Any Argument Asserting Democratic Culpability Is Absurd On Its Face


Senior Member
Trog's been here all morning claiming the Democrats are just as culpable. I am sick of this kind of obfuscation in the face of a scandal by the Right. According to Trog, because some right wing website said that the Democrats covered up we should believe the Democrats were involved in the cover-up. For the last six years the one thing the Democrats have consistently demonstrated is that they had become completely incompetent politically. So as I said earlier when Damocles proposed the same theory. If they actually held this and brought it out at this particular time--good for them. It shows they are finally playing hardball politics, the same kind that the Republicans have been playing for six years under Karl Rove.

The Speaker of the House knew about this and said nothing. In fact, he knew if press reports are to be believed, about this in 2005. If press reports are to believed the number two man in the Republican leadership also knew about it. They could have defanged this wolf by coming clean. They are the leadership and they are responsible. If the top Republican leadership in the House knew about this for nearly a year and said nothing whatsoever about it then we can only believe that they are ultimately responsible for the actions of their fellow Party members. If the press reports are to be believed then the Republican leadership knew about this and did nothing. If the Democrats were able to get the child to report this to the St Petersburg newspaper which I think first broke this story then good for them. But apparently press didn’t get the story from the Democrats they got the story from the kid who had the emails. So one would have to show how the kid was handled by the Democrats to get the story to the press. Maybe the kid just decided to release the story to the press now on his own, because he figured this would have the most impact now. Maybe the kid is a Democrat. So what????

The Republican leadership in the House knew about it since '05 and said and did nothing about it. But according to some right wing web sites we are being now told through Trog, it is the Democrats fault, and it is they who are culpable for letting this happen and for protecting the abuser. Meanwhile, even today the Republicans in the White House are claiming that there was no call for alarm because after all might have been nothing "more than simply naughty e-mails." Hey, Trog you can’t have it both ways. There is either no reason to get exited about this scandal or the Republicans should have known better and did something about it. But if the Democrats knew no more or even less than the Republicans how could they have been to blame?

Trog’s argument and those arguments of others like him, here is the same argument that Rush Limbaugh used when he started claiming that Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster. I’m not saying she did it or had anything to do with it but this information is out there and I think we should look at it. Then for a year he kept talking about all the evidence that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were culpable in Vince Foster’s suicide. Because if somebody says it must be true or at least worthy of discussion, and we have to look at every angle. Too bad nobody concocted a website that claimed the Republicans killed Vince Foster to blame it on the Clinton’s.

Funny how such a scandal which could cause serious damage to the Republicans control of Congress is now being painted as a Democratic problem by a person who claims to be a libertarian. Funny how these libertarian types run to the defense of their buddies in the Republican party whenever they see the Republicans leadership seriously threatened by a scandal. Remember the Jack Abramoff scandal, at first that was all about Republicans but then the right started saying "the Democrats did it, too" and soon the right had so effectively painted a few Democrats who took money from people who gave money to Abramoff, that is, Abramoff never gave a cent to Democrats but some people who supported and gave money to him did, that it was soon being said everywhere that the Democrats took money from Abramoff and then it was all painted as a bi-partisan scandal. So Ya, I am sure that this is the same thing going on here. Crank up that Right wing spin machine and spin it left. And good so-called libertarians will spend all day spinning for you... That Trog is here going after this shows me just how serious the right wing really thinks this is.... Perhaps he can't really believe or handle the fact that his Republican party can be this screwed up...
I didn't read the whole thing, but to be fair, I think he said, it was "going to be" on some wrongwing website.
I didn't read the whole thing, but to be fair, I think he said, it was "going to be" on some wrongwing website.
I reported an allegation as an allegation. I did not claim it "fact." I told you where I heard, who said it, and his connection to the media. Serious obfuscation on my part.... I also asked that this allegation be given fair hearing and that we have a full examination of ALL the evidence as revealed by a thorough investigation. (more obfuscation....) Just as we do not let the child abuser off the hook, we do not allow those who knew and did nothing off the hook. Some on the left, here on this board, write misleading thread titles to spin to the left. Funny that I, who ask for a full, in-depth look at all the evidence without an eye toward partisanship or preserving a particular power structure, am accused of spinning...
I reported an allegation as an allegation. I did not claim it "fact." I told you where I heard, who said it, and his connection to the media. Serious obfuscation on my part.... I also asked that this allegation be given fair hearing and that we have a full examination of ALL the evidence as revealed by a thorough investigation. (more obfuscation....) Just as we do not let the child abuser off the hook, we do not allow those who knew and did nothing off the hook. Some on the left, here on this board, write misleading thread titles to spin to the left. Funny that I, who ask for a full, in-depth look at all the evidence without an eye toward partisanship or preserving a particular power structure, am accused of spinning...

The early sentences are eerily similar to what Rush Limbaugh claimed after he was called on his repeated claims that Hillary Clinton Killed Vice Foster. That's not to say that you are Rush Limbaugh or Vince Foster or that you ever talked to anyone about that only that the arguments are the same. You do still take responsibility for the form and content of your arguments don't you???

Here is one of Trog's first statements on this: before he became concerned about what the Democrats had done or hadn't done:

Looks like Hastert did the right thing when the concern became known to him.

How could Hastert who kept this from the press and the public and apparently the Democrats have done "the right thing" and the Democrats have not done the right thing???? Of course, now he is saying that everyone is culpable...
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Trog's been here all morning claiming the Democrats are just as culpable. I am sick of this kind of obfuscation in the face of a scandal by the Right.

This was the CSPAN republican-caller line, just in the last ten minutes:

1) "Well, democrats and the far left support pedophelia anyway! Their being hypocrites by complaining about Foley!"

2) "Hey! It was only salacious emails! There was no physical contact!"

3) "Hey! What about those congressmen in 1983 who had sex with pages!"
This was the CSPAN republican-caller line, just in the last ten minutes:

1) "Well, democrats and the far left support pedophelia anyway! Their being hypocrites by complaining about Foley!"

2) "Hey! It was only salacious emails! There was no physical contact!"

3) "Hey! What about those congressmen in 1983 who had sex with pages!"

I told you! Mind boggling. I didn't realize the show was on at this time.
Actually ever since I've been watching that call in show, I have to admit, my hope for a better America diminishes. You see what I mean.......crazy! How can you rationalize with people like that?
I just listened to Rush for a little while...

His line was that Democrats support pedophilia anyway so they are being hypocritical on this!
I just listened to Rush for a little while...

His line was that Democrats support pedophilia anyway so they are being hypocritical on this!


That's just what a republican caller to Cspan just said too.

The wingnutters must have their talkingpoints worked out.
The early sentences are eerily similar to what Rush Limbaugh claimed after he was called on his repeated claims that Hillary Clinton Killed Vice Foster. That's not to say that you are Rush Limbaugh or Vince Foster or that you ever talked to anyone about that only that the arguments are the same. You do still take responsibility for the form and content of your arguments don't you???

Here is one of Trog's first statements on this: before he became concerned about what the Democrats had done or hadn't done:

How could Hastert who kept this from the press and the public and apparently the Democrats have done "the right thing" and the Democrats have not done the right thing???? Of course, now he is saying that everyone is culpable...

I've never held the allegation as anything other than that from the very start. I have been consistent in that. I do find the timing suspicious and I would like to see it investigated. The claim that Mrs. Clinton killed (or had someone kill) Vince Foster was investigated and disproved.

Why are you resistant to the idea that this allegation should be investigated? Even if proven true, it in no way exonerates any other person for their role. Another position that I have been consistent.

I wonder how many ethics complaints there are under investigation RIGHT now, against members of either party, that Hastert hasn't released to the public for their consumption? I suppose Hastert could have blown it off, but he didn't. He called in the appropriate investigators - now there's a bad idea, step out of the situation, remove partisanship, and let the professionals do the job... With regard to this particular point, can you show me that Hastert did anything different in terms of communicating to the committee members than on other cases?

(Pure speculation on my part: The lone dem likely skipped the meeting to fulfill other duties and is now complaining that Hastert never told him.)
Well, at least you all know I'm not making it up. They are effin crazy.

maybe that's why Dixie and Toby have been missing in action?

They're arming themselves with Limpbaugh's talkingpoints, and calling into shows to proclaim democrats support pedophilia?
Trog's been here all morning claiming the Democrats are just as culpable. I am sick of this kind of obfuscation in the face of a scandal by the Right.

This was the CSPAN republican-caller line, just in the last ten minutes:

1) "Well, democrats and the far left support pedophelia anyway! Their being hypocrites by complaining about Foley!"

2) "Hey! It was only salacious emails! There was no physical contact!"

3) "Hey! What about those congressmen in 1983 who had sex with pages!"

I'm trying to tell ya...
Stupid. The R leadership is pulling the stupidest move yet by attempting to spread this around. They need to roll this into a big ball and push it into the septic, not attempt to spread it around.

They should be, "We are a Nation of laws, and this will be dealt with to the utmost extent that it can!"

They should be doing whatever it takes to ensure they are taking it seriously and moving to ensure that it will never happen again on their watch, rather than attempting to mitigate it for election time. This is going to hurt them far more than they ever wanted it to if they don't get on the ball!
The line is: Democrats support Pedophilia because they support that Liberal group of Lawyers the ACLU who fought to defend man boy love Nambla's right to have sex with boys"

heard this today or it was implied today from one of the cspan callers...and I have heard this before....

of course it is not true, the aclu did not defend NAMBLA's right to have sex with little boys....they did defend their legal civil rights...can't remember precisely what it was now but I do know it is very clear on the aclu's site if you search for the case there...and that it had NOTHING to do with their sexual preference of boys, if memory serves?

That's just what a republican caller to Cspan just said too.

The wingnutters must have their talkingpoints worked out.

Blessed are they that have ears to hear and eyes to see.

As I have already posted it is straight out of the Rove Playbook, Did the caller say he just wanted the "whole truth" to come out??????

I mean you just can't live without "the whole truth." That is why the last indictments that Fitzpatrick had, remained sealed to this day. Because the "whole turth" has to come out!!!! But only if it can somehow be scripted to involve the Democrats.
Trog's been here all morning claiming the Democrats are just as culpable. I am sick of this kind of obfuscation in the face of a scandal by the Right.

This was the CSPAN republican-caller line, just in the last ten minutes:

1) "Well, democrats and the far left support pedophelia anyway! Their being hypocrites by complaining about Foley!"

2) "Hey! It was only salacious emails! There was no physical contact!"

3) "Hey! What about those congressmen in 1983 who had sex with pages!"

With regard to Prakosh's assinine posts of late, seeking to paint me with the broad brush -

(1) - I don't think that's true. I do think we should go after anyone who didn't do right,
(2) - That remains, like many other aspects, to be investigated,
(3) - completely irrelevant.
maybe that's why Dixie and Toby have been missing in action?

They're arming themselves with Limpbaugh's talkingpoints, and calling into shows to proclaim democrats support pedophilia?

LOL you're probably right. I can see them now studying diligently, pen and paper in hand.
Attempting to slimey past this will only hurt the party far more than landing on this guy with both feet, and anybody who helped him or hid him in an attempt to make it good after the election. There is no excuse for that.
Blessed are they that have ears to hear and eyes to see.

As I have already posted it is straight out of the Rove Playbook, Did the caller say he just wanted the "whole truth" to come out??????

I mean you just can't live without "the whole truth." That is why the last indictments that Fitzpatrick had, remained sealed to this day. Because the "whole turth" has to come out!!!! But only if it can somehow be scripted to involve the Democrats.

well, actually the caller who screamed "Democrats support pedophelia" didn't really say anthing about Foley. He just said democrats were hypocrites because they support pedophilia. The dude was practically sreaming and was so agitated, that he forgot to even mention foley.

I think the caller may have been Dixie.