APP - we have met the enemy and he is us

The enemy has always been we humans.
You can blame evil spritis, elves, devil, etc if you want but our path has been ours to choose. For those that believe the bible even says that.
It was the Corps of Engineers that took on draining South Florida. Marjory Stoneman Douglas warned them over 60 years ago in her book, River of Grass. Instead, they dug "flood control" canals(sound familiar?) south of Miami, thus depriving the Everglades of water needed to assure recharging. In addition nutrient runoff from Big Sugar is killing bird and fish habitat. I lived for years at Mile Marker 98625 about 8 miles from Captain Burke and watched the destruction. Before Big Sugar and Big Money, it was Paradise.
Yes they spent millions back then to drain the swamps, now they're spending billions to restore them. The Corps did the same thing on the most major rivers in the US, fucking up the ecosystem. Now their biggest charge is to keep folks from doing what they used to do routinely. *shrug*
The enemy has always been we humans.
You can blame evil spritis, elves, devil, etc if you want but our path has been ours to choose. For those that believe the bible even says that.

But in general, the green movement is a power grab by elites. They are the enemy of the rest of us.
But in general, the green movement is a power grab by elites. They are the enemy of the rest of us.

HUH? The heart of the green movement is to conserve our world to keep it good and safe for the following generations.

As with anything a few do taint the pot for all.
HUH? The heart of the green movement is to conserve our world to keep it good and safe for the following generations.

As with anything a few do taint the pot for all.

No. It's so eugenicists can create reasons to kill other people, and so elitists can seize control of all resources and tax the shit out of everyone.
No. It's so eugenicists can create reasons to kill other people, and so elitists can seize control of all resources and tax the shit out of everyone.

You think the movement to slow the destruction of natural habitat is an excuse for eugenicists to kill people?

Maybe you could look at the facts behind what the environmental movement has done in the last few decades?
The water quality in most KY streams has gone from poor (no eating of fish or swimming) to fair to good. All because of the efforts of the EPA and treehugger types.

Only Alaska has more miles of streams and rivers than KY does.
You think the movement to slow the destruction of natural habitat is an excuse for eugenicists to kill people?

Maybe you could look at the facts behind what the environmental movement has done in the last few decades?

Some projects are valid.

The green movement as a whole is an ideological brainwash to incent people to kill other people, on behalf of the planet.
The water quality in most KY streams has gone from poor (no eating of fish or swimming) to fair to good. All because of the efforts of the EPA and treehugger types.

Only Alaska has more miles of streams and rivers than KY does.
None of the clean up could have been accomplished without the polluters making a healthy enough profit to be able to improve their operations.
None of the clean up could have been accomplished without the polluters making a healthy enough profit to be able to improve their operations.

Many polluters in KY close down a company and start up another one to avoid cleanup costs.

The companies did not do the cleanup. MOstly was done with tax dollars. After all we would not want to interfere with their profits now would we?
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Many polluters in KY close down a company and start up another one to avoid cleanup costs.

The companies did not do the cleanup. MOstly was done with tax dollars. After all we would not want to interfere with their profits now would we?

This is a valid project. This is different than the bogus science of Man cause climate change, and the bogus remedy of of taxing energy usage. Conflating valid projects with bogus ones is your m.o. It's a nice try, but thinking people see through your game.
Many polluters in KY close down a company and start up another one to avoid cleanup costs.

The companies did not do the cleanup. MOstly was done with tax dollars. After all we would not want to interfere with their profits now would we?

If its cheaper to go bankrupt then companies will do that, leaving the government to pick up the tab. Democrats write laws that allow folks to avoid personal responsibility, so you reap what you sow. *shrug*
thank god nobody gives to shits about your predictions, your a hatefull ass.

Anybody who has been to the keys and done some snorkling or diving knows what a treasure this area is. They need to do what it takes to preserve it. Southerntool the Applachian Mt's certainly fit you socio-economic class.
As in you have a lot of class but it's all low.

Oh yes! Thank GOD "nodbody gives to (sic) shits" and "fits you (sic) socio-economic class", and last but certainly not least, "your (sic) a hatefull (sic) ass."

I am sure you must serve as an ongoing example on certain writers blog sites of how the United States educational system has failed and failed miserably.
If its cheaper to go bankrupt then companies will do that, leaving the government to pick up the tab. Democrats write laws that allow folks to avoid personal responsibility, so you reap what you sow. *shrug*

So much for all the vaunted "personal responsibility" I keep hearing about, but what we've come to expect from many business owners. They're all capitalists until it's time to do the right thing, then they all turn to socialists and expect a bailout.