Are any Reasonable Conservatives willing...


Well-known member
Are any reasonable Conservatives willing to discuss there opinion on the group of House Republicans who are refusing to fund the Government unless they get concessions on Obamacare? If you are not excluded from this thread, I am interested in your opinion!
Why the fuck would you start ANOTHER thread on this? You fucking moron.

1) This is the first thread started on this!

2) I bring it up again because I want to illustrate how embarrassed reasonable Conservatives are by the Tea Party, the best way to do that is to show how unwilling they are to defend those they support, the House Republicans.
The best conservatives can hope for on this is a characterization of "irresponsible governance." To me, they're just being big babies.

They LOST on Obamacare. Sorry, but that's the way it goes. You don't get a re-do, especially at the expense of jobs & vital services.

Whatever mojo they could have hoped for in the mid-terms is gone. This is one that isn't ambiguous to the American electorate.
1) This is the first thread started on this!

2) I bring it up again because I want to illustrate how embarrassed reasonable Conservatives are by the Tea Party, the best way to do that is to show how unwilling they are to defend those they support, the House Republicans.

Yet, you asked the same question on your other thread and people were discussing it.
Yet, you asked the same question on your other thread and people were discussing it.

And I felt it deserved its own thread, so more people would see how embarrassing it is for righties to support most of the House Republicans.
It's quite simple.

The American people twice sent Republican majorities to take over Congress with an explicit message to directly confront and obstruct Democrat health care reform. (1994 and 2010).

This is not some willy nilly issue randomly picked out of the air. This is precisely what they were elected for.
It's quite simple.

The American people twice sent Republican majorities to take over Congress with an explicit message to directly confront and obstruct Democrat health care reform. (1994 and 2010).

This is not some willy nilly issue randomly picked out of the air. This is precisely what they were elected for.

But the American people didn't send Republicans majorities to Congress in 2010, just the House.

Also, too, Obama was elected in 2012, the Republicans lost seats in the House, lost the national popular vote in the House and gave up seats in the Senate in 2012 after Obamacare was deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court.

So . . . yeah, bullshit all around.
When I said the Congress, I meant the House.

2012 had as much to do with the national party nominating "Obamacare Light" in the form of Mitt Romney.

Still, if you want to believe the seismic shifts of 1994 and 2010 were just coincidental... be my guest.
It's quite simple.

The American people twice sent Republican majorities to take over Congress with an explicit message to directly confront and obstruct Democrat health care reform. (1994 and 2010).

This is not some willy nilly issue randomly picked out of the air. This is precisely what they were elected for.

It seems simple enough to me that President Obama was REelected running against a candidate who said he would end Obamacare on day 1! Its also clear that more Americans voted for Democrats in Congress than Republicans in 2012.
It seems simple enough to me that President Obama was REelected running against a candidate who said he would end Obamacare on day 1! Its also clear that more Americans voted for Democrats in Congress than Republicans in 2012.

And yet here we are, with a GOP majority in the House still carrying out their mission of obstructing Obamacare.

That much is very clear.
Are any reasonable Conservatives willing to discuss there opinion on the group of House Republicans who are refusing to fund the Government unless they get concessions on Obamacare? If you are not excluded from this thread, I am interested in your opinion!
Well I'm fiscally conservative, and socially tolerant. I hate the republicans more than any of the dem supporters here, but the dems are the ones who came up with this law. That being the case, and the fact that they want listen to people like me. I've let my republican reps know that they are not to back down from any fight to get rid of Obamacare. Or at least to get rid of the individual mandate.

They're doing what they've been told to do. It's not really what they want to do.
1) This is the first thread started on this!

2) I bring it up again because I want to illustrate how embarrassed reasonable Conservatives are by the Tea Party, the best way to do that is to show how unwilling they are to defend those they support, the House Republicans.

I support any politician fighting this tyranny called Obamacare.
Well I'm fiscally conservative, and socially tolerant. I hate the republicans more than any of the dem supporters here, but the dems are the ones who came up with this law. That being the case, and the fact that they want listen to people like me. I've let my republican reps know that they are not to back down from any fight to get rid of Obamacare. Or at least to get rid of the individual mandate.

They're doing what they've been told to do. It's not really what they want to do.

So you say they are "not to back down from any fight", does that include civil war?
And I felt it deserved its own thread, so more people would see how embarrassing it is for righties to support most of the House Republicans.
I'm not embarrassed to support any politician trying to get rid of Obamacare.
It seems simple enough to me that President Obama was REelected running against a candidate who said he would end Obamacare on day 1! Its also clear that more Americans voted for Democrats in Congress than Republicans in 2012.
He then said he would fix it, and make it better. That wasn't smart.
No matter how they try to get rid of it? ANY means justify the ends?

In some ways Obamacare has been a good thing. It's responsible for so many liberty minded people getting elected that wouldn't have been elected otherwise. And I hope that trend keeps growing. Maybe after we get rid of Obamacare, we can work on getting rid of the 16th amendment, and the genocide we call the war on drugs.
In some ways Obamacare has been a good thing. It's responsible for so many liberty minded people getting elected that wouldn't have been elected otherwise. And I hope that trend keeps growing. Maybe after we get rid of Obamacare, we can work on getting rid of the 16th amendment, and the genocide we call the war on drugs.

You failed to address my question.