Anyone planning for the holidays yet?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Halloween is tonight, and Thanksgiving, and the Christmas season isn't that far off. If you're like me you think about these things far in advance. I'm not keen on doing too much for Thanksgiving, besides eating, and crashing, but Christmas is a time I try to do something. Baking is my specialty, especially bread. Only problem is bread doesn't stay fresh for the travel through the mail. So I got into cookies instead. I probably made 500+ cookies last year in 1-2 days. I didn't get much sleep, since I'm a classic procrastinator, and waited too long to get started. I was on a diet break, so I probably ate a dozen, or two myself.
Halloween is tonight, and Thanksgiving, and the Christmas season isn't that far off. If you're like me you think about these things far in advance. I'm not keen on doing too much for Thanksgiving, besides eating, and crashing, but Christmas is a time I try to do something. Baking is my specialty, especially bread. Only problem is bread doesn't stay fresh for the travel through the mail. So I got into cookies instead. I probably made 500+ cookies last year in 1-2 days. I didn't get much sleep, since I'm a classic procrastinator, and waited too long to get started. I was on a diet break, so I probably ate a dozen, or two myself.

Trump killed the holiday spirits.
Halloween is tonight, and Thanksgiving, and the Christmas season isn't that far off. If you're like me you think about these things far in advance. I'm not keen on doing too much for Thanksgiving, besides eating, and crashing, but Christmas is a time I try to do something. Baking is my specialty, especially bread. Only problem is bread doesn't stay fresh for the travel through the mail. So I got into cookies instead. I probably made 500+ cookies last year in 1-2 days. I didn't get much sleep, since I'm a classic procrastinator, and waited too long to get started. I was on a diet break, so I probably ate a dozen, or two myself.

Were they third party cookies?
500 cookies?

Maybe try something else? You know, like making Tree Ornaments, or something?

I'm not sure exactly on the numbers. That might be exaggerating a bit, but I made batch, upon batch. The batches on some, I believe made up to like 4 dozen cookies. It was a lot of work, but I need something to do during the Thanksgiving, Christmas season, or I get depressed. Besides that, I was starting the plans for the summer vacation during this time. When we got back from that vacation, and finally rested up, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was often bored, and pretty sedentary. Hopefully the holidays will get me busy again, even though I'm still having physical issues.
The first year I was married,in '68,my new wife made Christmas Cookies,she mixed up ingredients,her little brother couldn't bit into one threw it against the wall,it didn't break.
She had made cement cookies.
I'm not sure exactly on the numbers. That might be exaggerating a bit, but I made batch, upon batch. The batches on some, I believe made up to like 4 dozen cookies. It was a lot of work, but I need something to do during the Thanksgiving, Christmas season, or I get depressed. Besides that, I was starting the plans for the summer vacation during this time. When we got back from that vacation, and finally rested up, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was often bored, and pretty sedentary. Hopefully the holidays will get me busy again, even though I'm still having physical issues.

Finding stuff that engages you physically is a good idea. Ask Mason why he goes swimming. Even a daily walk around the block is enough to get your heart pumping. You want to oxygenate your brain for clearer thinking. Your last vacation was exciting, hope you can afford another one. That's a great way to be physical, just going to new places and 'exploring'.

500 cookies? Jesus! I'm afraid to ask where they all ended up at. :(
Finding stuff that engages you physically is a good idea. Ask Mason why he goes swimming. Even a daily walk around the block is enough to get your heart pumping. You want to oxygenate your brain for clearer thinking. Your last vacation was exciting, hope you can afford another one. That's a great way to be physical, just going to new places and 'exploring'.

500 cookies? Jesus! I'm afraid to ask where they all ended up at. :(

Don't worry, they were distributed to friends, and the family as gifts. I have 4 brothers, and a sister alone. I didn't send any to the one, because he moved to Denver a little ways before Christmas, and they hadn't gotten mail figured out yet.
Don't worry, they were distributed to friends, and the family as gifts. I have 4 brothers, and a sister alone. I didn't send any to the one, because he moved to Denver a little ways before Christmas, and they hadn't gotten mail figured out yet.

Oh. I was thinking you might be sitting home alone at Christmas time with 500 cookies laying around your house, you know, just waiting to be eaten. If you have family and friends to send them to, that's pretty good. Eating 500 cookies within a 24 hour timeframe may not be the healthiest idea, so good to hear you gave them out as Gifts.
I was going to suggest you send some to Mason but I believe his wife has mentioned that Mason can no longer eat pies, cakes, cookies or ice cream. She said something about it affecting his 'performance'. (?)
Oh. I was thinking you might be sitting home alone at Christmas time with 500 cookies laying around your house, you know, just waiting to be eaten. If you have family and friends to send them to, that's pretty good. Eating 500 cookies within a 24 hour timeframe may not be the healthiest idea, so good to hear you gave them out as Gifts.
I was going to suggest you send some to Mason but I believe his wife has mentioned that Mason can no longer eat pies, cakes, cookies or ice cream. She said something about it affecting his 'performance'. (?)

I didn't think you were that dense, Jack. I shall be more mindful. My GF and her sisters give most of the cookies out to coworkers and friends as Christmas gifts. Who doesn't like receiving Christmas cookies?
Still facepalming?
I didn't think you were that dense, Jack. I shall be more mindful. My GF and her sisters give most of the cookies out to coworkers and friends as Christmas gifts. Who doesn't like receiving Christmas cookies?
Still facepalming?

If you carefully note, ... my reply was to Jade and his 500 cookies, NOT to YOU and your GF and her sisters.
(I'm sure you would be more than happy to drive all over town and hand out cookies, just so you could have an excuse to ... drive all over town)