Anyone Here Utilize Cash Back Credit Cards?

I tried to start a non-partisan topic and he just wants to argue with me no matter what. He even did the same in my Jeep thread.

Sorry. There are a few attention whores here who do that. If you reply to them in a civil manner a couple of times, they will follow you to Hell to try to get your attention, with increasingly shrill attacks. If you respond to them in an uncivil manner, they're even worse. CFM, Grayjunky/Havana/WhatNameHeCallsHimselfNow, Earl, TOP, Steven VanderMoron, Jack, etc. are ones to look out for.
Because of the way you present yourself, it says just the OPPOSITE of 'Wealth and Riches'. You present yourself as a struggling Worker Drone just living Paycheck to Paycheck. Your grammar and word selection depicts you as 'of the Lower Class'. Your "Do you want to fight" exclamations while on the Internet is laughable, and your use of "Boy" and "Nigger lover" shows your mental age as being 'young and stupid'.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to help here by being honest.
You've illustrated exactly why I have that piece of shit on ignore for years.
Lol. I know how to budget. I'm not going to break the bank filling my gas tank or buying groceries. These are necessary purchases I'd make regardless. I also put certain bills (phone bill, car insurance, etc) on my cash back credit cards and then pay them off immediately.

If you don't trust yourself to not spend that money (that WOULD have gone to those expenses anyway) for the 2-3 days it takes to post to your credit card account, then you must be very irresponsible with money.
Yep. And...with Covid, I haven't paid for groceries with cash all year. I don't usually care about the few points back, but I don't want anyone else's cash in my pocket now.
After I work the deal then I try to put as much on the card as they'll go w/...

Usually they'll go along w/ a decent chunk & then I just pay cash on the rest.....
Sometimes there are incentives of a grand or so to take their financing. I take the rebate, and pay off the note in a month or two.
LOL...I've got a few Estwings. They could do some damage. WTF was the guy pissing about?

I've seen union guys picketing outside of jobs I've been on. Pretty common. They can be pissy.

:) I was walking to the job site and this guy ran across the street yelling something about 'one of your friends tried to run me off the road'. I had no idea what he was talking about, didn't have anything to do with me, looked like he just wanted to punch somebody.
The incident was passed around the Job. At the end of the day, I was surrounded by Pipefitters, Welders, Electricians, Carpenters loaded down with spudwrenches, 12" screwdrivers, hammers, as we all walked out into what was expected to be a Biker Gang in waiting. Unfortunately, ... there was No Party that day.

Yep. And...with Covid, I haven't paid for groceries with cash all year. I don't usually care about the few points back, but I don't want anyone else's cash in my pocket now.

The grocery stores here won't let ppl use cash in the self-checkout stations since the pandemic began. I've made it a thing to find the ppl with just a couple of items but who want to pay cash, and let them go in front of my well-filled cart. They tell me thanks, I tell them thanks for wearing a mask. Stuff just got a little nicer.
Sorry. There are a few attention whores here who do that. If you reply to them in a civil manner a couple of times, they will follow you to Hell to try to get your attention, with increasingly shrill attacks. If you respond to them in an uncivil manner, they're even worse. CFM, Grayjunky/Havana/WhatNameHeCallsHimselfNow, Earl, TOP, Steven VanderMoron, Jack, etc. are ones to look out for.

:) I was walking to the job site and this guy ran across the street yelling something about 'one of your friends tried to run me off the road'. I had no idea what he was talking about, didn't have anything to do with me, looked like he just wanted to punch somebody.
The incident was passed around the Job. At the end of the day, I was surrounded by Pipefitters, Welders, Electricians, Carpenters loaded down with spudwrenches, 12" screwdrivers, hammers, as we all walked out into what was expected to be a Biker Gang in waiting. Unfortunately, ... there was No Party that day.

LOL. I saw the opposite a few decades ago. I'm more of a finish guy who hired on with a bunch of crazy bikers who were building restaurants in the 80s. They had a bunch of cabinet work, but nobody who could do it. I showed up at a new pour as the framing was getting started. It kept me busy doing work I wasn't used to, just until I could clear out the Harley parts from their garage and move in my tools. It didn't last long on the construction sites.

A buddy who put me together with the bikers was a scrawny guy with a pony tail. We'd been friends for years. He was a decent carpenter who was working with these guys a few months. One day, as this moron is driving past the line of picketing laborers, he rolls down his window and yells 'get a job!'.

The damn fool forgot all about it by lunchtime. He walked across the street to the deli, and before he knew it he was surrounded by quite a few angry union guys who weren't impressed with his mouth.
The grocery stores here won't let ppl use cash in the self-checkout stations since the pandemic began. I've made it a thing to find the ppl with just a couple of items but who want to pay cash, and let them go in front of my well-filled cart. They tell me thanks, I tell them thanks for wearing a mask. Stuff just got a little nicer.
During the peak here, stores had a very interesting mandated method for checkouts. A line would form at one end of the store, and people would get called up to a specific register as they would open. The line required people to distance from one another, and this method kept away the mob scenes at the registers. The lines got long due to distancing, but they went really fast. I got used to it, and wished they did it all the time. It also kept the full carts from clogging up the express lines.

One interesting thing, though. People were still doing what you described, as it's common courtesy. didn't matter. We were getting called when it was our turn at the front of the line. It didn't matter how many items we had, so the courteous gesture was nice, but meaningless.
I've got the C(ertified)F(ucking)M(oron) on ignore but from what you've quoted it sounds like he doesn't understand that maintaining a credit card account (or two), that you pay off in full each month, is a smart way to manage your personal finances.

I've done that for more than 20 years now. When my girls were old enough to get credit in their own names (age 18 where we used to live), I helped them open checking accounts and apply for a reputable credit card. They followed my advice and paid off their balances in full each month, eventually qualified for an upgrade to a cash-back credit account, and by age 20 were able to apply for credit to buy a vehicle on credit. They're in their early thirties now, married with kids, and own their own homes. The older of the two changed careers from graphic designer to veterinary tech in her mid-20s, took out student loans to pay for the $25,000 two-year program, and paid off those loans last year. The younger is within a year of paying off her student loan for her masters.

I don't think he does not understand, I think he can't obtain it, thus all the bull shit excuses.........

I decided I wasn't going to pursue it, if he is poor, fucked up or something, I would rather not rub his nose in it.... Eventhough he may deserve it.....
I tried to start a non-partisan topic and he just wants to argue with me no matter what. He even did the same in my Jeep thread.
That is why he is here, he thrives on it....

he is simply a human punching bag...

Ignoring him is what he hates-no attention.....
Yep. I once put a $10k deposit on a car with my card. Now they only allow $3-$5 grand max at the dealerships.

Yes, I never was able to put it all on there.....

I think $10,000 or about $13,000, I can't recall exactly.. The sales guy begged them to let it go, he was hungry & a good advocate, he wanted his money
He never bought a car. Dealers are more apt to give you a better deal if you finance. As long as you have 800+ credit like I do.

I buy all my vehicles at invoice or below. Dealer won't go that far into holdback just because you bring in a giant jar of pennies.

Yes, they get a kick-back..

My cred has been over 800 since the 80's...
LOL. I saw the opposite a few decades ago. I'm more of a finish guy who hired on with a bunch of crazy bikers who were building restaurants in the 80s. They had a bunch of cabinet work, but nobody who could do it. I showed up at a new pour as the framing was getting started. It kept me busy doing work I wasn't used to, just until I could clear out the Harley parts from their garage and move in my tools. It didn't last long on the construction sites.

A buddy who put me together with the bikers was a scrawny guy with a pony tail. We'd been friends for years. He was a decent carpenter who was working with these guys a few months. One day, as this moron is driving past the line of picketing laborers, he rolls down his window and yells 'get a job!'.

The damn fool forgot all about it by lunchtime. He walked across the street to the deli, and before he knew it he was surrounded by quite a few angry union guys who weren't impressed with his mouth.

:) hahahaha ...

One time I was out in San Francisco trying to get a job at the Seamen's Union Hall. All of a sudden there's a guy complaining about non-Union Labor trying to unload a Ship. He said "Open up the Bar". And they rolled up this metal door and it was free drinks for everybody. As everyone is getting tanked up, they had people go get Station Wagons to transport us to the Port. We were all told to get these same colored Armbands so we knew who was who and anyone NOT wearing an Armband was suppose to be beat up. I remember one guy yelling "We don't need no fucking Armbands, we know who is who". And I'm thinking "Fuck, nobody knows me, I just got here". hahaha I'm wondering what the fuck have I got myself into?
After about an hour of everybody getting ginned up, the word came down that the Dispute had been settled and they closed the Bar. :)
Sometimes there are incentives of a grand or so to take their financing. I take the rebate, and pay off the note in a month or two.


I'll consider it long as there are not penalties for paying it off.......

My X was very good @ it, she was/is petty & cheap, so we would do that, put some on a card or whatever to get it as low as possible out the door....
:) hahahaha ...

One time I was out in San Francisco trying to get a job at the Seamen's Union Hall. All of a sudden there's a guy complaining about non-Union Labor trying to unload a Ship. He said "Open up the Bar". And they rolled up this metal door and it was free drinks for everybody. As everyone is getting tanked up, they had people go get Station Wagons to transport us to the Port. We were all told to get these same colored Armbands so we knew who was who and anyone NOT wearing an Armband was suppose to be beat up. I remember one guy yelling "We don't need no fucking Armbands, we know who is who". And I'm thinking "Fuck, nobody knows me, I just got here". hahaha I'm wondering what the fuck have I got myself into?
After about an hour of everybody getting ginned up, the word came down that the Dispute had been settled and they closed the Bar. :)
LOL... that could have been problematic.
I don't think he does not understand, I think he can't obtain it, thus all the bull shit excuses.........

I decided I wasn't going to pursue it, if he is poor, fucked up or something, I would rather not rub his nose in it.... Eventhough he may deserve it.....

You're a good guy. You're right -- have also noticed that people who fuss the most about credit cards often have poor credit and can't get one.