Apprentice in Wonderland

Priceless. I read his bio... Canadian by birth, lived a total of five years in the US, drug problems, mental health problems, named his daughter after Gorby, for god's sake, and you guys are holding him up as an exemplar of political wisdom. You can't make this up.
Gardner does little more than post pictures. Ironic he thinks that makes him intelligent.
So what? He's hardly the first celebrity to go into politics, and certainly won't be the last. He isn't even the first celebrity president. That goes to Reagan.

Government is a ponderous bureaucracy. Those at the top set policy and general direction of movement but don't deal with details of getting things done. That happens at lower levels. It's really not much different from private industry other than the rewards and discipline are based on following the set rules, rather than success and profit.

If there's a current "shallow dimwit" in upper government, it's Biden. The guy has always been pretty much an idiot looking to be part of the 'popular' crowd. For his something like 50 years of government service Biden hasn't got anything he can point to as some outstanding success. If anything, he's been little more than a (badly) talking head and yes man for his party.
Lol. My post went right over your head. Instead of disputing the content you deflected to Biden.

reagan was a B-list actor but at least he had a real interest in politics (although I despised his policies, his fixation with commies etc.) trump is only in it for the acclaim and the toadying sycophants. On The Apprentice, trump got a second, third, fourth take to correct any screw-ups. With the presidency everything is in the open, all the time. The presidency is where trump's endless lies and ugly character were revealed to the world, and he can't stand the heat he gets.
Priceless. I read his bio... Canadian by birth, lived a total of five years in the US, drug problems, mental health problems, named his daughter after Gorby, for god's sake, and you guys are holding him up as an exemplar of political wisdom. You can't make this up.
WTF are you talking about? Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German citizen and got his doctorate in theology from the University of Berlin. He spent about one year in the US (1930) studying US theology but found it unserious and returned to Germany in 1931. The guy was an ardent anti-Nazi but also very much a patriotic German in the sense he wanted to help his country out of Nazi control. So, I guess you did make that up, or you're talking about the wrong guy.
Author is NY Bureau Chief for Variety....which is uber his take on Trump is a given before reading anything he has to say.

Nobody in his position is going to dispute the WOKE narratives on Trump.
As usual JP has the answer, it's very simple really. The Dems created Trump or rather the so-called Progressives did with their massive arrogance, gender politics and attempting to pin labels on just about everything. I've attempted to explain this many times in the past but it just falls on deaf ears.

Democrats did not create TRUMP! Trump looked for some hateful and stupid people to vote for him. END OF STORY!
Hollywood has been apologizing for platforming Trump for years.....that is surely what this project is about.
WTF are you talking about? Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German citizen and got his doctorate in theology from the University of Berlin. He spent about one year in the US (1930) studying US theology but found it unserious and returned to Germany in 1931. The guy was an ardent anti-Nazi but also very much a patriotic German in the sense he wanted to help his country out of Nazi control. So, I guess you did make that up, or you're talking about the wrong guy.
WTF I'm talking about is the topic of Jordan Peterson and his stupid pronouncement that liberals made trump.
How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

Was there a question or comment, Dachsieweenie?
Priceless. I read his bio... Canadian by birth, lived a total of five years in the US, drug problems, mental health problems, named his daughter after Gorby, for god's sake, and you guys are holding him up as an exemplar of political wisdom. You can't make this up.
They love crackheads like Mike Lindell but hate crackheads like Hunter Biden. Nothing the right does makes sense anymore.
How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

"[the author] casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV. Burnett, the avaricious producer of “The Apprentice,” “created the Donald Trump myth, programmed him, fed his ego, and covered up all of his flaws with the magic of Hollywood’s best editors,” Setoodeh writes...

...Any other former president would surely be eager to wax eloquent about his tenure as leader of the free world. But Setoodeh says that Trump “just wants me to understand how he made great TV.” Every time they meet, he asks, “Do you think I would have been president without ‘The Apprentice’?”

...“In our days together,” [the author] writes, “Trump is happiest when he talks about ‘The Apprentice’ and crankiest when he relives his years as the commander in chief.” Funnily enough, most Americans feel that way, too."


PART (1) of (3)

It had been a busy morning for young ChristieFANNY. First, she had to be on time for her weekly 8.00 AM community organising tutorial at the Barack Obama Women'S Studies Institute. Then when the tutorial finished at 10 AM, she had to drive to the other side of town for a hectic planning session with the North Portland "Defund the Police" action group committee.

By the time she got back home, it was already 3.00 PM - and the day wasn't over yet. Because, this day was Election day. It was the 8th November 2020, Joe Biden was facing off against Donald Trump for the Presidency. ChristieF had to make sure she voted, because the very thought of that bumptious orange buffoon, Trump, was almost too terrible to bear.

Before she did anything, though, ChristieF first needed to sit down for a while and have something to eat. She had been so busy this day that she didn't have time for breakfast or lunch - no wonder she was feeling exhausted !

ChristieF fixed herself a big bowl of mixed Lentils and Mung Beans and a nice pot of Rosehip and Jasmine tea, then sank into her "Bean Bag" to "recharge her batteries."

After this lunch, ChristieF blew a couple of (homegrown) joints and then spent some quality time playing with her beloved kitty cat ("Schumer") until just before 5:00 PM. When she glanced down at her "Apple" watch and noticed the time, ChristieF thought, "Gee Whizz, is that the time - I guess I better make a move - pronto !"

Christie gave "Schumer" a big kiss and promised that she wouldn't be too long. Then she walked down her internal staircase to the garage where her tortoise-shell blue Volks Wagen (VW) beetle was parked. ChristieF got into her VW and placed a bundle of brown envelopes she was carrying an the passenger seat, then she opened her diary and tapped an address she had written into it into the car's "Sat - Nav.". The VW's motor "chugged" to life as ChristieF twisted the ignition key. ChristieF slotted the gear-stick into "reverse" and backed out of her garage onto Pelosi Avenue.

The distinctive "chuntering" exhaust note from the VW Beetle's engine could be heard as ChristieF gunned her car (at 60 mph - max possible speed for a "Beetle") down the new, four-lane, "George Floyd Memorial" highway. She was headed to Chavez Boulevard in the North-East area of Portland. A flier she had received in the mail last week from the Multnomah County Elections Office had advised that there would be a temporary, official ballot drop box set up outside the MacDonald's restaurant on Chavez Boulevard to cope with expected extra demand for the 2020 Presidential election. Also, ChristieF needed to drive to the Hillary RODHAM CLINTON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN that evening. This college was also located in North-East district of Portland, and it was not fare at all from where the Macdonald's ballot drop box had been placed on Chavez Boulevard.

After about 20 minutes motoring along the "George Floyd" highway, a "cutesy-pie" female voice from ChristieF's "Sat - Nav" announced: "Turn left at Junction 27 in 200 yards"..."Turn left at Junction 27 in 200 yards." ChristieF took the turn at Junction 27 which opened onto a rather disreputable area of Portland city known as "Alvin Bragg Meadows." The Sat-Nav" then directed ChrisieF a series of North-bound streets and roads until she reached "Fani Willis Lane" which led directly onto Chavez Boulevard.After 10 minutes ChristieF finally heard the "Sat - Nav" tell here..."Your destination is just ahead."

ChristieF pulled into the parking lot of the MacDonald's and although it was getting dark outside, she immediately noticed the conspicuous, largish, fire-engine red official ballot drop box that had been placed against the right-hand wall of the store. Backing into a vacant parking space, ChistieF pulled up and cut the VW's engine. She then put the car - keys in her handbag and reached across to the passenger's seat to pick up the bundle of papers she had placed there. Then she opened the driver's - side door - got out of the "Beetle"- and walked briskly towards the red ballot drop box.

The papers that ChristieF was carrying we actually a collection of 57 mail-in ballots that had all arrived in the letter - box at her home - 666 Pelosi Avenue. ChristieF filled-in all of the 57 ballots in favour of Joe Biden. And now - as she fed them, one-by-one, in to the drop box - she though to herself: "It just as well that the Democrat Party makes sure that there more intelligent and virtuous Americans recieve extra votes. Especially for this Presidential Election - when there is an ignorant, racist, Nazi, chauvinist pig like Donald Trump actually seeking another 4 years in power. It's HAD to be stopped. I mean, what has Trump ever done for cats ! He hates them !...(sob)...(sob)



Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
