Any Argument Asserting Democratic Culpability Is Absurd On Its Face

well, actually the caller who screamed "Democrats support pedophelia" didn't really say anthing about Foley. He just said democrats were hypocrites because they support pedophilia. The dude was practically sreaming and was so agitated, that he forgot to even mention foley.

I think the caller may have been Dixie.

I told you! They do one of two things if not both:

1) Marginalize it
2) Blame democrats somehow even if the blame has nothing to do with the current situation.
With regard to Prakosh's assinine posts of late, seeking to paint me with the broad brush -

(1) - I don't think that's true. I do think we should go after anyone who didn't do right,
(2) - That remains, like many other aspects, to be investigated,
(3) - completely irrelevant.

Are you denying the form and content of your arguments? I just want "the whole truth" to come out.
I told you! They do one of two things if not both:

1) Marginalize it
2) Blame democrats somehow even if the blame has nothing to do with the current situation.
Despite Prak's wishes and attempts to paint to the contrary, I

(1) do not want it marginalized. This needs to be given the attention it deserves.
(2) blame any individual who did not act in a right manner. Some issues transcend party politics, this is one of them - land on the guilty with both boots.
Are you denying the form and content of your arguments? I just want "the whole truth" to come out.
Is there anything wrong with seeking the whole truth? Why does the truth frighten you?

I do understand that some on the right are using the phrase as a code word for "witch hunt." I am not interested in a witch hunt, partisanship, or deflection. I want the whole truth, the real truth, and consequences for the guilty.
Despite Prak's wishes and attempts to paint to the contrary, I

(1) do not want it marginalized. This needs to be given the attention it deserves.
(2) blame any individual who did not act in a right manner. Some issues transcend party politics, this is one of them - land on the guilty with both boots.

This sounds much different from an earlier post:

Looks like Hastert did the right thing when the concern became known to him.

Here are my main concerns with the right at this point and with trog especially on this today and why I am painiting him with the right's broad brush:

Trog originally claimed that the Hastert acted responsibly in all of this. How could the Democrats have been more to blame for this than the Republicans who sloughed off an investigation a year ago on the guy. Why are you calling for an investigation of the Democrats instead of an investigation of the people responsible for sloughing off the investigation in the first place? That is the leadership of the Republican Party, or do you suddenly think that the Democrats have more power here than the Republicans who kept the Democrats out of the loop? It looks to me like Trog just wants an investigation of who leaked those emails. That is all what it appears that he wants. At least he should be honest enough to own up to what he is asking for.

Since he is interested in the "whole truth" and all. Perhaps this will help to articulate my position on this:

Does the right generally use the Democratic involvement in any scandal to "muddy the waters" and confuse and obfuscate??? Yes, they do! Are they doing this now??? It is quite possible. I find it especially egregious when a person who first says that the Republicans acted appropriately, for instance posts this:
Looks like Hastert did the right thing when the concern became known to him.

And then within hours is calling for an investigation of what the Democrats knew and didn't know...When the same article that prompted the original response actually said the Democrats were out of the loop on this. My question which Trog has still failed to answer is this:

How could Hastert have acted appropriately in his secretive undercover activities and the Democrats, who were kept out of the loop here, no doubt because of the explosiveness of the charges, which we are told only today was nothing but "naughty little emails" by Tony Snow, have acted inappropriately. In fact, Trog’s first response was the party line response on this. Hastert acted appropriately. Now that this is wearing thin, he is going for the second play in the Rove playbook--the Democrats are culpable too. Then on to rule three "I just want 'the whole truth' to come out" meaning as it always does, let's "muddy the waters" and shift the blame to the Democrats. If these weren't the exact tactics used over and over as I have shown in every other scandal so far, I maybe could believe Trog when he claims he just wants "the whole truth to come out"...all except for that first part there "Hastert did the right thing"!!! I don't think anyone not even Trog himself believes that at this point. Yet he insists that we investigate the Democratic involvement in this…because as he has already said, "Hastert did the right thing." So it must have been the Democrats who failed to alert the press and the public….
Nobody alerts the press when the results of the investigation are as we were told these were... That's ridiculous. Alert the press, this guy is overly-friendly!
You are reading in and crossing my words with those of others. With regard to Hastert and the initial allegation, I've answered it, you just need to read without projecting what you think others "on the right" believe. Stepping out of the situation, avoiding partisanship, and letting professional investigators do their job is SOOOOO obviously a bad thing. Now as to the finding of "over-friendly" what the hell that means...

With regard to the subsequent actions, can you show me where Hastert did anything that was out of line with how he handled any other complaint? Did he treat this allegation in a manner different than the treatment of any other allegation? Show me.

Why do you keep (falsely) claiming that I only want one side investigated? How many times do I have to write that I want everyone who covered up or failed to act, regardless of party, punished before you understand it? Reps, dems, greens, vulcans, martians, venusians, anyone who knew about this and did nothing, or played it / delayed it for political advantage - that includes further examination of Speaker Hastert.

Let's investigate every lead, every allegation to the full. No immunity from scrutiny. TO do less would be criminal. I am sure that the brunt of this will fall on the reps, and if the reps lose the leadership because of this, so be it. (repeating this again, too.) The idea that the left somehow condones pedophilia is disgusting.

I am so tired of this kind of crap, that I want to see heads roll in D.C., lots of heads, lots of jailtime.

I don't kow how to make this more clear to you.
You are reading in and crossing my words with those of others. With regard to Hastert and the initial allegation, I've answered it, you just need to read without projecting what you think others "on the right" believe. Stepping out of the situation, avoiding partisanship, and letting professional investigators do their job is SOOOOO obviously a bad thing. Now as to the finding of "over-friendly" what the hell that means...

With regard to the subsequent actions, can you show me where Hastert did anything that was out of line with how he handled any other complaint? Did he treat this allegation in a manner different than the treatment of any other allegation? Show me.

Why do you keep (falsely) claiming that I only want one side investigated? How many times do I have to write that I want everyone who covered up or failed to act, regardless of party, punished before you understand it? Reps, dems, greens, vulcans, martians, venusians, anyone who knew about this and did nothing, or played it / delayed it for political advantage - that includes further examination of Speaker Hastert.

Let's investigate every lead, every allegation to the full. No immunity from scrutiny. TO do less would be criminal. I am sure that the brunt of this will fall on the reps, and if the reps lose the leadership because of this, so be it. (repeating this again, too.) The idea that the left somehow condones pedophilia is disgusting.

I am so tired of this kind of crap, that I want to see heads roll in D.C., lots of heads, lots of jailtime.

I don't kow how to make this more clear to you.

I am not "reading in and crossing" anything, if the form and content of your argument matches that of the form and content of other similar arguments in similar circumstances in the past I have nothing to do with that. I am merely pointing it out. If you make an argument that is similar then it is similar nothing I can do about it. You made it not me. You keep saying you want everyone investigated but as I have said on several occasions here what I think you really want is an investigation of the leak and the leaker. But you won't even be honest enough to say that.

Don't you really wish you could change the conversation to the "Dems are soft on terror." Well, that won't work so you seem to be saying that we need an investigation to see if in the Republican controlled House the "Dems are soft on Republicans who are sexually abusing children." Yeah, that is an argument that seems to have some legs in this particular case. In fact, that is exactly the argument Rush Limbaugh made this morning. Now of course, you want all allegations evidently even that allegation that Karl Rove leaked this to the press in order to make the Democrats look bad for not holding the Republicans feet to the fire on this thing, investigated. Do you see how ridiculous this looks????
"Dems are soft on Republicans who are sexually abusing children."

LOL. I'm pretty sure it's more like, "Dems are willing to hold something like this until election even if they knew of it beforehand in order to gain political advantage." rather than, "Dems are soft on Republicans"...
well, actually the caller who screamed "Democrats support pedophelia" didn't really say anthing about Foley. He just said democrats were hypocrites because they support pedophilia. The dude was practically sreaming and was so agitated, that he forgot to even mention foley.

I think the caller may have been Dixie.

are you two referring to someone on another site?

Yes. A real nasty, vile, right wing nut. The kind of guy who thinks all liberal women are fat and hairy lesbians, and who once sincerely attempted to drive a depressed gay man to suicide.

Ornot used to shred him though, it was funny.
are you two referring to someone on another site?
Yes we are. I shouldn't have brought it up. It's like not naming the Devil, you know?


There's this ultra-right-wing nutcase who goes by many arachnophilic names. He's . . . mind-bogglingly fascistic. Yeah, yeah: that word is overused. In his case it fits however. The thing is that he's incredibly prolific. He haunts message boards and chat rooms. He writes letters to the editor. He calls in to TV shows. He's almost a legend in So-Cal. An evil, sick legend, but still legendary.

If you ever run across posts by someone calling himself "SmillinSpider" or "SpideyMBA" or any variant thereof, leave that board immediately: it has been annexed by hell itself.
Yes we are. I shouldn't have brought it up. It's like not naming the Devil, you know?


There's this ultra-right-wing nutcase who goes by many arachnophilic names. He's . . . mind-bogglingly fascistic. Yeah, yeah: that word is overused. In his case it fits however. The thing is that he's incredibly prolific. He haunts message boards and chat rooms. He writes letters to the editor. He calls in to TV shows. He's almost a legend in So-Cal. An evil, sick legend, but still legendary.

If you ever run across posts by someone calling himself "SmillinSpider" or "SpideyMBA" or any variant thereof, leave that board immediately: it has been annexed by hell itself.

But remember the time he got humiliated by Bart Cop and Shop found it and posted it, and we all laughed and laughed?

I didn't know he calls into tv shows, but I'm not surprised. He's a very hateful person.
But remember the time he got humiliated by Bart Cop and Shop found it and posted it, and we all laughed and laughed?

I didn't know he calls into tv shows, but I'm not surprised. He's a very hateful person.
How do you think I found out his real name? Me and half the rest of the virtual world, actually: it was ridiculously easy.

He's calmed down in recent years. Maybe he got tired of having his ass handed to him on a regular basis. For a while, though, you could do a search on "SpiderMBA" and find literally thousands of citations. Letters to the editors of dozens of southern California newspapers. References to TV call in shows. You name it, he did it.

Wasn't it Budnfrog who found that photo? The one for which "combover boy" was coined? :shock:

That was low, I hate to admit . . . but a lot of fun, too.
LMAO RU two serious? That's insane. I don't think I've run into anyone that psychotic on message boards yet. He really tried to drive a gay man to suicide????????