T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
A three hour riot after a summer of the Left doing the same all over the country?
Election fraud hoax.
The Democrats are past masters at crying election fraud. Are they stupider than the Right because they do it more?
Swallowing lies and propaganda.
MSNBC, TYT, CNN... You want lies and propaganda, look no further than the radical Left. They own that issue ten times over.
Donating to "billionaires" who, for some inexplicable reason, need more money.
There are plenty of billionaires on the Left that donate huge sums to idiot Leftist candidates to get them elected. What's your point, that the Left is stupider than the Right?
Blaming Democrats for everything.
Right back at ya! Blaming the Republicans and non-Left for everything.
Science denial.
You really want to go there? The Left are the biggest science deniers there are. They deny anything and everything that doesn't fit their dogma and agenda. For example, the Left believes that CO2 is the sole cause of Gorebal Warming. What a total crock of shit that is.
Thinking certain Republicans are actually smart, brilliant, truthful and qualified.
Another case of right back at ya!
Full of hate for no reason at all except to "own the libs".
And more right back at ya!