Apprentice in Wonderland


How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

"[the author] casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV. Burnett, the avaricious producer of “The Apprentice,” “created the Donald Trump myth, programmed him, fed his ego, and covered up all of his flaws with the magic of Hollywood’s best editors,” Setoodeh writes...

...Any other former president would surely be eager to wax eloquent about his tenure as leader of the free world. But Setoodeh says that Trump “just wants me to understand how he made great TV.” Every time they meet, he asks, “Do you think I would have been president without ‘The Apprentice’?”

...“In our days together,” [the author] writes, “Trump is happiest when he talks about ‘The Apprentice’ and crankiest when he relives his years as the commander in chief.” Funnily enough, most Americans feel that way, too."

How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

"[the author] casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV. Burnett, the avaricious producer of “The Apprentice,” “created the Donald Trump myth, programmed him, fed his ego, and covered up all of his flaws with the magic of Hollywood’s best editors,” Setoodeh writes...

...Any other former president would surely be eager to wax eloquent about his tenure as leader of the free world. But Setoodeh says that Trump “just wants me to understand how he made great TV.” Every time they meet, he asks, “Do you think I would have been president without ‘The Apprentice’?”

...“In our days together,” [the author] writes, “Trump is happiest when he talks about ‘The Apprentice’ and crankiest when he relives his years as the commander in chief.” Funnily enough, most Americans feel that way, too."

So, because Trump doesn't think the high point of his life is what you think it should be, somehow he's insane or delusional? What kind of stupid does it take to think that way? Trump can pick what matters most in his life for himself. It shouldn't be what others think he should choose. That goes for anyone.
So, because Trump doesn't think the high point of his life is what you think it should be, somehow he's insane or delusional? What kind of stupid does it take to think that way? Trump can pick what matters most in his life for himself. It shouldn't be what others think he should choose. That goes for anyone.
The Apprentice was 100% fake, just like WWE. trump played the part of a brilliant businessman who could make or break a career. trump always came out as the smart, savvy CEO in each episode because that's how his TV image was curated. People were entertained by his shtick, ratings were high and he spawned an adoring fan club. These people thought they were seeing the real trump but it was all phony, just show biz.

When he was elected he believed he'd get the same level of adoration he got as a TV star but that's not what the presidency is. He didn't realize he'd have to really work hard, and that everything he did would get much greater scrutiny, not just from his fans but from the country at large. trump was never qualified for the presidency and he was lazy, incurious and unwilling to learn. He still thought he'd get the same loyalty and adoration as before, and when that didn't happen his true colors came out. Government is a team job and he couldn't snap his fingers and get whatever he wanted just because he was lucky enough to fall into the presidency.

I'm not surprised trump considers The Apprentice as the high point in his career. He's a shallow dimwit and he brought that worldview to the WH. If he wins again it'll be worse by orders of magnitude because first and foremost, he'll be looking for vengeance against everybody he thinks screwed him over the first time around.

You're not very sharp about interpreting human behaviour so I hope this wasn't too complicated for you to understand.
So, because Trump doesn't think the high point of his life is what you think it should be, somehow he's insane or delusional? What kind of stupid does it take to think that way? Trump can pick what matters most in his life for himself. It shouldn't be what others think he should choose. That goes for anyone.
And In so doing, showing how shallow and stupid he is
The Apprentice was 100% fake, just like WWE. trump played the part of a brilliant businessman who could make or break a career. trump always came out as the smart, savvy CEO in each episode because that's how his TV image was curated. People were entertained by his shtick, ratings were high and he spawned an adoring fan club. These people thought they were seeing the real trump but it was all phony, just show biz.

When he was elected he believed he'd get the same level of adoration he got as a TV star but that's not what the presidency is. He didn't realize he'd have to really work hard, and that everything he did would get much greater scrutiny, not just from his fans but from the country at large. trump was never qualified for the presidency and he was lazy, incurious and unwilling to learn. He still thought he'd get the same loyalty and adoration as before, and when that didn't happen his true colors came out. Government is a team job and he couldn't snap his fingers and get whatever he wanted just because he was lucky enough to fall into the presidency.

I'm not surprised trump considers The Apprentice as the high point in his career. He's a shallow dimwit and he brought that worldview to the WH. If he wins again it'll be worse by orders of magnitude because first and foremost, he'll be looking for vengeance against everybody he thinks screwed him over the first time around.

You're not very sharp about interpreting human behaviour so I hope this wasn't too complicated for you to understand.
So what? He's hardly the first celebrity to go into politics, and certainly won't be the last. He isn't even the first celebrity president. That goes to Reagan.

Government is a ponderous bureaucracy. Those at the top set policy and general direction of movement but don't deal with details of getting things done. That happens at lower levels. It's really not much different from private industry other than the rewards and discipline are based on following the set rules, rather than success and profit.

If there's a current "shallow dimwit" in upper government, it's Biden. The guy has always been pretty much an idiot looking to be part of the 'popular' crowd. For his something like 50 years of government service Biden hasn't got anything he can point to as some outstanding success. If anything, he's been little more than a (badly) talking head and yes man for his party.
As usual JP has the answer, it's very simple really. The Dems created Trump or rather the so-called Progressives did with their massive arrogance, gender politics and attempting to pin labels on just about everything. I've attempted to explain this many times in the past but it just falls on deaf ears.

Trump is a result of Leftist stupidity taken to it's usual excess...


From abortion to Gorebal warming, to social issues to urban planning and zoning, the Left is sure in their own stupidity born of groupthink that everything goes to hell in a handbasket when they implement it.
How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

"[the author] casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV. Burnett, the avaricious producer of “The Apprentice,” “created the Donald Trump myth, programmed him, fed his ego, and covered up all of his flaws with the magic of Hollywood’s best editors,” Setoodeh writes...

...Any other former president would surely be eager to wax eloquent about his tenure as leader of the free world. But Setoodeh says that Trump “just wants me to understand how he made great TV.” Every time they meet, he asks, “Do you think I would have been president without ‘The Apprentice’?”

...“In our days together,” [the author] writes, “Trump is happiest when he talks about ‘The Apprentice’ and crankiest when he relives his years as the commander in chief.” Funnily enough, most Americans feel that way, too."

Wow, that reeks of monumental desperation. There's tinges of feeling sorry for them until I remember their evil plans to enslave humanity.

Lemme guess: Millions of copies will be sold and then shipped to a warehouse to collect dust! :ROFLMAO:
The Apprentice was 100% fake, just like WWE. trump played the part of a brilliant businessman who could make or break a career. trump always came out as the smart, savvy CEO in each episode because that's how his TV image was curated. People were entertained by his shtick, ratings were high and he spawned an adoring fan club. These people thought they were seeing the real trump but it was all phony, just show biz.

When he was elected he believed he'd get the same level of adoration he got as a TV star but that's not what the presidency is. He didn't realize he'd have to really work hard, and that everything he did would get much greater scrutiny, not just from his fans but from the country at large. trump was never qualified for the presidency and he was lazy, incurious and unwilling to learn. He still thought he'd get the same loyalty and adoration as before, and when that didn't happen his true colors came out. Government is a team job and he couldn't snap his fingers and get whatever he wanted just because he was lucky enough to fall into the presidency.

I'm not surprised trump considers The Apprentice as the high point in his career. He's a shallow dimwit and he brought that worldview to the WH. If he wins again it'll be worse by orders of magnitude because first and foremost, he'll be looking for vengeance against everybody he thinks screwed him over the first time around.

You're not very sharp about interpreting human behaviour so I hope this wasn't too complicated for you to understand.
I honestly can’t imagine Biden considers being president the high point of his career either.
How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

"[the author] casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV. Burnett, the avaricious producer of “The Apprentice,” “created the Donald Trump myth, programmed him, fed his ego, and covered up all of his flaws with the magic of Hollywood’s best editors,” Setoodeh writes...

...Any other former president would surely be eager to wax eloquent about his tenure as leader of the free world. But Setoodeh says that Trump “just wants me to understand how he made great TV.” Every time they meet, he asks, “Do you think I would have been president without ‘The Apprentice’?”

...“In our days together,” [the author] writes, “Trump is happiest when he talks about ‘The Apprentice’ and crankiest when he relives his years as the commander in chief.” Funnily enough, most Americans feel that way, too."

I got my copy yesterday. I’m currently reading “Long Haul” by Frank Figluizzi. I’ll read it when I’m finished with Frank
How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

"[the author] casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV. Burnett, the avaricious producer of “The Apprentice,” “created the Donald Trump myth, programmed him, fed his ego, and covered up all of his flaws with the magic of Hollywood’s best editors,” Setoodeh writes...

...Any other former president would surely be eager to wax eloquent about his tenure as leader of the free world. But Setoodeh says that Trump “just wants me to understand how he made great TV.” Every time they meet, he asks, “Do you think I would have been president without ‘The Apprentice’?”

...“In our days together,” [the author] writes, “Trump is happiest when he talks about ‘The Apprentice’ and crankiest when he relives his years as the commander in chief.” Funnily enough, most Americans feel that way, too."

Miss Marple, if I had been president, I would still consider being a father and husband the high point of my life.

His career high point is Trump’s to choose.

We all have the right to prefer one highlight over another…right?
So what? He's hardly the first celebrity to go into politics, and certainly won't be the last. He isn't even the first celebrity president. That goes to Reagan.

Government is a ponderous bureaucracy. Those at the top set policy and general direction of movement but don't deal with details of getting things done. That happens at lower levels. It's really not much different from private industry other than the rewards and discipline are based on following the set rules, rather than success and profit.

If there's a current "shallow dimwit" in upper government, it's Biden. The guy has always been pretty much an idiot looking to be part of the 'popular' crowd. For his something like 50 years of government service Biden hasn't got anything he can point to as some outstanding success. If anything, he's been little more than a (badly) talking head and yes man for his party.
You know if you turned the channel every now and then you’d be more attuned to what is actually happening in America

Miss Marple, if I had been president, I would still consider being a father and husband the high point of my life.

His career high point is Trump’s to choose.

We all have the right to prefer one highlight over another…right?
That makes sense Mr. Earl and you're correct in saying we have the right to which highlight we prefer.

But given this perspective, which I didn't consider, I wonder if trump would have put fatherhood third.
Trump is a result of Leftist stupidity taken to it's usual excess...


From abortion to Gorebal warming, to social issues to urban planning and zoning, the Left is sure in their own stupidity born of groupthink that everything goes to hell in a handbasket when they implement it.
Priceless. I read his bio... Canadian by birth, lived a total of five years in the US, drug problems, mental health problems, named his daughter after Gorby, for god's sake, and you guys are holding him up as an exemplar of political wisdom. You can't make this up.
Wow, that reeks of monumental desperation. There's tinges of feeling sorry for them until I remember their evil plans to enslave humanity.

Lemme guess: Millions of copies will be sold and then shipped to a warehouse to collect dust! :ROFLMAO:
^ Anything's possible. They can collect dust together with all the conservative books published by Regnery. :p
I'm sure it was something like when he and his uncle--later eaten by cannibals--conquered Mars with the help of a scantily clad princess while riding an Allosaurus and firing shotgun blasts in the air...
Like trump thinking he's intelligent (despite all evidence to the contrary) because his uncle was a prof at MIT... and gives as evidence of his "intelligence" that he'd rather be electrocuted than bitten by a shark. :ROFLMAO: