Anyone Remember SR?

Funny, I recognized you and Grind without anyone telling me...

You and I had very few discussions so I am not surprised that you don't recognize me. I actually posted under three different names at and none of them were the same name I posted under at so I can see why I am not recognized. I would much like to keep it that way, thank you very much.

I don't see how you recognized watermark. Watermarks schitck is very different now than it was even a year ago, not to mention a few years ago.
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i dont' believe in this hyperbolic argument. Maybe at one time this was true, say for WWII, but "our right to call someone an ass" (i.e., our freedoms) is not, and will not be under threat anytime soon.

It is under constant threat every day. Just because the enemy is not a foreign nation does not make it any less of an affront (no I'm not talking about terrorists). However, everyone has an equal part to play in the preservation of our rights, not just those in uniform.
ok i figured out who you are. given these facts:

1) you knew sr and all of us, especially me
2) you don't consider yourself "A" list
3) you are guarded about your online personas
4) you had multiple names

I wont reveal it O_O. But I am like 95% sure.
I don't see how you recognized watermark. Watermarks schitck is very different now than it was even a year ago, not to mention a few years ago.

His schitck may be different, his style of writing has not changed. He doesn't seem that much changed to me. I recognized him by the second or third post I read. You, I recognized immediately.
ok i figured out who you are. given these facts:

1) you knew sr and all of us, especially me
2) you don't consider yourself "A" list
3) you are guarded about your online personas
4) you had multiple names

I wont reveal it O_O. But I am like 95% sure.

I am sure you know who I am now given all the hints I dropped. Although, I was very flattered that you considered I might be gentoo.
It is under constant threat every day. Just because the enemy is not a foreign nation does not make it any less of an affront (no I'm not talking about terrorists). However, everyone has an equal part to play in the preservation of our rights, not just those in uniform.

Gotta agree with the Capt here...
btw lostsoul confirmed in private message I was right. (not with the names I mentioned in this thread, but a private guess I made to lostsoul) I have sick skills, you guys are playing checkers and I am playing chess
btw lostsoul confirmed in private message I was right. (not with the names I mentioned in this thread, but a private guess I made to lostsoul) I have sick skills, you guys are playing checkers and I am playing chess

Not to toot your own horn though, right? lol
SR put his butt where his convictios were.

I hope he stays safe and comes home soon.

I feel he is much more likely to do so under Obama than Bush.
SR put his butt where his convictios were.

I hope he stays safe and comes home soon.

I feel he is much more likely to do so under Obama than Bush.

I don't know...I think Bush would have sent the additional troops the General asked for by now instead of sitting around for months thinking about it. Hell, Hillary would have sent them by now too. And I would rather they send 40,000 immediately, yesterday if possible, if it keeps him alive. Got an email from him last night. He said it would be his last one as he was leaving Camp Leatherneck. Couldn't tell me where he was headed, but said I needed to pray my ass off. Sure wish Obama would pull his head out of his ass and send him some help!

That's just me though...
Bush would have sent him to Iraq and would have continued to barely man Afganistan.

Bush fired those who suggested more troops.

Obama did not make this mess.
Bush would have sent him to Iraq and would have continued to barely man Afganistan.

Bush fired those who suggested more troops.

Obama did not make this mess.

I am not going to argue the politics of these wars. To tell you the truth, I don't care about the politics of them anymore. All I know is that there are people over there trying to kill SR and I would rather they didn't. Obama has it in his power to help and he isn't helping.

When someone spills something on the floor, do you ignore it because you didn't make the mess? Do you sit around for months and look at it and think about cleaning it up? Or do you clean it up because you are the one with the tools needed to do it? Personally, I clean it up. Especially if it saves lives if I do.