This is an argument without a solution.
What? No, it HAS a solution, you just refuse to face it!
It has polarized American society for half a century with no resolution in sight.
Because people like you, refuse to accept biological fact, and continue to prop up what you KNOW is wrong, by pointing to the Supreme Court, by denying clear facts, and by refusing to be reasonable and honest.
Arguing this issue with you is yet another circular discussion....
It's circular because you refuse to accept the facts.
we both make our points....
You have made ZERO points! Furthermore, you haven't addressed MINE!
you claim absolute wisdom and knowledge.
I only claim what is fact. A 'being' is something that exists, a 'living organism' is a living organism... everything I have presented is based in clear indisputable scientific and biological fact of the matter.
I claim no such thing...
And no such claim can be made, this is why you are wrong. All of your views are rooted in assumptions you can't support with logic or scientific proof. You literally defy the laws of physics and try to claim that something isn't what it is yet, it has to somehow magically "become" this, and you can't explain what element is required to transform it, because there is none.
I admit to being personally conflicted about this issue....
And this is even more proof, you understand it is wrong. You fully understand my argument, you fully understand that science doesn't lie, that biology is what it is, and a human fetus, is a human being at its earliest stages of development. You fully understand that nothing but time is required to produce a more advanced version of what it already there, and it IS what it IS, a human being.
it doesn't matter to you.
What matters to me, is convincing enough people who want to fake ignorance, to realize and understand what you condone.
I have admitted taht I, personally, find abortion abhorent.... and have stated on numerous occasions that the ONLY thing I find more abhorent than abortion is the thought of government reaching inside a woman's womb and directing what happens therein.
And I find it abhorrent that anyone would hide behind the EXCUSE of giving women some moral right they do not have, to avoid standing up for what you KNOW is right!
You have NEVER proven me wrong regardless of your flatulent victory declarations...
You've been proven wrong in this very thread, that's what all this is about. That's why you are ready to just "agree to disagree" and move on... you know full well, you've lost the debate miserably, didn't score a single point, and ended up having to defend your willful ignorance of the facts. I see what's going on here, and that's good enough for me.
and you would do well to not question my manhood going forward.
I question the manhood of anyone who will accept the role of useful idiot, and allow a million innocent human beings to be sucked down a tube next year, without even speaking out in protest.