APP - we have met the enemy and he is us

7% over a 58 year life is extremely conservative, and that is after wealth management fees.

And that is hoping that we have no serious downturns in the market, like the one that has happened recently.

But if (and thats a big "if") you are correct, the person living in Charlotte NC would have less than $27k per year to live on after paying for in-home health care. That would be all that is left for meds, food, mortgage, transportation, medical care (visits to the Dr ect), utilities, ect.

Far from wealthy.
Only a fag would think like that. Average returns don't yield the same year to year. *shrug*

Exactly! So some years would yield less. And the person would be left with less than I quoted to live on.

The point is, $175k isn't a lot of money when you have to have 24 hour a day help.

And if the economy tanks again in the next 50+ years, they could lose large chunks of the principle.
Only a fag would blow the profits from fat years up his partner's ass so they wouldn't be available in lean years.
Only a fag would blow the profits from fat years up his partner's ass so they wouldn't be available in lean years.

Considering that the average amount left would be less than $27k a year, there is not going to be a lot left.

Between the lean years and inflation, it would not be enough to stay out of an institution.

So much for the brilliance of tort reform. Unless you have a more significant argument?
Only a fag would think that $175k averages to $27K. Or some guy with an 18 year old boy as a wife, which is really the same thing I suppose. *shrug*
Only a fag would think that $175k averages to $27K. Or some guy with an 18 year old boy as a wife, which is really the same thing I suppose. *shrug*

No, only someone bright enough to do the math that shows a person living in Charlotte NC would spend an annual average of $148,920.00 on 24 hour a day live-in health care, would have less than $27k a year left from the $175K income.

Do try and keep up? Insults aside, let me know if what I post is to complex for you.
OIC A straw man. Would thunk that? You're such a fag.

Straw man? Your favorite dodge!

However, I did post the link that showed how I got the number for the cost of in-home health care.

And subtracting that figure from the $175k is simple arithmetic.

I am using facts and industry calculations.
You're stupid calculation assumes that Medicaid doesn't kick in, you {area inappropriate}.
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You're stupid calculation assumes that Medicaid doesn't kick in, {area inappropriate}.

There is a chart about halfway down the page that shows the level of net income that you can have and still qualify for medicaid.

The top level for families and individuals who are blind, disabled or age 65+ is $29480.00 in net income.

There are exceptions to the numbers quoted in that chart. But why should the tax payer be liable for the injury suffered at the hands of a single company?

There is a chart about halfway down the page that shows the level of net income that you can have and still qualify for medicaid.

The top level for families and individuals who are blind, disabled or age 65+ is $29480.00 in net income.

There are exceptions to the numbers quoted in that chart. But why should the tax payer be liable for the injury suffered at the hands of a single company?

Medicade was set up for such things. If it wasn't available, the award would be larger than the figure that you pulled out of {Area Inappropriate}.
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Medicade was set up for such things. If it wasn't available, the award would be larger than the figure that you pulled out of your semen lubricated asshole.

And medicaid will pay $148k for 24 hour in home care?
You're pulling numbers out of your ass and asking me to defend them. Only a {edited: area inappropriate} would do that.
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