Anybody think we are 'over breeding' the Planet?

We are already past max sustainable. Have been for some time. Asia will die off first and soon which makes PRC very dangerous though they might welcome it. It would solve many of their problems.
Those numbers are extremely conservative and probably far off the mark. In North America alone only around 25% of our arable land is even populated. Approximately half the population of North America live in the Continental US east of the Mississippi River and even there the population density is about half that of Europe.

The planets human carrying capacity of the planet far exceeds the numbers the article quotes by 3 to 4 times those numbers. Look at Asia for another example. Of the 4.5 billion people in Asia 3 billion live in China and India with most of their populations concentrated along their coasts. Both nations together represent about 20% of the land area of Asia. Massive areas of northern and Central Asia are still sparsely populated but have the carrying capacity for much larger human populations. They may have unpleasant climates but certainly ones in which large numbers of humans can survive and thrive in.

As for the ecological effects of course those areas seeing large population growth are profoundly impacted. As to why more, that’s a question with no real answer. Because we can? Ultimately humanity is governed by the laws of biology and if human populations exceed the capacity to support life then large numbers of the excessive populations will die until a balance with carrying capacity is reached.

Spoken as a true biologist.
Agree on immigration.

Like I said, people have predicting overpopulation armageddon for decades and decades. They've all been wrong. Why should we believe them now?

Wrong? Have you looked at the toilet we are turning this globe into? Pollution is making much of the planet uninhabitable. What was predicted is happening.
Like with Marijuana,the majority of breeding males,must be up rooted and destroyed

My God you're stupid. One male could impregnate hundreds of females. If you're going to decrease human reproduction, it would be female reproduction that needs to be diminished. Fucktard.
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"Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people."

And, as a secondary question, if YOU believe 'Human Activity' is causing degradation of the Land, Water, and Atmosphere, ... why would YOU support MORE PEOPLE?

*This thread is NOT intended for the Jesus Freaks that think we will all end up in Heaven playing Horse Shoes with Jesus for Eternity.

You should take a drive through Canada some time if you think we are over populating the planet. But not to worry; I am sure when loony leftists are in charge they will engage us in another global conflict that will reduce the size of the planets population. ;)
Don't worry,after the Apocalypse,
.01% will survive

I thought I gave you great news!
The only way to save the planet and the plants and animals.
Is a huge reduction in the offender!Modern man!
A 99.09 % reduction should do the trick.
There's really isn't any other viable solution!:)

Hey dummy, check your arithmetic. You mean 99.99% reduction. You will unquestionably be one of the people who die in a survival of the fittest scenario.
Hi Politalker,

Hi Jack,

I like the common sense approaches to things.

The world is currently so crowded that people have become accustomed to waiting. Too many people all wanting to do or get the same thing at the same time, and so they wait. Wait to get into a movie, wait for a traffic signal to turn green, wait for traffic to clear out, wait to check out. We have a culture with waiting areas, waiting lines and waiting rooms, just for waiting. It's ridiculous.

Who in the world LIKES waiting?

Nobody that I can think of.

If we had fewer humans we wouldn't have to wait as much for things.

A statistic is compiled about what we do with our time. A certain percentage of our time is spent waiting. Not many people think they are put on this planet to wait for things.

Everybody would have a better life with less waiting if there were fewer of us.

I agree with taking a common sense approach to things. Let's start here in the good old US of A by actively discouraging people who can't afford to pay for their own children from having more. Let's cap all welfare at one child and require sterilization or at least IUD birth control as a condition of receiving benefits. :)