This guy's an idiot. He presents a mishmash of what amounts to cherry picked bullshit to try and support his crackpot theory. For example, he mentions spear tips on Hispaniola. Are any of these still available for examination?
He should show evidence that sub-Saharan African societies had sufficient knowledge to build and operate ships in open ocean. He conveniently ignores this entirely.
At 5:30 he suggests "trans-Atlantic trade" implying that African societies were transiting the Atlantic to and fro the Americas carrying on trade. What actual evidence is there of this? Can you say none?
At 8:05 he shows us a "Nubian" boat. Nubia as a nation was on the Red Sea. That hardly means they transposed that technology to West Africa and the Atlantic. The Nubians, like the Egyptians to their north, used similar technology at sea. Neither was really capable of open ocean travel as they lacked the means of navigation for that.
But the biggest flaw in his rambling lecture is that Columbus did something nobody before him did: He came back to "civilization" with proof and written documentation of his discovery. The Vikings didn't do that. The Polynesians didn't do that. It is possible that the Japanese go to the new world but didn't return. There's a slim chance some Irish made it but couldn't share their discovery.
That's the thing that makes what Columbus did unique: He told everybody else about what he'd found.
You love to throw out a LOT of statements as if they are validated, documented truth. But as usual, it's only your half assed concoctions of historical excerpts coupled with your revisionism, supposition and conjecture.
Your first question reeks of your proud ignorance. The man details who, what, when regarding discovery and study. He gives the details and names that can be verified with a little personal research (not by the willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest and cowardly person like you). THINK, genius, THINK....important archeological studies can be on display in museums or end up in some research facility away from the public. Ever watch PBS NOVA program? National Geographic? Jeez, get educated man!
Secondly, what are you insinuating about sub-Sahara African societies? Sorry to inform you, but they are NOT all like the "arabs" in the old technicolor movies you see on late night TV. Broaden your scope of what & where the dark skinned "Africans" that you are afraid to credit exist. And the man mentions "Western Africa" regarding the metallurgy matching. Get a map and see how that encompasses what we now call the "middle east" some research as to how that came about, because I'm damned tired of doing the homework for the willfully ignorant.
He talks about the "evidence", you blinders wearing buffoon! He points to writings of EUROPEAN explorers of the New World, the common foods indigenous to the continent of Africa, common names for various metallurgy. How did you miss that? Or are you just willfully deaf, dumb and blind. And he reported Nubian pottery depictions, genius....check your map as to the connection of the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic....go over the video to where it's described how long the voyages were out fitted for. Maybe you should have LISTENED to what was said past 8:05, like around 8:12 and beyond.
Your last paragraph is yet another fantastic display or revisionist ignorance. 9:10 and further on is a primer as to how, 9:45 refers to more historic documentation from the later by the Portugese, Spanish. And pray tell why do you ASSUME that people who traded for a generation or two needed "proof" as did Columbus? They TRADED, dimbulb. The native folk in South America had food, language and technical skills derived for the continent of Africa! You keep forgetting that this man is pointing to JUST ONE aspect of history that is omitted in basic America public education.
Now remember, Columbus was out to discover a route to India....get a map and see how bright that was as to where he ended up.
But do repeat your once again, your knee jerk bigotry inadvertently proves out another one of my OP's. Now the readers will just sit back and watch you do the denial and BS shuffle you do so well. Carry on.