Any Dog Lovers On Here?

Aren't we just giving in to the passions of the mob then. What about those in the minority. If enough people make a stink about profanity on television, low cut dresses or rap music can the government outlaw them.

This is the problem with full democracy.
Aren't we just giving in to the passions of the mob then. What about those in the minority. If enough people make a stink about profanity on television, low cut dresses or rap music can the government outlaw them.

This is the problem with full democracy.
This is indeed the problem with direct democracy. The constitution and the bureaucracy which springs from it are, as most of us know, designed to prevent comparatively brief trends from becoming enshrined in law. It doesn't always work but that's the idea.

There is a fuzzy line, at best, between "mob rule" and consensus. Frequently, it's all a matter of perspective: one man's consensus is another's tyranny. There's no other practical arbiter of human morality, however. We can only play the hand we're dealt by evolution. Or God, if you prefer.
I disagree with you both. One of the things that's gone wrong with our society today is that "extremsim" has gotten a bad name. There has to be room for real dialogue in this nation and where you have real dialogue you will *always* have extremists.

I'm an extremist and proud of it. This nation was founded by extremists. Iindeed, many nations were. We need more extremists and we need more avenues for those with extreme views to be heard.

Maybe your a point. I just believe as a general rule,not necessarily applied to politics. For instance,when people have lots of money,they want more,more,more. When you get a lot of something,it sets a standard in your mind that you HAVE to have that much.
It more applies to everyday living for me. I'm not sure what's considered extremist in political terms. Some people call me one because I simply am against abortion.