Are all right wingers stupid?

A three hour riot after a summer of the Left doing the same all over the country?

Election fraud hoax.

The Democrats are past masters at crying election fraud. Are they stupider than the Right because they do it more?

Swallowing lies and propaganda.

MSNBC, TYT, CNN... You want lies and propaganda, look no further than the radical Left. They own that issue ten times over.

Donating to "billionaires" who, for some inexplicable reason, need more money.

There are plenty of billionaires on the Left that donate huge sums to idiot Leftist candidates to get them elected. What's your point, that the Left is stupider than the Right?

Blaming Democrats for everything.

Right back at ya! Blaming the Republicans and non-Left for everything.

Science denial.

You really want to go there? The Left are the biggest science deniers there are. They deny anything and everything that doesn't fit their dogma and agenda. For example, the Left believes that CO2 is the sole cause of Gorebal Warming. What a total crock of shit that is.

Thinking certain Republicans are actually smart, brilliant, truthful and qualified.

Another case of right back at ya!

Full of hate for no reason at all except to "own the libs".

And more right back at ya!
A three hour riot after a summer of the Left doing the same all over the country?

Whataboutism denied.

The Democrats are past masters at crying election fraud. Are they stupider than the Right because they do it more?

Whataboutism denied.

MSNBC, TYT, CNN... You want lies and propaganda, look no further than the radical Left. They own that issue ten times over.

Whataboutism denied. And it's ironic that you actually are right about CNN. CNN is being taken over by radical right.

There are plenty of billionaires on the Left that donate huge sums to idiot Leftist candidates to get them elected. What's your point, that the Left is stupider than the Right?

Whataboutism denied.

Right back at ya! Blaming the Republicans and non-Left for everything.

I do not think some Democrat candidates are qualified. Tu quoque fallacy.

You really want to go there? The Left are the biggest science deniers there are. They deny anything and everything that doesn't fit their dogma and agenda. For example, the Left believes that CO2 is the sole cause of Gorebal Warming. What a total crock of shit that is.

Tu quoque fallacy. The "Left" is not a monolithic group.

Another case of right back at ya!

And more right back at ya!

Tu quoque fallacy. I do not try to "own the cons".
I can read his post. You said that I nailed it (proving T.A. correct), and yet you haven't addressed even one of my points.

so you cannot read. TA was the one who nailed it.

perhaps you had better stick to posting silly pictures. this language thing is tripping you up.
so you cannot read. TA was the one who nailed it.

perhaps you had better stick to posting silly pictures. this language thing is tripping you up.

So you cannot address my points. That's your choice. At least T.A. addressed all of my points.

I'm sorry, but you have failed to support your assertion, therefore your assertion is to be dismissed.

As an aside, this type of shit thread wouldn't make it on any other site out there. Somehow you have topped jbander at contentless bullshit OP creation suck.

Some are just nuts.

Agreed. Mostly the Trumpers.

The above post actually shows just how stupid Leftists are.

Hey, BP, why don't you list the ways the Right is stupid in your opinion.

(My bet: It's a list of how the Right doesn't think or agree with the Left and nothing more)

QED. Violent white supremacists often exhibit fear, not intelligence.
The above post actually shows just how stupid Leftists are.

Hey, BP, why don't you list the ways the Right is stupid in your opinion.

(My bet: It's a list of how the Right doesn't think or agree with the Left and nothing more)

Well, for one thing, half of you are claiming the attack on Pelosi was a "Democrat plot" and the other half is claiming it was a "lovers' quarrel gone wrong", despite what the police are saying.

That's really, really stupid.

So, there you go. You're welcome.
Election fraud hoax.
Swallowing lies and propaganda.
Donating to "billionaires" who, for some inexplicable reason, need more money.
Blaming Democrats for everything.
Science denial.
Thinking certain Republicans are actually smart, brilliant, truthful and qualified.
Full of hate for no reason at all except to "own the libs".

Great list! TA's going to ignore this one. It's too good of an argument against.
he cant talk up what Team Donkey is doing right, hissy fits are all he has left.
Team Donkey, like Team Crazy, puts party interests ahead of national interests.

That's why I vote Team Libertarian; it's the most likely conservative party to survive the coming crash of Team Crazy.
should get to the ER with that stroke. the first hour is critical ! Ask Fetterman !

This is another example of how you abusive and mean trump supporters are. Making fun of the disabled. Hilarious.

Not only stupid and mean, but you have no shame.
A three hour riot after a summer of the Left doing the same all over the country?

The Democrats are past masters at crying election fraud. Are they stupider than the Right because they do it more?

MSNBC, TYT, CNN... You want lies and propaganda, look no further than the radical Left. They own that issue ten times over.

There are plenty of billionaires on the Left that donate huge sums to idiot Leftist candidates to get them elected. What's your point, that the Left is stupider than the Right?

Right back at ya! Blaming the Republicans and non-Left for everything.

You really want to go there? The Left are the biggest science deniers there are. They deny anything and everything that doesn't fit their dogma and agenda. For example, the Left believes that CO2 is the sole cause of Gorebal Warming. What a total crock of shit that is.

Another case of right back at ya!

And more right back at ya!

See and that's another example of right wing/trump stupidity. No Democrat ordered the BLM riots. The riots were caused by police murdering unarmed black people.

Trump and his team actually plotted and executed the failed coup, and purist in spewing the big lie, continuing to weaken our democracy.

The fact you refuse the see the difference is not only stupid, it's a little scary - your disconnection from reality.
Whataboutism denied.

Whataboutism denied.

Whataboutism denied. And it's ironic that you actually are right about CNN. CNN is being taken over by radical right.

Whataboutism denied.

I do not think some Democrat candidates are qualified. Tu quoque fallacy.

Tu quoque fallacy. The "Left" is not a monolithic group.

Tu quoque fallacy. I do not try to "own the cons".

It's not just "whataboutism", it's not even in the ballpark as a comparison. Trump ordered the failed coup.

Homicidal cops caused the BLM riots.