Apprentice in Wonderland

How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.




Dachshund Dawg

When ChristieF had inserted the last of her ballots into the drop box she walked straight back to where she had parked her "Beetle" in the MacDonald's car park. Opening the driver's-side door, she got back behind the wheel - fired up the motor, clicked on her her seat-belt and thought: "OK, just one more things to do now and then I can get back to my darling, widdle kitty - cats" !

ChristieF drove her VW out of the MacDonald's car park on to Chavez Boulevard and then chugged North past a big bronze statue of Kamala Harris and then turned left at a set of traffic lights onto "Eric Swalwell Drive". Her final destination for the day was Portland's main, public polling place for the 2020 election. It had been set up on the ground floor of Portland's most prestigious academy - the "HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN". ChristieF had recently read an article in the "Portland Examiner" about how a new, high-tech model of the "Smartmatic" company's "DOMINION" electronic voting machine - called the "DOMINION de luxe Mk IV" would used in Portland for the 2020 Presidential election. In the article ChristieF read a quotation from the speech that the Chairman of the London-based "Smartmatic" company, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, had given at the official launch of the new machines in New York,...

" Ladies and Gentlemen, I am absolutely delighted with the new cutting edge "DOMINION de luxe Mk - IV" electronic voting machines we have now developed. The Research and Development team have done a marvellous job. Unfortunately, we were only able to shift into full production mode at the start of July this year. Developing and trialling the "brand new", cutting - edge "hardware" and "software" for the machines was rather more time-consuming than we had originally anticipated. In retrospect, I ought have realised this when we first began the project. After all, time is always an issue when the manufacturer of a product is uncompromising and insists on excellence and only the very highest standards of quality and performance in whatever it is he is making. After all, One doesn't make a "Rolls Royce" automobile overnight, does one ? And people, the new "Dominion de luxe IV" IS the Rolls Royce of electronic voting machines. While we had hoped to be able to complete enough of the new DOMINION machines to fully meet the predicted demand for the American Presidential in November 2020 election, we will only be able to supplied a limited number of them to to those states intending to place bulk orders for the new "Dominion Mk-IV" with Smartmatic. I fully understand this will be very disappointing news for many of you here today, so can I suggest that if you are one of them, you make your way to the Grand Hall of the building for a nice cup of tea and scone on me."

The article in ChristieF's "Portland Examiner" had gone on on to say that : " Portland would likely be allocated between 50 and 100 of the new "DOMINION de luxe IV" voting machines, all of which would be located in the city's main polling place, namely, the HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN." ChristieF is a liberal (but she is also a dork) and is fascinated by voting technology. She simply HAD to cast her vote for the big election on one of the new model DOMINION" voting systems - that's why she was driving to the HILLRY CLINTON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN.

It was only a 10 minute drive from the ballot drop box at MacDonald's to the college, and after ChristieF pulled into the campus parking lot she made her way to the front of a building where there were lots of people buzzing around. "I guess everyone's trying to make the 8:00 PM deadline for voting," she thought. When ChristieF walked through they entrance to the building , she followed the arrows placed on the walls of the various corridors on the ground floor and soon found herself in a large hall with rows of blue - coloured "DOMINION" voting machines inside. "GOODNESS ME," thought ChristieF, HOW EXCITING !!

She walked over to a "Help Desk" where a young male election worker was sitting. "Excuse me, Sir, I wonder if you could help me. I've never used one of the new "DOMINIOIN" machines before, I'd be ever so grateful if you could show me what to do." "My pleasure, Ma'am. The first thing is ID. Do you have any official photo ID with you?" "Yes, I'm sure I do", she said. ChristieF rummaged busily through her handbag and pulled out a plastic card which she handed it to the young man. He examined it quickly and handed back to ChristieF sayong:"I'm sorry Ma'am". I know this has your photo and personal details printed on it, but cat club membership cards as not regarded as valid ID by the county "Electoral Office.. Do you have something like, say, a driving license with you?' "Why, yes, I do, said ChristieF, though I always thought my cat club card was a solid form of official ID" The "Help Desk" worker didn't say anything but his face suddenly took on an odd, "blank" expression. When ChristieF finally found her driver's licence and handed it over. the "Help Desk" worker snapped back to normal. He then tapped away an his computer terminal for a few minutes , referring now and then to the details printed on ChristieF's driving licence. When he was done, he said to ChristieF, "OK Ma'am, everything's fine ! Let's get started showing you how to use a "DOMINION IV" machine. It's really easy, trust me."

ChistieF then walked together towards the rows of blue "Dominion" machine in the hall, as they approached them, ChistieF noticed that all of the machines had a big American flag sticker on the outside of their left - hand side privacy panel, and a large, "DOMINION de luxe IV" sticker on the right- hand panel. Just as they approached a vacant "DOMINION" machine the young man said: " Oh, I've forgotten something, Ma'am, would you mind waiting here for just a minute while I get a registration card, I be as quick as I can." As he turned and hustled off across the hall ChristieF watched him carefully and thought to herself: "Mmm, that boy has a VERY nice ass - I wonder if he's married? I wonder if he likes cats !



Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

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How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America through the Looking Glass. To be released 6/19/24.

This is a new book coming out by a journalist who spills the tea after interviewing trump multiple times. Nobody will be surprised to learn that trump considers The Apprentice, not the presidency, to be the high point of his career.

"[the author] casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV. Burnett, the avaricious producer of “The Apprentice,” “created the Donald Trump myth, programmed him, fed his ego, and covered up all of his flaws with the magic of Hollywood’s best editors,” Setoodeh writes...

...Any other former president would surely be eager to wax eloquent about his tenure as leader of the free world. But Setoodeh says that Trump “just wants me to understand how he made great TV.” Every time they meet, he asks, “Do you think I would have been president without ‘The Apprentice’?”

...“In our days together,” [the author] writes, “Trump is happiest when he talks about ‘The Apprentice’ and crankiest when he relives his years as the commander in chief.” Funnily enough, most Americans feel that way, too."

The Apprentice was 100% fake, just like WWE. trump played the part of a brilliant businessman who could make or break a career. trump always came out as the smart, savvy CEO in each episode because that's how his TV image was curated. People were entertained by his shtick, ratings were high and he spawned an adoring fan club. These people thought they were seeing the real trump but it was all phony, just show biz.

When he was elected he believed he'd get the same level of adoration he got as a TV star but that's not what the presidency is. He didn't realize he'd have to really work hard, and that everything he did would get much greater scrutiny, not just from his fans but from the country at large. trump was never qualified for the presidency and he was lazy, incurious and unwilling to learn. He still thought he'd get the same loyalty and adoration as before, and when that didn't happen his true colors came out. Government is a team job and he couldn't snap his fingers and get whatever he wanted just because he was lucky enough to fall into the presidency.

I'm not surprised trump considers The Apprentice as the high point in his career. He's a shallow dimwit and he brought that worldview to the WH. If he wins again it'll be worse by orders of magnitude because first and foremost, he'll be looking for vengeance against everybody he thinks screwed him over the first time around.

You're not very sharp about interpreting human behaviour so I hope this wasn't too complicated for you to understand.

You know if you turned the channel every now and then you’d be more attuned to what is actually happening in America


Todays business news:

Levi’s shares drop 15% after weakness in wholesale business sinks quarterly revenue

H&M shares drop 13% after CEO casts doubt on June sales, margin target

Nike posts surprise drop in sales, sending shares tanking: Slowdown ‘hard to ignore’

Walgreens could shutter over 2K stores as sales plunge amid stubborn inflation

Priceless. I read his bio... Canadian by birth, lived a total of five years in the US, drug problems, mental health problems, named his daughter after Gorby, for god's sake, and you guys are holding him up as an exemplar of political wisdom. You can't make this up.

:lolup: Thinks Bidens is perfect. :laugh:

Like trump thinking he's intelligent (despite all evidence to the contrary) because his uncle was a prof at MIT... and gives as evidence of his "intelligence" that he'd rather be electrocuted than bitten by a shark. :ROFLMAO:

Yet, Biden is less than intelligent and a serial liar. Leftist hypocrites should take this advice:




Dachshund Dawg

When ChristieF had inserted the last of her ballots into the drop box she walked straight back to where she had parked her "Beetle" in the MacDonald's car park. Opening the driver's-side door, she got back behind the wheel - fired up the motor, clicked on her her seat-belt and thought: "OK, just one more things to do now and then I can get back to my darling, widdle kitty - cats" !

ChristieF drove her VW out of the MacDonald's car park on to Chavez Boulevard and then chugged North past a big bronze statue of Kamala Harris and then turned left at a set of traffic lights onto "Eric Swalwell Drive". Her final destination for the day was Portland's main, public polling place for the 2020 election. It had been set up on the ground floor of Portland's most prestigious academy - the "HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN". ChristieF had recently read an article in the "Portland Examiner" about how a new, high-tech model of the "Smartmatic" company's "DOMINION" electronic voting machine - called the "DOMINION de luxe Mk IV" would used in Portland for the 2020 Presidential election. In the article ChristieF read a quotation from the speech that the Chairman of the London-based "Smartmatic" company, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, had given at the official launch of the new machines in New York,...

" Ladies and Gentlemen, I am absolutely delighted with the new cutting edge "DOMINION de luxe Mk - IV" electronic voting machines we have now developed. The Research and Development team have done a marvellous job. Unfortunately, we were only able to shift into full production mode at the start of July this year. Developing and trialling the "brand new", cutting - edge "hardware" and "software" for the machines was rather more time-consuming than we had originally anticipated. In retrospect, I ought have realised this when we first began the project. After all, time is always an issue when the manufacturer of a product is uncompromising and insists on excellence and only the very highest standards of quality and performance in whatever it is he is making. After all, One doesn't make a "Rolls Royce" automobile overnight, does one ? And people, the new "Dominion de luxe IV" IS the Rolls Royce of electronic voting machines. While we had hoped to be able to complete enough of the new DOMINION machines to fully meet the predicted demand for the American Presidential in November 2020 election, we will only be able to supplied a limited number of them to to those states intending to place bulk orders for the new "Dominion Mk-IV" with Smartmatic. I fully understand this will be very disappointing news for many of you here today, so can I suggest that if you are one of them, you make your way to the Grand Hall of the building for a nice cup of tea and scone on me."

The article in ChristieF's "Portland Examiner" had gone on on to say that : " Portland would likely be allocated between 50 and 100 of the new "DOMINION de luxe IV" voting machines, all of which would be located in the city's main polling place, namely, the HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN." ChristieF is a liberal (but she is also a dork) and is fascinated by voting technology. She simply HAD to cast her vote for the big election on one of the new model DOMINION" voting systems - that's why she was driving to the HILLRY CLINTON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN.

It was only a 10 minute drive from the ballot drop box at MacDonald's to the college, and after ChristieF pulled into the campus parking lot she made her way to the front of a building where there were lots of people buzzing around. "I guess everyone's trying to make the 8:00 PM deadline for voting," she thought. When ChristieF walked through they entrance to the building , she followed the arrows placed on the walls of the various corridors on the ground floor and soon found herself in a large hall with rows of blue - coloured "DOMINION" voting machines inside. "GOODNESS ME," thought ChristieF, HOW EXCITING !!

She walked over to a "Help Desk" where a young male election worker was sitting. "Excuse me, Sir, I wonder if you could help me. I've never used one of the new "DOMINIOIN" machines before, I'd be ever so grateful if you could show me what to do." "My pleasure, Ma'am. The first thing is ID. Do you have any official photo ID with you?" "Yes, I'm sure I do", she said. ChristieF rummaged busily through her handbag and pulled out a plastic card which she handed it to the young man. He examined it quickly and handed back to ChristieF sayong:"I'm sorry Ma'am". I know this has your photo and personal details printed on it, but cat club membership cards as not regarded as valid ID by the county "Electoral Office.. Do you have something like, say, a driving license with you?' "Why, yes, I do, said ChristieF, though I always thought my cat club card was a solid form of official ID" The "Help Desk" worker didn't say anything but his face suddenly took on an odd, "blank" expression. When ChristieF finally found her driver's licence and handed it over. the "Help Desk" worker snapped back to normal. He then tapped away an his computer terminal for a few minutes , referring now and then to the details printed on ChristieF's driving licence. When he was done, he said to ChristieF, "OK Ma'am, everything's fine ! Let's get started showing you how to use a "DOMINION IV" machine. It's really easy, trust me."

ChistieF then walked together towards the rows of blue "Dominion" machine in the hall, as they approached them, ChistieF noticed that all of the machines had a big American flag sticker on the outside of their left - hand side privacy panel, and a large, "DOMINION de luxe IV" sticker on the right- hand panel. Just as they approached a vacant "DOMINION" machine the young man said: " Oh, I've forgotten something, Ma'am, would you mind waiting here for just a minute while I get a registration card, I be as quick as I can." As he turned and hustled off across the hall ChristieF watched him carefully and thought to herself: "Mmm, that boy has a VERY nice ass - I wonder if he's married? I wonder if he likes cats !



Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!



As told by

Dachshund Dawg

When we left ChristieFANNY at the end of Part (2) she was standing beside to a "DOMINION de luxe Mk IV" voting machine in the polling place at "Hillary Rodham Clinton College for Women" waiting for an election official to return with something he needed to show her how to use the machines to cast a vote. He came back waving a red ans white key card about the size as a standardard credit card."Right, he said, now we're ready to roll.." He pointed to a horizontal slot on the front of the "DOMINION" machine and said: "You see this slot? In order to activate the machines you need to feed one of these red and white cards into the slot - you'll be given one from the registration clerk after he checks your photo ID. So, I'll show you how it works.." The election officer fed his registration card into the slot on the DOMINION machine, in a second or two a touch screen lit up showing a blank virtual election ballot. The election worker said to ChristieF, What you do next is make your selections by touching the names of the candidates you wish to vore for in each category So first category is "President... if you want to select Biden you tap on his box - if you want to select Trump then you tap on his box. You can scroll down through all the other candidate categories and do the same thing to chose who you want to vote for," he told ChristieF.. "Wow,, that's pretty cool ! , said ChristieF, I get it - it looks easy."

OK, so when you've finished making all of your selections on the screen you push this orange button, like so" Christ watched the clerk press a square - shaped orange button that was located below the touch screen, straight away she heard the sound of a printer whirring. "When you press the orange button, a printer next to your "DOMINION" machine will generate a paper copy of your ballot. Next you collect your paper ballot from the printer tray and then all you need to do to cast your vote is feed your paper ballot into a scanner," he said.



Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!