Anybody think we are 'over breeding' the Planet?

well If the females are culled and their sex parts smoked or pressed for oil

then the males may prefer to be culled at onset of sex parts
on the serious side

you can pay every female alive ( men too if they have some way of proving it ...say temporary or permanent sterilization) a stipend for not being pregnant that year.

its a world problem and would require a world wide solution
Anybody think we are 'over breeding' the Planet? YES!

Hi Jack,

"Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people."

And, as a secondary question, if YOU believe 'Human Activity' is causing degradation of the Land, Water, and Atmosphere, ... why would YOU support MORE PEOPLE?

*This thread is NOT intended for the Jesus Freaks that think we will all end up in Heaven playing Horse Shoes with Jesus for Eternity.

I like to put it this way.

Ask 100 people what they think the biggest problem in the world is. Don't prompt them with any context. Just straight up question, right out of the blue.

My contention is that NONE would answer thus:

"The biggest problem the world faces is we just don't have enough humans on the planet."

I think we already exceeded the most comfortable level of human population a long time ago. We could all have so much more if there were far fewer humans.

There would be more of everything to go around. Land, natural resources, etc.

And there would be far less pollution.

The world would be great with about a billion, I think.

Seems all to much like we are in the process of extracting natural resources and converting them into pollutants and landfill material.

Question comes to mind: How long can we do that?

The answer is: A lot longer if there were fewer of us.
What you say sounds like common sense to me.
There seems to be a lack of consensus on what 'facts' we are using.
If one person claims 'Climate Change' is our Greatest Threat and is caused by 'Human Activity'. And the next person claims 'Climate Change' is a Chinese Hoax and there's more than enough Land for doubling of the World Population, then you're not going to resolve anything.

Hi Jack,

I like to put it this way.

Ask 100 people what they think the biggest problem in the world is. Don't prompt them with any context. Just straight up question, right out of the blue.

My contention is that NONE would answer thus:

"The biggest problem the world faces is we just don't have enough humans on the planet."

I think we already exceeded the most comfortable level of human population a long time ago. We could all have so much more if there were far fewer humans.

There would be more of everything to go around. Land, natural resources, etc.

And there would be far less pollution.

The world would be great with about a billion, I think.

Seems all to much like we are in the process of extracting natural resources and converting them into pollutants and landfill material.

Question comes to mind: How long can we do that?

The answer is: A lot longer if there were fewer of us.
Hi Jack,

What you say sounds like common sense to me.
There seems to be a lack of consensus on what 'facts' we are using.
If one person claims 'Climate Change' is our Greatest Threat and is caused by 'Human Activity'. And the next person claims 'Climate Change' is a Chinese Hoax and there's more than enough Land for doubling of the World Population, then you're not going to resolve anything.

I like the common sense approaches to things.

The world is currently so crowded that people have become accustomed to waiting. Too many people all wanting to do or get the same thing at the same time, and so they wait. Wait to get into a movie, wait for a traffic signal to turn green, wait for traffic to clear out, wait to check out. We have a culture with waiting areas, waiting lines and waiting rooms, just for waiting. It's ridiculous.

Who in the world LIKES waiting?

Nobody that I can think of.

If we had fewer humans we wouldn't have to wait as much for things.

A statistic is compiled about what we do with our time. A certain percentage of our time is spent waiting. Not many people think they are put on this planet to wait for things.

Everybody would have a better life with less waiting if there were fewer of us.
"While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use during a period of time and may result in further depletion and deterioration of available water resources.Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or floods, increased pollution, and increased human demand and overuse of water."

As Fresh Water decreases in availability ...

"At the World Water Forum in 2000, former Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe said that “access to water should not be a public right.” Along with other leaders, he persuaded the World Water Council to change their mission statement to refer to water as a “need” instead of a “right.” Now Nestle is buying up as much fresh groundwater as they can find."
Toledo Ohio recently approved granting Lake Erie legal rights.

They approved the “Lake Erie Bill of Rights.” Among other things, the bill guarantees the right of the lake and its surrounding watershed “to exist, flourish, and naturally evolve.”"

Christian Science Monitor

The above rather biased and doubtful article doesn't bother to mention the panic which beset Toledo when it was learned their tap water was not safe, and had been compromised by toxic blue green algae in Lake Erie, caused by fertilizer run-off. When that news came out, the city instantly ran out of bottled water and had to get emergency supplies of water. That was enough to get Toledoans to vote for the Lake Erie Bill of Rights, in which any citizen can sue on behalf of the lake, with the proceeds going to lake clean up.
The US can't control 'population growth' in other Countries. But it CAN control 'population growth' in the US.

Aren't we already doing that? How would leftist radicals like you "control population".

You realize this idea about overpopulation has been pushed by leftist losers for decades and decades, right?
Country: "Aren't we already doing that? How would leftist radicals like you "control population"."
Jack: Support a 'No Immigration' policy. The US can't 'control population' any where else, but it can control it HERE. If other countries want to overpopulate THEIR Country, fine, just don't expect to unload the 'excess people' HERE in the US.

Country: "You realize this idea about overpopulation has been pushed by leftist losers for decades and decades, right?"
Jack: Some people are convinced that the Planet is on it's way to become uninhabitable because of 'Human Activity'. The Water, Land, and Atmosphere is being degraded to a point of non-recovery.

If you had a Pasture that would accommodate and Feed 10 Horses, would you put 20 Horses in there knowing they would eventually die of starvation?

Aren't we already doing that? How would leftist radicals like you "control population".

You realize this idea about overpopulation has been pushed by leftist losers for decades and decades, right?
I believe you are a Jesus Freak, so you could care less what happens.

My only concern is that you climate change hoax believers voluntarily and immediately stop breathing. It is true that I don't care what would happen to you if you actually showed what you claim to believe. That's because you're not worth the effort to care.
Country: "Aren't we already doing that? How would leftist radicals like you "control population"."
Jack: Support a 'No Immigration' policy. The US can't 'control population' any where else, but it can control it HERE. If other countries want to overpopulate THEIR Country, fine, just don't expect to unload the 'excess people' HERE in the US.

Country: "You realize this idea about overpopulation has been pushed by leftist losers for decades and decades, right?"
Jack: Some people are convinced that the Planet is on it's way to become uninhabitable because of 'Human Activity'. The Water, Land, and Atmosphere is being degraded to a point of non-recovery.

If you had a Pasture that would accommodate and Feed 10 Horses, would you put 20 Horses in there knowing they would eventually die of starvation?

Agree on immigration.

Like I said, people have predicting overpopulation armageddon for decades and decades. They've all been wrong. Why should we believe them now?
Agree on immigration.

Like I said, people have predicting overpopulation armageddon for decades and decades. They've all been wrong. Why should we believe them now?

Country: "Like I said, people have predicting overpopulation armageddon for decades and decades. They've all been wrong. Why should we believe them now?"
Jack: I think they have been right. Birth Control works. In Catholic Countries like Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, etc. they have TOO MANY PEOPLE. So they head North.

Ever notice that some people are AGAINST Birth Control, ... and they are the SAME PEOPLE that can't figure out why overcrowded countries send their 'excess people' to the US?
My only concern is that you climate change hoax believers voluntarily and immediately stop breathing. It is true that I don't care what would happen to you if you actually showed what you claim to believe. That's because you're not worth the effort to care.

Keep your head buried up your ass