Are aircraft carriers outdated dinosaurs in today's modern warfare?

What about Iran developing a nuclear weapon?

What about America developing a nuclear weapon? How about Israel, England, France, Russia, Pakistan, India, North Korea and China all developing nuclear weapons?

Who the fuck died and left America and the western world in charge of who can and who cannot have nuclear weapons?

What if Iran had nuclear weapons and America and the western world didn’t but were developing them and Iran told us we couldn’t? What do you suppose our response to that would be? Maybe like, “GO FUCK YOURSELF IRAN.?”

The trouble with morons is they never try anybody else’s shoes on to see why they’re so pissed off.
As long as the world's commerce moves over the seas, seapower will remain an essential part of American foreign policy. The principles of seapower as delineated by Alfred Thayer Mahan over a century ago still hold true. If America cannot control sea lanes of commerce, we are liable to be controlled by those who do. Carriers remain critical assets in that ongoing effort.
As long as the world's commerce moves over the seas, seapower will remain an essential part of American foreign policy. The principles of seapower as delineated by Alfred Thayer Mahan over a century ago still hold true. If America cannot control sea lanes of commerce, we are liable to be controlled by those who do. Carriers remain critical assets in that ongoing effort.

This appears to conflict with your earlier assertion:

We don't ever keep carrier battle groups loitering around in the mid-Atlantic.
What about America developing a nuclear weapon? How about Israel, England, France, Russia, Pakistan, India, North Korea and China all developing nuclear weapons?

Who the fuck died and left America and the western world in charge of who can and who cannot have nuclear weapons?

What if Iran had nuclear weapons and America and the western world didn’t but were developing them and Iran told us we couldn’t? What do you suppose our response to that would be? Maybe like, “GO FUCK YOURSELF IRAN.?”

The trouble with morons is they never try anybody else’s shoes on to see why they’re so pissed off.

I agree wholeheartedly. I am just curious why DY has changed his tune.
Funny thing, DY, that you have no qualms about doing a 180 on your stance on defense spending.

In the thread you started:

When Rune suggested cutting defense spending, you posted “That's always the liberal method: destroy America by punishing its workers and leaving the door open for potential invaders.” Post #3

When Rune said “Let's see. We already had the biggest military in the world on 9-11.
Why didn't they stop the attack?
Looks like we wasted a lot of money.”

You replied, “Or, it needs to be bigger.” Post #10

In the other thread you started:

Topspin posted “yes cut the ghestapo military spending by 50%” Post #13

And you replied “Stupid idea when Iran is about to have The Bomb.” Post #14

In the same thread you posted:
“I was arguing to maintain the current military budget, and against cutting it by 50%.” Post #41
“To be prepared for war reduces the chances of it.” Post #43

I was just curious about why you now want to spin things as though you are so ready to cut defense spending.

It looks like our dear old DY is evolving towards more liberal views.
So the mid-Atlantic isn't an important sea lane?

Of course it is... Like I said, you really don't know shit about seapower and about the methods of controlling and maintaining sea lanes of commerce and communication.

Just so you know.. It is extremely difficult to interdict sea lanes in the open ocean. It is much easier to control them, and interrupt them at their terminus, or at critical choke points. That's why our carrier battle groups in the Indian Ocean operate exclusively within striking distance of the straights of Hormuz and not in the middle of the IO. The same principle applies for every major body of water.
Because you don't believe in the importance of seapower? Why would you denigrate such versatile platforms by calling them toys?

A "toy" is something that is not necessary, and is simply there for the entertainment value. Like my classic car. But unlike my car, I don't ask you to pay for it.
So you contradicted yourself. Why can't you just admit that?

You don't station carrier battle groups in the mid atlantic any more than you station them in the middle of the IO.

You really are in over your head here.

Why can't YOU just admit that? Oh... I remember... You NEVER admit you're wrong about anything.
I think I am about done arguing about seapower with an AC&R tech. I feel like Brer Rabbit talkin' to the tarbaby. I am gonna go swim my daily kilometer and see what else the day has in store for me.
Without a strong navy how would we protect Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil and BP's profits? Without the people of the U.S. paying for a strong navy how can big oil companies be secure in their profits? Business profits would suffer if we downsize the muscle that protects them.

Interesting. While I don't necessarily agree with your premise, it does leave a few questions...

Do you think your life would be better if we didn't protect interests, whether business or political, so that we can obtain necessary energy? Are you willing to allow drilling at home to replace losses outside the US so that we can continue to provide enough energy to run our basic lives?