Are aircraft carriers outdated dinosaurs in today's modern warfare?

It's been a while since anyone has been pwned by so many, like what occured with CL on this thread.

I stand corrected! I reckon 11 to 1 is about right for the war hawks, huh?
That article is inaccurate, It forgot multiple carriers. But, as stated before, There are +9 foreign carriers. The tonnage doesnt matter, they all rely on carrier battle groups and can project air power. Yes, some can carry more aircraft than others, but that is an advantage. Also read up on how many foreign carriers are being built now or are planned to be built soon.
The De Gaulle is actually badass. After 4 US carriers, it is ranked 5th in the world. Britain better get is act together and one-up the French.
With the new HMS Queen Elizabeth in 2016, the British would be ahead of the French. Now factor in the new HMS Prince of Wales in 2018. The French have been one-upped, times 5. Currently, the French could not handle the British. The British have the HMS Ocean, the Helicopter Carrier, and due to the proximity of France and the UK, could launch the mighty RAF at France from the mainland. And then keep in mind, the Royal Navy has a lot stronger destroyers and frigates and subs. The British army is just overall superior too.
Oh, real smart there, genius! And when we get attacked again because our military is too weak, then we know who to blame (liberals).

Well Goober, seems nobody is stupid enough to attack nuclear nations since the advent of the nuclear age. So maybe, just “maybe” you can tell the folks who the fuck you think is going to attack us aside from Al-Qaeda and other terrorist? Have you discovered the need for 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers to fight the fucking terrorist with yet Goober?

Of course our government of Democrats and Republicans has tried as hard as they possibly can to piss off the rest of the world enough to want to attack us. We meddle in everybody’s fucking business worldwide both militarily and politically. Our CIA installed the fucking Shah in Iran and deposed an elected leader. Our CIA supported the coming to power of Saddam in Iraq then had to get the bastard hung. Our government supported and armed Osama Bin-Laden, the and other rebels in Afghanistan so they could run the Russians out then turn on us. We armed the Al-Qaeda rebels in Libya so they could kill 4 Americans there. We maintain military bases in over 120 other countries, we spend more on national defense than just about all of the rest of the world combined. We’re 17 trillion $ in debt There hasn’t been a constitutionally congressionally declared war since WWII but we’ve been at war almost endlessly ever since WWII. We have enough fucking Generals and Admirals to supply the rest of the world in military leadership and still have too many left over for ourselves.

We’re a bunch of fucking idiots Goober. We’re the World’s fucking patsy. We’re the Idiot Neo-Roman Empire.
Watch the world bow on bended knee, when we unveil this one:

That article is inaccurate, It forgot multiple carriers. But, as stated before, There are +9 foreign carriers. The tonnage doesnt matter, they all rely on carrier battle groups and can project air power. Yes, some can carry more aircraft than others, but that is an advantage. Also read up on how many foreign carriers are being built now or are planned to be built soon.

Tonnage and duration at sea is everything. The projected air power of America’s 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers has to be several times any projected power of all other aircraft carriers combined. Ours are the largest and all are nuclear powered. The rest of the world’s carriers are all conventional powered, smaller, fewer aircraft and many fewer in number relative to any single nation. Just the cost of operations of our carrier fleet and support vessels would blow your mind as compared to what the cost is to other nations.
Two reasons they are useful.

1) The Navy needs them if it desires air power.

2) They have proven great at humanitarian rescue missions such as Japan, because they can store a ton of supplies.

1. US Air Force.
2. Not a military objective.
Tonnage and duration at sea is everything. The projected air power of America’s 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers has to be several times any projected power of all other aircraft carriers combined. Ours are the largest and all are nuclear powered. The rest of the world’s carriers are all conventional powered, smaller, fewer aircraft and many fewer in number relative to any single nation. Just the cost of operations of our carrier fleet and support vessels would blow your mind as compared to what the cost is to other nations.
I'm well aware of the costs. Also, that is factually incorrect, The French Charles De Gaulle is powered by reactors AND Diesel. Also, the aircraft carrying capability is overall quite similar from many nations to that of us. With replenishment ships in their fleets, the conventional carriers can go practically anywhere as they can be refueled as they go... The British super carriers won't be conventional either.
The fact that we have so many carriers deters hostile nations. If we reduce that number, enemies won't be so hesitant to strike.
Strike with what?
Many weapons can be used to take down carriers. As for what to strike with... Russia could probably get to our mainland if we went down to 2-3 Aircraft Carriers. Some of our allies like France and the UK would be able to strike our mainland if we became hostile to each other and reduced carrier quantity to 2-3.
Many weapons can be used to take down carriers. As for what to strike with... Russia could probably get to our mainland if we went down to 2-3 Aircraft Carriers. Some of our allies like France and the UK would be able to strike our mainland if we became hostile to each other and reduced carrier quantity to 2-3.

We have to defend against our allies?

What are the French going to do, throw pastries at us?
I do find it interesting that DY has not yet weighed in on this thread to defend his assertion. Hmmmmmmmm. I wonder why?

"and, if that doesn't happen, I assume you'll be back here admitting yet another of your foolish predictions was nothing more than the babblings of a gadfly? Probably not."

I believe that they are still vital, they let a nation project air power in places they usually could not.
They also send a strong strategic message that if a US Navy Aircraft Carrier shows up in your coastal waters that the USA is making a statement that you may want to change your policies.