Any Xbox360 gamers on JPP?

Yeah COD4 mp is > Halo3 x 1 billion

I like how you can actually shoot through certain things like wood, doors, and thin walls.

16 mp maps at release is win too.

And there is some freaking awesome sp levels.

i think this game may take game of the year award... i am just amazed how well this game is put togeather.
I need to get me some xbox live. The wife needs to get better at H3 first though.

Haha mine will only play super puzzle fighter.

LOL.. mine will only play guitar hero 2 and 3...

i have been tring to get her to play a FPS but i dont think it gana happen.

she it too wraped up in stupid drama tv like soaps... i dont get it.. and she gives me shit for gaming...
She's not really into Halo that much, mostly because I rock tits at it. She's pretty decent when I drink though.