Shaken, not stirred!
Ahh, Sowell....the token darling of the tea party/libertarian/new conservative/alt right folk that are the current "conservative" mindset that is the GOP. Every blessed time the right wing wonks are faced with facts regarding America's congenital racism (and subsequent denial of such), they trot out either this pedigreed joker or D'Souza or Owens to placate their subconscious bigotry (because colored folk telling them what they want to here makes everything okay).
However, Sowell has YET to be adequately challenged in public by people not blinded by his BS. Here, for the objective readers, is a brilliant take down of Mr. Sowell's rhetoric. Enjoy:
What’s wrong with Thomas Sowell?
... Sowell’s arguments are, in the main, sophomoric in construction and ideologically resistant to intervention from the real world. Despite his bluster about Evidence and Facts that purportedly come to knock down the house of left economic and racial ideas, Sowell is unique even among the conservatives he’s usually cited with for his immunity to real knowledge and his social-scientific sophistry.