Are all right wingers stupid?

The above post actually shows just how stupid Leftists are.

Hey, BP, why don't you list the ways the Right is stupid in your opinion.

(My bet: It's a list of how the Right doesn't think or agree with the Left and nothing more)
The above post actually shows just how stupid Leftists are.

Hey, BP, why don't you list the ways the Right is stupid in your opinion.

(My bet: It's a list of how the Right doesn't think or agree with the Left and nothing more)
They support Trump
The above post actually shows just how stupid Leftists are.

Hey, BP, why don't you list the ways the Right is stupid in your opinion.

(My bet: It's a list of how the Right doesn't think or agree with the Left and nothing more)

Election fraud hoax.
Swallowing lies and propaganda.
Donating to "billionaires" who, for some inexplicable reason, need more money.
Blaming Democrats for everything.
Science denial.
Thinking certain Republicans are actually smart, brilliant, truthful and qualified.
Full of hate for no reason at all except to "own the libs".
Election fraud hoax.
Swallowing lies and propaganda.
Donating to "billionaires" who, for some inexplicable reason, need more money.
Blaming Democrats for everything.
Science denial.
Thinking certain Republicans are actually smart, brilliant, truthful and qualified.
Full of hate for no reason at all except to "own the libs".

nailed it T.A. X 2 now

(My bet: It's a list of how the Right doesn't think or agree with the Left and nothing more)