APP - Hypothetical Scenario for Thinkers

Nope I thought that the feather fell slightly slower in a vacuum becuase of gravity affecting organics less than non organics.

It is a strong theory but not proven yet.
The difference if any is very very small.
Granted, I think they meant natural sciences. Polygamy is more of a debate involving social sciences...
The point is still valid. Most churches are quick to adopt the mores of society as their own, as long as there is no biblical conflict.
BTW, I found an excellent web site founded by two Biologist who work for Nazarene Libreal Arts Colleges. It's called BioLogos and the intent is to reconcile beliefs in faith and science. It's a very interesting philosophical site.
Religious Tolerance is another excellent web site that attempts to gap religious and science issues.


from the about us section of Religious Tolerance...

Almost all of the over 4,475 essays and menus on this web site (as of 2008-NOV) were written by our main author, and coordinator Bruce A. Robinson. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto, class of 1959, with a BaSc (Bachelor of Applied Science) degree in Engineering Physics.

Many visitors to our web site question our authors' theological credentials. We explain that none of our staff have theological degrees. We feel that a formal theological degree would be counter-productive in our work. It would probably tend to bias our authors' understanding of religious matters in a liberal direction

by the way "our staff" and "our authors" means Bruce....

if you really want to look like a fool, try to use Bruce as an authority in an argument....
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from the about us section of Religious Tolerance...


by the way "our staff" and "our authors" means Bruce....

if you really want to look like a fool, try to use Bruce as an authority in an argument....
You mean in an argument for religious tolerance? I have a feeling that any such argument with you would be foolish or more correctly, a waste of time for obvious reasons.
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