Are any Reasonable Conservatives willing...

That's true .. unless it has built in mechanisms specific to costs.

Medicare has such mechanisms and would not require a mandate, or the collapse of private insurance.

There are things that need to be changed and will be as it is discovered what works and what doesn't, but this supplies a means for people to get healthcare. We must continue to improve this law.
Again, the language of lemmings and people who have no ability to actually think for themselves.

You'd find more suitable conversation elsewhere.
No, as a big government loving Communist, this is precisely the piece of shit law that leads to total government control of the entire private sector. Sorry, but I'll take freedom over security anyday, Communist sonofabitch.
That's true .. unless it has built in mechanisms specific to costs.

Medicare has such mechanisms and would not require a mandate, or the collapse of private insurance.

Yet a medicare for all system would end private insurance. It would also end the very vehicle that subsidizes medicare.

Until we address the root causes for increases in health care costs, it won't matter which vehicle we use. Costs will go up.
There are things that need to be changed and will be as it is discovered what works and what doesn't, but this supplies a means for people to get healthcare. We must continue to improve this law.

How is that going to happen when its so heavily dependent on republicans?

Would it not have been wiser to fight for a better plan, not just roll over an accept a conservative idea that was DESIGNED to avoid single payer?

Part of the problems America faces is because of the timidity of democrats and their leadership. You're being led by a wimp .. who has a habit of rolling over and not fighting.

Why does he do that? Because he's a corporatist .. the word democrats dare even mention these days.

MOST of the problems facing Americans today stems from the fact that corporations own the government.

Nobody wants to talk about that .. except to blame republicans.
Yet a medicare for all system would end private insurance. It would also end the very vehicle that subsidizes medicare.

Until we address the root causes for increases in health care costs, it won't matter which vehicle we use. Costs will go up.

Why would that be?

Medicare is VOLUNTARY and it does not affect your private insurance. What it will do is make private insurance more competitive, but employers will still offer it as an incentive..
I don't buy it, employers lying, I have asked you for proof which you have failed to supply.

I posted this stuff for you before. Why u keep playin' dum?

Walgreens will stop offering health insurance directly to its workers in 2014, instead shifting them to policies in a private insurance

IBM recently joined the historic shift by moving retirees from company-provided insurance to the Extend Health exchange

Restaurant owners have serious issues with the Affordable Care Act. The sticking point for many is the legal definition of a full-time worker as anyone averaging at least 30 hours a week on the job. By 2015, any company with more than 50 such employees (including “full-time equivalent employees,” (PDF) according to the law) will have to offer health benefits. This week restaurant execs have been meeting with Congress in a lobbying effort to nix the 30-hour rule.

Employers across the US are cutting hours for workers in order to avoid paying for their health insurance.
Under the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, companies with more than 50 employees are required to offer health insurance to staff working over 30 hours per week.
This will hit low-paid workers on hourly wages the hardest as they fear smaller pay checks, as well as higher health premiums.
Sure, why not. Its been done before by both sides and look we are all still here. The world did not end.

My community is heavily dependent on tourist revenue. The Rim fire already was impacting it negatively; the shutdown of Yosemite is a HUGE blow.

There will be some businesses no longer here if this shutdown lasts longer than a few days
I guess that's possible, but even if it is, Obamacare has set everything in motion.

As for these people getting what they never have had before, that's great. But what about the people who had great healthcare provided, and 100% paid for by their employer, being thrown to the exchanges to pay for healthcare that's no where near as good as what they had. What if such people don't qualify for financial help and they're living from paycheck to paycheck. This is an extreme burden.

I could go on, and on with what I feel are true examples, but my question is "is this ok with you"?

a) you have a lot of what ifs there

b) with the exchanges, if people's hours are cut they will probably qualify for subsidies

c) companies who cut people's hours just to not pay for health care are scum and we should publish them on a wall of shame and not buy anything from them
Why would that be?

Medicare is VOLUNTARY and it does not affect your private insurance. What it will do is make private insurance more competitive, but employers will still offer it as an incentive..

Medicare is VOLUNTARY? Are you smoking something?

You hit 65 - you are pushed onto Medicare. Or your premiums are jacked up so high you can't afford them.

Happened to a friend of mine. All ended tragically; he delayed some of his medicare paperwork when he turned 65 - and Kaiser basically kicked him out - , turned out he had a very aggressive cancer, he died in hospice care, and the paying for it was a royal fuckup.
a) you have a lot of what ifs there

b) with the exchanges, if people's hours are cut they will probably qualify for subsidies

c) companies who cut people's hours just to not pay for health care are scum and we should publish them on a wall of shame and not buy anything from them

a.)My ifs are common sense.

b.)If peoples hours are cut how will they feed their families. You know,,,,,,, a lot people would prefer to work and not be dependent.

c.)Say what you will, but Obamacare caused this.
I think the law incourages them to cut hours, stop funding their employees healthcare, and to lay people off.

Oh, I think some CEOs are using it as an excuse to do something they want to do anyway.

My company is NOT cutting hours, they are still funding our healthcare, and while there have been people laid off recently it wasn't because of ACA; it was because of a shifting strategy around our partner network.
Oh, I think some CEOs are using it as an excuse to do something they want to do anyway.

My company is NOT cutting hours, they are still funding our healthcare, and while there have been people laid off recently it wasn't because of ACA; it was because of a shifting strategy around our partner network.

Let's give it time, and see what the next 12 months show us.