-the-difference decision: “The federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance,” he wrote. “The federal government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance.

Joined by the conservatives, he also rejected the argument that requiring health-care coverage was different, because everyone at some point will require medical care.

“The Commerce Clause is not a general license to regulate an individual from cradle to grave, simply because he will predictably engage in particular transactions,” he wrote.

But Roberts said it is the court’s duty to look for ways in which acts of Congress can be upheld, and he found it in Congress’s taxing power, a point pressed during oral arguments by Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr.

Roberts acknowledged that the law refers to the “shared responsibility payment” due on a person’s 2014 tax returns if he or she does not obtain health insurance as a penalty, not a tax. But he noted that it was calculated as a portion of a person’s income and due to the Internal Revenue Service.
y health insuran
And Congress frequently imposes taxes, such as cigarette taxes, to encourage people to quit smoking.

Well if Roberts finds it constitutional for the federal government to tax the people that don’t buy health insurance to encourage them to buy health insurance through Congresses power to tax, where does Roberts find the power of Congress to establish an entire national healthcare system just to activate the Congressional power to tax?

Why does Roberts ignore the Constitution’s mandate for ”the power to tax?”

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;” (Article One, Section Eight, United States Constitution)

The Congressional power to tax is explicitly mandated in article one, section eight as being solely for ”the paying of debts, providing for the common defense and the general welfare.” Nowhere does the congressional power to tax authorize the federal government to set up and establish a national healthcare program so the feds can tax for it.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
SO NOW YOU ARE STATING THAT THE SCOTUS IS WHAT, UNCONSTITUTIONAL OR EXCEEDS IT'S AUTHORITY? So you have NEVER agreed with any SCOTUS decision? Man, STFU with this foolishness of yours, because I'm about to put you to shame.

As stated earlier, I, like every sane, logical and honest folk I agree with the court when the court agrees with the Constitution. Regretfully, because the court’s members are notorious partisan ideological bastards, their decisions so very often simply expose their partisan ideological views and have nothing to do with constitutional decorum. And that friend is just plain and logical fact easily observed by any honest folk.

translation: since CL is anti-Obama, ANYTHING that is proposed, passed or ruled upon during his administration is "unconstitutional"...but CL is too much of an intellectual coward to even concede that. NOTE THAT I ASKED A SPECIFIC QUESTION AND CL GAVE A GENERALIZED, VAGUE RESPONSE. Leaves one to wonder exactly what SCOTUS decisions this idiot agreed with or like in the last 30 years!

As I said before, since Obama has made in-roads that COUNTER some of the guff that passed under the Shrub, then CL should be IN FAVOR of those rulings by the SCOTUS, as he has stated he was against the Shrub's 2 terms involving legislation.!&p=1476046#post1476046

But we all know that CL is just full of it, and just keeps bull horning his subjective rhetoric as if it passes for logic, while ignoring any response he cannot get around.

All this because the opening video catches a neocon/teabagger BS artist with his pants down, babbling like a fool, and CL can't even acknowledge that! Now let's watch CL waste time and space babbling the SOS.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Spoken like a true libertarian don't dare take a stance, yet you criticize everyone else.

Oh! But I do take a stance, you simply choose to ignore it. I stand in every instance on constitutional principles. I back my arguments with constitutional scripture. I’m a “constitutionalist.” I believe in constitutionally limited government and maximum individual rights.

The question remains: what decisions has the SCOTUS made that you agree with/approve of? Let's narrow it down to the last 30 years. Come, come, my little libertarian lunkhead....grow a pair and take a stand instead of blowing smoke.
Oh, and for the record, the Constitution is a secular document, not "scripture", ya fool!

So Rand and Ron Paul are/were what to you? Phonies? Spare us all your bullshit, because you offer NOTHING in place of the ACA, much less what preceded it.

Ron Paul is a constitutionalist patriot and I’m still in the mode of deciding how constitutionally tuned in his son Rand is.

The Paul's are nothing but old time Dixiecrats who hide their bigotry and racism behind their myopic interpretation of the the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and progressive law. The sheer idiocy of the comments from Paul Sr. about the "rights" of a public diner to discriminate on the basis or race, creed or color, and Jr.'s flame out regarding Civil Rights is public knowledge.

I offer constitutional correctness and righteousness in place of the travesty of Obama-Care, that being prohibition of the federal government to operate a national healthcare system and leaving healthcare to ”The States or the People” as mandated by amendment 10 of the United States Constitution and intended by our founding fathers.

You offer NOTHING but parroting without comprehensive understanding of interaction of the Amendments and how the SCOTUS came to it's ruling.
And yet you do not address the fact that this POS POTUS is writing law, the very law he forced through congress to the regret of all freedom loving Americans. It's basically more handouts for votes, at the peril of the middle class.

READ the decision, you moron! And the President cannot "write law". Know the process....congress, senate and then afterwards the SCOTUS. You don't like it, lobby your reps to change the law. (How many times have the GOP wasted money trying for a repeal they KNOW they don't have the votes for?)

Stop all this BS about your "freedom"...because simpletons like you sure as hell defend the Citizens United decision and the Patriot Act!

All this because a video makes a fool out of some right wing simpleton spewing rhetoric. Jeez!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Check it out: This idiot was AGAINST everything the in the Bush Administration, and the same with the Obama administration.


Since Obama has enacted some policies that contradict the Shrub, WTF is this libertarian lunkhead going on about?

I notice you have yet to identify those Obama “enactments” that contradict the “Shrub.” Betcha I can name more Bush policies that Obama has put on steroids than Bush policies that you can identify that Obama has overturned or reversed!

I'm going by what YOU wrote, genius. YOU stated that you were against everything that came out of the Shrub's tenure and also what Obama has done. I pointed out that Obama has done things that contradict the Shrub....YOU CONFIRM THIS BY TRYING TO FURTHER PUT DOWN OBAMA WITH YOUR CHILDISH CLAIM OF COMPARISON.

Since you acknowledge that you KNOW of policies Obama has enacted that contradict the Shrub, then all this BS you're shoveling is just that, BS....because you inadvertently contradict yourself. :palm:

All this because you can't handle a neocon/teabagger being made a fool of on video. Sad.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Roberts summed up the split-the-difference decision: “The federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance,” he wrote. “The federal government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance.

Joined by the conservatives, he also rejected the argument that requiring health-care coverage was different, because everyone at some point will require medical care.

“The Commerce Clause is not a general license to regulate an individual from cradle to grave, simply because he will predictably engage in particular transactions,” he wrote.

But Roberts said it is the court’s duty to look for ways in which acts of Congress can be upheld, and he found it in Congress’s taxing power, a point pressed during oral arguments by Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr.

Roberts acknowledged that the law refers to the “shared responsibility payment” due on a person’s 2014 tax returns if he or she does not obtain health insurance as a penalty, not a tax. But he noted that it was calculated as a portion of a person’s income and due to the Internal Revenue Service.
y health insuran
And Congress frequently imposes taxes, such as cigarette taxes, to encourage people to quit smoking.

Well if Roberts finds it constitutional for the federal government to tax the people that don’t buy health insurance to encourage them to buy health insurance through Congresses power to tax, where does Roberts find the power of Congress to establish an entire national healthcare system just to activate the Congressional power to tax?

Read the decision, stupid. He explains why. TFB if you don't like it.

Why does Roberts ignore the Constitution’s mandate for ”the power to tax?”

He doesn't....obviously you have a reading comprehension problem.

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;” (Article One, Section Eight, United States Constitution)

The Congressional power to tax is explicitly mandated in article one, section eight as being solely for ”the paying of debts, providing for the common defense and the general welfare.” Nowhere does the congressional power to tax authorize the federal government to set up and establish a national healthcare program so the feds can tax for it.

What part of "the general welfare" do you not get, bunky? You keep repeating the amendments, but you lack comprehension as to their interaction and implementation in this instance.