Apropos to the Critical Race Theory debate.

So what? You don't need CRT to teach anything.

Obviously, you missed the point of the OP. Let me further explain: the major complaint about CRT is that it points out the congenital racism in American society and history that needs to be addressed.....that racism via the members of the controlling/majority population. Critics say this is unrealistic, unfair, exaggerated or contrived. The OP just points to a bit of historical FACTS that are for the most part ignored in our public & private education system...which is controlled by members of the controlling/majority populationHence the the first word of the subject title.

Hope this clarify's things for you.
You'll be on your death bed and still wont have an answer to this question.

Again, you miss the point of the OP. IF our public and private school system included the information and discoveries into the teachings in, some of the problems minorities have faced in this country via racism & bigotry wouldn't exist.

Oh and FYI, no one has to "teach" black folk about suppression....examples of such are given in annual newspaper reports on "redlining" and the State/Federal response to such.
This guy's an idiot. He presents a mishmash of what amounts to cherry picked bullshit to try and support his crackpot theory. For example, he mentions spear tips on Hispaniola. Are any of these still available for examination?

He should show evidence that sub-Saharan African societies had sufficient knowledge to build and operate ships in open ocean. He conveniently ignores this entirely.

At 5:30 he suggests "trans-Atlantic trade" implying that African societies were transiting the Atlantic to and fro the Americas carrying on trade. What actual evidence is there of this? Can you say none?

At 8:05 he shows us a "Nubian" boat. Nubia as a nation was on the Red Sea. That hardly means they transposed that technology to West Africa and the Atlantic. The Nubians, like the Egyptians to their north, used similar technology at sea. Neither was really capable of open ocean travel as they lacked the means of navigation for that.

But the biggest flaw in his rambling lecture is that Columbus did something nobody before him did: He came back to "civilization" with proof and written documentation of his discovery. The Vikings didn't do that. The Polynesians didn't do that. It is possible that the Japanese go to the new world but didn't return. There's a slim chance some Irish made it but couldn't share their discovery.

That's the thing that makes what Columbus did unique: He told everybody else about what he'd found.

You love to throw out a LOT of statements as if they are validated, documented truth. But as usual, it's only your half assed concoctions of historical excerpts coupled with your revisionism, supposition and conjecture.

Your first question reeks of your proud ignorance. The man details who, what, when regarding discovery and study. He gives the details and names that can be verified with a little personal research (not by the willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest and cowardly person like you). THINK, genius, THINK....important archeological studies can be on display in museums or end up in some research facility away from the public. Ever watch PBS NOVA program? National Geographic? Jeez, get educated man!

Secondly, what are you insinuating about sub-Sahara African societies? Sorry to inform you, but they are NOT all like the "arabs" in the old technicolor movies you see on late night TV. Broaden your scope of what & where the dark skinned "Africans" that you are afraid to credit exist. And the man mentions "Western Africa" regarding the metallurgy matching. Get a map and see how that encompasses what we now call the "middle east"...do some research as to how that came about, because I'm damned tired of doing the homework for the willfully ignorant.

He talks about the "evidence", you blinders wearing buffoon! He points to writings of EUROPEAN explorers of the New World, the common foods indigenous to the continent of Africa, common names for various metallurgy. How did you miss that? Or are you just willfully deaf, dumb and blind. And he reported Nubian pottery depictions, genius....check your map as to the connection of the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic....go over the video to where it's described how long the voyages were out fitted for. Maybe you should have LISTENED to what was said past 8:05, like around 8:12 and beyond.

Your last paragraph is yet another fantastic display or revisionist ignorance. 9:10 and further on is a primer as to how, 9:45 refers to more historic documentation from the Islamics...as later by the Portugese, Spanish. And pray tell why do you ASSUME that people who traded for a generation or two needed "proof" as did Columbus? They TRADED, dimbulb. The native folk in South America had food, language and technical skills derived for the continent of Africa! You keep forgetting that this man is pointing to JUST ONE aspect of history that is omitted in basic America public education.

Now remember, Columbus was out to discover a route to India....get a map and see how bright that was as to where he ended up.

But do repeat your blather....as once again, your knee jerk bigotry inadvertently proves out another one of my OP's. Now the readers will just sit back and watch you do the denial and BS shuffle you do so well. Carry on.
Columbus returned and told everybody he made it to India, he even named the folks he found "Indians" even though he was nowhere near India.

Our resident dullards need to get a map and see how bright that was. To this day Americans STILL refer to the native nation people as "indians". Thanks Chris.
I wouldnt be so sure of theory 2:


There's a pic of Alabama gov George Wallace blocking the entrance to the University of Alabama. The leftist cunts here will be so proud. I even suspect a few of the really retarded leftists here will choke their chicken looking at it

tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber have a circle jerk. Pitiful...no wonder I have one idiot on IA with the other one to follow.

Oh, and as for Glen Reynolds...another educated libertarian lunkhead who thinks he doesn't come off as stupid as the lesser pedigreed bigoted bumpkins he emulates: https://www.mediamatters.org/instapundit
Given today’s political and social climate, it’s wise to be skeptical of motives and curriculum that are supposedly being proposed. I haven’t seen any of these proposed curriculums to actually have an opinion on whether it’s good or bad but until I do, I will have reservations. I have no issues with educating people about the reality of history, the atrocities that have occurred and what it’s actual effects on society are, but there is only a finite amount of class time to be spent teaching these lessons, so what will be the focus? These are some extremely deep subjects that to be taught accurately with concurring and opposing viewpoints and would require multiple college level courses. In a K-12 setting you can’t get that deep into how something like this needs to be taught without omitting other parts of history or taking a hero vs. villain, one sided approach to things regarding the past or current state of black Americans. This does nothing to heal or help people understand when one side is the victim and the other is perpetrator.

Total mis-representation on the part of the willfully ignorant folk out there......seems every blessed time someone, scholar or civilian, tries to implement a historically documented fact that contradicts the subliminal teachings of caucasian superiority, there's all this blather about "division" and "not helping to heal". Funny that NONE of that sentiment was bandied about when the status quo EXCLUDED the aforementioned information, and paraded a narrative that touted Columbus but ignored evidence that people OTHER than Vikings were here first.
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they TRADED, stupid. What does that tell you?

That quack in the video claims they traded. Provide some proof of that since the four-eyed quack didn't. He's as believable as this whackjob...

My high school years are pretty fuzzy but I remember evolution, creationism, etc being taught as theories. I don’t have much of an issue with CRT being taught as a theory, but other opposing theories need to be taught alongside it. And I don’t mean books like The Bell Curve, but works from people like Sowell, Steele, Walter E. Williams, etc., and I don’t know how to make that fit into a mandatory curriculum.

Sowell has been on the public platform for sometime...but there are black historians with equal if not better pedigrees who have documented research of Africa's influence on the "cradle of civilization" (Greece ) that you never heard of unless you listened to Pacifica Broadcast Radio.
That quack in the video claims they traded. Provide some proof of that since the four-eyed quack didn't. He's as believable as this whackjob...


Again, he references the WRITINGS OF THE FAMOUS SPANISH AND PORTUGESE EXPLORERS. You should pay attention. Now, if you accept all that was said by these folk prior to this video that enlightened (or attempted) you, then these reports are also accurate. Of course you deny and close your mind, but that is of little consequence.
You love to throw out a LOT of statements as if they are validated, documented truth. But as usual, it's only your half assed concoctions of historical excerpts coupled with your revisionism, supposition and conjecture.

Your first question reeks of your proud ignorance. The man details who, what, when regarding discovery and study. He gives the details and names that can be verified with a little personal research (not by the willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest and cowardly person like you). THINK, genius, THINK....important archeological studies can be on display in museums or end up in some research facility away from the public. Ever watch PBS NOVA program? National Geographic? Jeez, get educated man!

Secondly, what are you insinuating about sub-Sahara African societies? Sorry to inform you, but they are NOT all like the "arabs" in the old technicolor movies you see on late night TV. Broaden your scope of what & where the dark skinned "Africans" that you are afraid to credit exist. And the man mentions "Western Africa" regarding the metallurgy matching. Get a map and see how that encompasses what we now call the "middle east"...do some research as to how that came about, because I'm damned tired of doing the homework for the willfully ignorant.

He talks about the "evidence", you blinders wearing buffoon! He points to writings of EUROPEAN explorers of the New World, the common foods indigenous to the continent of Africa, common names for various metallurgy. How did you miss that? Or are you just willfully deaf, dumb and blind. And he reported Nubian pottery depictions, genius....check your map as to the connection of the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic....go over the video to where it's described how long the voyages were out fitted for. Maybe you should have LISTENED to what was said past 8:05, like around 8:12 and beyond.

Your last paragraph is yet another fantastic display or revisionist ignorance. 9:10 and further on is a primer as to how, 9:45 refers to more historic documentation from the Islamics...as later by the Portugese, Spanish. And pray tell why do you ASSUME that people who traded for a generation or two needed "proof" as did Columbus? They TRADED, dimbulb. The native folk in South America had food, language and technical skills derived for the continent of Africa! You keep forgetting that this man is pointing to JUST ONE aspect of history that is omitted in basic America public education.

Now remember, Columbus was out to discover a route to India....get a map and see how bright that was as to where he ended up.

But do repeat your blather....as once again, your knee jerk bigotry inadvertently proves out another one of my OP's. Now the readers will just sit back and watch you do the denial and BS shuffle you do so well. Carry on.

I asked questions of his presentation. He was the one that "(threw) out a LOT of statements as if they are validated, documented truth."
Again, he references the WRITINGS OF THE FAMOUS SPANISH AND PORTUGESE EXPLORERS. You should pay attention. Now, if you accept all that was said by these folk prior to this video that enlightened (or attempted) you, then these reports as also accurate. Of course you deny and close your mind, but that is of little consequence.

So? You should pay attention. That alone isn't proof. Archeological evidence needs to be far more sound than the writings of one or a few individuals. I don't accept their reports as accurate on the basis that few reports of that era were accurate. Far more evidence is needed to make the case Africans travelled to the Americas.
I asked questions of his presentation. He was the one that "(threw) out a LOT of statements as if they are validated, documented truth."

You asked questions based on willful ignorance and stubborn denial....half assed question that ignored what was said as I described. You stupidly keep squawking "no documentation" yet I readily point out his references that can be easily checked by those not intellectually lazy readers, unlike yourself.

Bottom line: your bigoted bones just ache every time there's information that shakes your subliminal sense of racial superiority. That you make yourself the fool in an attempt to debunk what you don't like is all the more entertaining. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Again, he references the WRITINGS OF THE FAMOUS SPANISH AND PORTUGESE EXPLORERS. You should pay attention. Now, if you accept all that was said by these folk prior to this video that enlightened (or attempted) you, then these reports as also accurate. Of course you deny and close your mind, but that is of little consequence.

So? You should pay attention. That alone isn't proof. Archeological evidence needs to be far more sound than the writings of one or a few individuals. I don't accept their reports as accurate on the basis that few reports of that era were accurate. Far more evidence is needed to make the case Africans travelled to the Americas.

There you have it, dear readers. This intellectually stunted right wing wonk says that reports from Latin explorers whose exploits ARE A CORNERSTONE OF HISTORY BOOKS IN GRADE & HIGH SCHOOL REGARDING EXPLORATION OF THE NEW WORLD are not to be trusted the second they write about things that point to an African influence/presence in the "New World". T.A. GARDNER doesn't accept it, so there. Alert the media! Through out all text book references to Balboa and such! It's a communist, lib'ral plot to demonize the "white man" (as T.A. perceives). :rolleyes:

T.A. is such a deluded right wing wonk that he doesn't even realize how imbecilic he looks when proudly stating such drivel. He's done, and I'm done with him here, so let's watch him regurgitate the SOS with several posts.