Any Argument Asserting Democratic Culpability Is Absurd On Its Face

LMAO RU two serious? That's insane. I don't think I've run into anyone that psychotic on message boards yet. He really tried to drive a gay man to suicide????????

Yeah, it was pretty insideous. The person was a History professor at NYU and was distraught over some friends, including Father Michael who was a gay Catholic Priest who died in the WTC, although many there didn't know that, and he was already saying that he was suicidal on the board which was sort of strange. But anyway, Spider decided that he would give him that little extra push and tried to get him to kill himself for a month or two until the guy finally couldn't take it anymore and quit posting it was a loss for us all. The guy was obviously highly intelligent and had a lot to offer.
Oh my god! That's horrible! I could see if the professor was a Bush supporter....but........(I'm kidding).

I bet combover boy was a perv too.
Oh my god! That's horrible! I could see if the professor was a Bush supporter....but........(I'm kidding).

I bet combover boy was a perv too.

He had the ugliest hatred of gay people I've ever encountered.

As for him being a perv, there was some scandal about his detailed bragging about how his daughters looked in bikinis. He quite went on and on about it.
maybe that's why Dixie and Toby have been missing in action?

They're arming themselves with Limpbaugh's talkingpoints, and calling into shows to proclaim democrats support pedophilia?

another plausible reason for their absence is that they are sharing one of their secret homosexual love trysts....don't discount that!
There was this girl on another site I used to go to who was the liberal version of that. Lolita followed by a number... something like Lolita773 or like that... She was fricking insane. She would quite literally threaten people's lives and then go "You are all just partisan!" when the post was deleted... We were able to find her DU login and started linking to threads there... It got her to leave us alone. Fricking nutjob.
There was this girl on another site I used to go to who was the liberal version of that. Lolita followed by a number... something like Lolita773 or like that... She was fricking insane. She would quite literally threaten people's lives and then go "You are all just partisan!" when the post was deleted... We were able to find her DU login and started linking to threads there... It got her to leave us alone. Fricking nutjob.

Well, I've never met a liberal as hateful as this person. Of course, that board did boast some of the very dregs of humanity, and while no one was "worse" than this particular case, there were at least two, possibly three who were as bad. All righties.

I am willing to believe that they were isolated cases. I have no reason to believe that anyone here is so hateful, and actually, have seen no sign of such.
Well, I've never met a liberal as hateful as this person. Of course, that board did boast some of the very dregs of humanity, and while no one was "worse" than this particular case, there were at least two, possibly three who were as bad. All righties.

I am willing to believe that they were isolated cases. I have no reason to believe that anyone here is so hateful, and actually, have seen no sign of such.

Yeah, really, how many people here are threatening to call the FBI on me for every third post I make...This board seems much more collegial.
Yeah. That's absolutely unfathomable to me. Did he happen to resemble that Karr character that confessed to killing the ramsey kid?
Actually Prakosh, Not all of the denizen on this board are above that so don't get too comfy & watch what you say.
Yeah, really, how many people here are threatening to call the FBI on me for every third post I make...This board seems much more collegial.

Well, I reported you to the Dept. of Homeland Security three times this week. I read them a couple of your posts and they told me it sounded like you had won yourself a fabulous all expenses paid trip to Syria for some "questioning".

I'm surprised you're still here actually. I don't expect it will be long.
Actually Prakosh, Not all of the denizen on this board are above that so don't get too comfy & watch what you say.
Should he be expecting a call from FBI agent Dana....?

P.S. Ruff died.
I am not "reading in and crossing" anything, if the form and content of your argument matches that of the form and content of other similar arguments in similar circumstances in the past I have nothing to do with that. I am merely pointing it out. If you make an argument that is similar then it is similar nothing I can do about it. You made it not me. You keep saying you want everyone investigated but as I have said on several occasions here what I think you really want is an investigation of the leak and the leaker. But you won't even be honest enough to say that.
If you think my goal is an investigation of the leak/leaker while shielding the Rs, then you are reading in and crossing. To quote you: "...what I think you really want is an investigation of the leak and leaker." Those are your words not mine.

While my initial impression of Hastert's action is incorrect in the light of further reading on my part, that does not undermine my consistent call for a thorough investigation of ALL aspects. (You do understand the word all, I assume?) Even with my wrong impression I NEVER said we shouldn't investigate Hastert's actions further. If I said it, show me where I said it - not what you "think" I "really" said - and yes, the word all does include the leak and leakers. I've never said it didn't.

IMO everyone who had a hand in this is deserving of some degree of blame. I've read your assinine quip implying I thought those who knew and did nothing being worse - again those are your words, not mine. I've made my position on this clear, I'm not going to bother to repeat it.
On a poster I think his name was vlmodcon reported AOI to the secret servive for stating in jest he would harm the President.

What a douchebag.