Conflict? Are you really suggesting basing military asset decisions on past conflict levels versus future threat potentials?
We had three carrier battle groups in the northern arabian sea alone during the iranian hostage crisis and the first gulf war, and two there for the second Iraq debacle. That doesn't even begin to cover other potential hot spots that might occur. Savvy military planners - like you, supposedly - know that to keep one aircraft carrier manned up, trained up, loaded up, and on station requires two others in the pipeline behind it being, refitted, refueled, stood down after heavy op tempo, andk retained for the next cycle. Also... We don't ever keep carrier battle groups loitering around in the mid-Atlantic. I would have thought that a talmudic scholar / military planning expert such as yourself would have known that. also, with the growing threat that the PLA poses to us, you would have thought that the northwest pacific might have made your list of places to position a carrier.