APP - Hypothetical Scenario for Thinkers

It's not up to me to prove Macro evolution does not happen when evolutionists have failed to prove it does!
That's simply not true. There's vast amounts of data demonstrating evolution above the species level of phylogony. BTW, there is no such thing as an "evolutionist". We are called biologist. Evolutionary theory is a foundational theory to all of biology. To discredit evolutionary theory would be to discredit all of biology.
That's simply not true. There's vast amounts of data demonstrating evolution above the species level of phylogony. BTW, there is no such thing as an "evolutionist". We are called biologist. Evolutionary theory is a foundational theory to all of biology. To discredit evolutionary theory would be to discredit all of biology.

not if you stick to what biology has proved (established science).....that still leaves you with micro evolution.........I would say an "evolutionist" is an accurate description of a biologist who chooses on faith to believe that macro evolution has been "proven"......
Un huh. Let me ask you. What is the modern definition of evolutionary theory? Do you know?

ev·o·lu·tion (v-lshn, v-)
1. A continuing process of change from one state or condition to another or from one form to another.
2. The theory that groups of organisms change with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
It is 500 years in the future. Man has perfected a way to travel to distant galaxies, and has discovered a planet much like Earth. In fact, it is ecologically just like Earth, with slightly less water and oxygen. However, after our initial explorations, it appears there is very little life on the planet. No advanced life whatsoever, only some simple vegetation in certain areas. We've explored the oceans and find nothing living there either. No signs of any kind of civilization, no intelligent life has been found, in spite of our advanced equipment which is designed to detect any kind of life as we know it. Aside from the rare and sparse vegetation, there is no sign of any life on the planet.

What we have discovered, is puzzling. The planet is full of mechanical devices of all kinds. Machines are running everywhere, producing things, computing things, making other machines. Some machines, we simply don't know what they are for, or what they are doing. There are buildings, but they are very simple structures, seemingly designed to just keep out the elements and protect the running machines. No bathrooms or running water, except where water is needed for the machines to produce. We've scratched our heads over this for a decade, and science is still baffled. Where are the people? Who made the machines? How did they get there? The questions are endless, as we grapple with the details of this new world.

The question posed by this hypothetical scenario... what is your conclusion? Did machines "evolve" into existence? Did some source of intelligence we can't detect or which no longer exist, make the machines? Is this some project erected by another civilization on another planet?

If they are truely machines, not animal they did not evolve (at least not in a way scientists use the word), because as far as we know now... Only animals mutate such to allow for scientific evolution.

They may have "evolved" in the way others use the word, as they might have been created to "think" and make improvements in the next "generation" of machines that they create, thus a sort of non-biological evolution.
not if you stick to what biology has proved (established science).....that still leaves you with micro evolution.........I would say an "evolutionist" is an accurate description of a biologist who chooses on faith to believe that macro evolution has been "proven"......
If you believe that then you are uninformed and ignorant about biology and science. You're comment about macroevolution demonstrates both. First, in science nothing is absolutely proven. All of science is tentative. If you were well educated in science you should understand this most basic principle. Apparently you don't. You also don't understand the difference between science and faith. Thirdly, your the one sticking your head in the sand and just simply ignoring data and evidence when it is presented to you. Until you can learn what science and evolutionary theory are and until you can enter into an intellecutally honest discussion, there's no point in even discussing this with you. You're worse then profoundly ignorant on this subject, your willfully ignorant.
ev·o·lu·tion (v-lshn, v-)
1. A continuing process of change from one state or condition to another or from one form to another.
2. The theory that groups of organisms change with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Well this is a step in the right direction. #1 is a general definition and not the biological one (obviously). #2 is an adequate definintion and is technically correct.

The modern biological definition of evolutionary theory is stated as "A shift in allele frequency within a population over time.".
And of course you laugh at all those facts you disproved.

The List Of Scientists
-- Scientific Dissent From Darwinism
Um. This starts from a false premise and continues to get worse. This is absolutely written by somebody who has no idea what a Theory is in science, it is written by somebody who doesn't understand the difference between Evolutionary Theory and Origin Theory, and uses that very ignorance in their argument. The entire thing is a fallacy because it is predicated and based on a false premise.

It's like building a foundation of water for your house.
If you believe that then you are uninformed and ignorant about biology and science. You're comment about macroevolution demonstrates both. First, in science nothing is absolutely proven. All of science is tentative. If you were well educated in science you should understand this most basic principle. Apparently you don't. You also don't understand the difference between science and faith. Thirdly, your the one sticking your head in the sand and just simply ignoring data and evidence when it is presented to you. Until you can learn what science and evolutionary theory are and until you can enter into an intellecutally honest discussion, there's no point in even discussing this with you. You're worse then profoundly ignorant on this subject, your willfully ignorant.
Mott The Hopeless: "I'm a chicken and I don't dare debate issues. So I just holler a lot about how much smarter I am and hope nobody notices that I don't actually debate"........
Well this is a step in the right direction. #1 is a general definition and not the biological one (obviously). #2 is an adequate definintion and is technically correct.

The modern biological definition of evolutionary theory is stated as "A shift in allele frequency within a population over time.".

it's a medical dictionary's definition from 2007....I suspect it's accurate enough and "modern" enough....
it is written by somebody who doesn't understand the difference between Evolutionary Theory and Origin Theory

I have been arguing this issue on boards for years and I find that the most frequent error on the part of seculars......most assume that any argument against abiogenesis is an argument against evolution.....
mott faced with the possibility he might have to live up to his reputation as a ringer....

The laws of gravity hasn't changed much, yet evolutionary theory keeps evolving...
That's not true. There have been significant changes to gravitational theory since it was first postulated. Look at the changes that occured to gravitation theory via the work of Newton, Bohr, Einstein, etc. No different then evolutionary theory. All theories evolve as more is understood about the nature of the phenomena being observed. You should know that. It's what makes science work.
That's not true. There have been significant changes to gravitational theory since it was first postulated. Look at the changes that occured to gravitation theory via the work of Newton, Bohr, Einstein, etc. No different then evolutionary theory. All theories evolve as more is understood about the nature of the phenomena being observed. You should know that. It's what makes science work.
I was talking about the law of gravity, not the theory of it. *shrug*
it's a medical dictionary's definition from 2007....I suspect it's accurate enough and "modern" enough....
The problem with definition #2 is that in biological evolution the ontogeny of an individual is not considered biological evolution as individual organism do not evolve. It is the changes that occur within a population that are inheritable via the genetic material wich are considered biological evolution. That important destinction was not made clear in definition #2.

That is also why the correct modern definition of evolutionary theory is stated as "the change in allele frequency within a population over time."
I was talking about the law of gravity, not the theory of it. *shrug*
But the law of gravity is part of the framework of gravitational theory. Just as the following biological laws; "The law of inheritence, the law of variation and the law of superfecundancy" are part of the framework of evolutionary theory. These natural laws also hold the same scientific weight as the law of gravity. No serious scientist disputes these three biological laws of nature.
But the law of gravity is part of the framework of gravitational theory. Just as the following biological laws; "The law of inheritence, the law of variation and the law of superfecundancy" are part of the framework of evolutionary theory. These natural laws also hold the same scientific weight as the law of gravity. No serious scientist disputes these three biological laws of nature.
No, the law is a simple mathematical equation to describe its force based on variables of mass and distance. As I stated, that has remained unchanged. Evolutionary theory is still evolving, and likely continue to, forever.
I have been arguing this issue on boards for years and I find that the most frequent error on the part of seculars......most assume that any argument against abiogenesis is an argument against evolution.....
Again, your saying things you can't back up. How do scientist corealate the ultimate orgins of life with evolutionary theory? What are these arguments against the theory of abiogensis? Please answer these two questions and be specific.

You have also failed to answer the question on your claim that Intelligent Design is science. Why haven't you backed this claim up either? Why do you refuse to back up your claim?