Are Democrats Racist?

I agree... but from my perspective, if a woman or a black rises to the top of the democratic primary process, they have all the qualifications that I need them to have.
I agree... but from my perspective, if a woman or a black rises to the top of the democratic primary process, they have all the qualifications that I need them to have.

That's because your a democrat no matter what, which is a different form of brain death. Damocles was saying something else. He was saying race or gender alone would be good enough. Token black. Token woman. Tokenism. Also flawed and ignorant.
That's because your a democrat no matter what, which is a different form of brain death. Damocles was saying something else. He was saying race or gender alone would be good enough. Token black. Token woman. Tokenism. Also flawed and ignorant.

I am a democrat as long as my party platform has more of what I espouse than any other party's platform. Don't insult me and I won't insult you. I am far from braindead and don't take to kindly to folks that would say otherwise.
It's just time for a woman or black? Regardless of policy? THat is so freaking braindead, dude.
Whatever... We wanted Powell to run, instead we got Bush...

I think it is about time for different names. It is braindead to assume that absolutely no black or any women would ever be qualified to do that job. Honestly... I'll just be happy when we get a different name... Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton? Enough...
I am a democrat as long as my party platform has more of what I espouse than any other party's platform.

That's right AssHat! And it don't matter if it's outright racism against their own candidates, screwing interns, condoning murder of innocent human life, pulling the feeding tubes of retarded people, or relegating US foreign policy to the lap of the UN. As long as they espouse Maine's views, he will vote for whatever idiot they throw out there... and don't you forget it!

Don't insult me and I won't insult you.

Don't believe him! He will find a way to justify insulting you, no matter what you say to him! He actually lives and thrives for insulting people who disagree with him! He will brag about his military service, he will brag about his big shot daddy, he will brag about his community stature, he will brag about how much "better" he is, than the rest of us poor schlubs.... and then he will hurl slanderous repulsive and unfounded garbage at you as fast as he can think it up in his sick twisted head. Don't feed him any personal information, he will immediately take the low road with regard to your family, your state, your heritage, whatever he can... it's what he does!

I am far from braindead and don't take to kindly to folks that would say otherwise.

And it's a shame too! If you were braindead, we could just pull your feeding tube and make you go away! That IS what your party espouses, right?
Whatever... We wanted Powell to run, instead we got Bush...

I think it is about time for different names. It is braindead to assume that absolutely no black or any women would ever be qualified to do that job. Honestly... I'll just be happy when we get a different name... Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton? Enough...

Different policies. That's what we need. Same names different names. Whatever. we need to abandon the internationalis agenda which says we must empower the chinese military with billions in trade dollars. This is insane.
I am a democrat as long as my party platform has more of what I espouse than any other party's platform.

That's right AssHat! And it don't matter if it's outright racism against their own candidates, screwing interns, condoning murder of innocent human life, pulling the feeding tubes of retarded people, or relegating US foreign policy to the lap of the UN. As long as they espouse Maine's views, he will vote for whatever idiot they throw out there... and don't you forget it!
I don't support racism against anyone..certainly not my party's candidates for office. I do not condone screwing interns - but YOU obviously do given your unqualified support for Newt -, I don't condone murder of innocent human life, although I am sure that this is one of your dishonest jabs against my party's support for a woman's right to chose to end an unwanted pregnancy, which the supreme court has ruled is NOT the murder of innocent human life. No democrat advocates pulling a feeding tube from retarded people. No one in my party supports relegating US foreign policy to the lap of the UN... only taking it away from immature moronic idiots who start wars of choice and make us less safe

Don't insult me and I won't insult you.

Don't believe him! He will find a way to justify insulting you, no matter what you say to him! He actually lives and thrives for insulting people who disagree with him! He will brag about his military service, he will brag about his big shot daddy, he will brag about his community stature, he will brag about how much "better" he is, than the rest of us poor schlubs.... and then he will hurl slanderous repulsive and unfounded garbage at you as fast as he can think it up in his sick twisted head. Don't feed him any personal information, he will immediately take the low road with regard to your family, your state, your heritage, whatever he can... it's what he does!
I have never "bragged" about anything other than my kids. You started the slander tossing, pal... if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

I am far from braindead and don't take to kindly to folks that would say otherwise.

And it's a shame too! If you were braindead, we could just pull your feeding tube and make you go away! That IS what your party espouses, right?
wrong. my party espouses allowing family members to make the difficult choices about the termination of life support for braindead relatives after consultation with the help of their doctors and medical professionals and without government intrusion. You seem to be all about keeping govenment out of YOUR life, but support government presence in everyone ELSE's life.
Just mostly a realist.
Ignoring unpleasant truths does nothing to make them go away.

Nope. You've been intimidated and bought off, now you're a tool. Congratulations. The great grandchildren of yours which now won't be born thank you.

There were too many white people anyway.
I don't support racism against anyone..certainly not my party's candidates for office.

Sure you do! In fact, you are the one who made up the excuses for it, and justified it under the guise of 'reasonable' discussion. Your party is going to outright racially discriminate against Obama, and you think it's all perfectly fine to do that... it's just politics!

I do not condone screwing interns

Sure you do! You voted for a man who did it, twice! To this day, you don't think there should have been any punishment for it, you would have been perfectly fine with just dropping it and moving on.

I don't condone murder of innocent human life

Sure you do! You voted for a man who vetoed partial birth twice! Again, you made every excuse in the book for it, and justified your support.

which the supreme court has ruled is NOT the murder of innocent human life.

I'm sorry, but biology contradicts the Supreme Court on this one.

No democrat advocates pulling a feeding tube from retarded people.

Sure they do! And not only that, they will use it as a campaign gimmick to garner a few votes. How many times have you invoked the name of Terri Schiavo, in order to promote your party's agenda?

No one in my party supports relegating US foreign policy to the lap of the UN...

Sure they do! John Kerry practically made it his campaign slogan. In every instance Bush has made a decision, even with the support of Congress, you feel the better approach would have been allowing the UN to make the decision.

I have never "bragged" about anything other than my kids.

This is almost too funny to post! You are a trip, Maine! ...And I bet you really honestly believe this crap to be the truth! In your mind, you are just as humble as the day is long!
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The overall statements that Biden made just plain came out wrong. One has to wonder about Freudian slips....
I don't support racism against anyone..certainly not my party's candidates for office.

Sure you do! In fact, you are the one who made up the excuses for it, and justified it under the guise of 'reasonable' discussion. Your party is going to outright racially discriminate against Obama, and you think it's all perfectly fine to do that... it's just politics!

no...I don't.... please stop blatantly mischaracterizing my positions

I do not condone screwing interns

Sure you do! You voted for a man who did it, twice! To this day, you don't think there should have been any punishment for it, you would have been perfectly fine with just dropping it and moving on.

I never voted for a man that I knew screwed interns...but you can't WAIT to vote for Newt. How are we to take that?

I don't condone murder of innocent human life

Sure you do! You voted for a man who vetoed partial birth twice! Again, you made every excuse in the book for it, and justified your support.

no...I don't. YOU want to make the claim that fetuses are innocent human life, but your opinion is your opinion...not fact

which the supreme court has ruled is NOT the murder of innocent human life.

I'm sorry, but biology contradicts the Supreme Court on this one.

Again...your are certainly entitled to it. I am entitled to mine and they happen to disagree

No democrat advocates pulling a feeding tube from retarded people.

Sure they do! And not only that, they will use it as a campaign gimmick to garner a few votes. How many times have you invoked the name of Terri Schiavo, in order to promote your party's agenda?
you need to understand the difference betwwen someone who is mentally retarded and someone who is legally braindead. WHen you figure that distinction out, try rephrasing your inaccurate statement and we'll discuss it then

No one in my party supports relegating US foreign policy to the lap of the UN...

Sure they do! John Kerry practically made it his campaign slogan. In ever instance Bush has made a decision, even with the support of Congress, you feel the better approach would have been allowing the UN to make the decision.
no...he didn't. again...your flatulent rhetoric is long on heat and short on light

I have never "bragged" about anything other than my kids.

This is almost too funny to post! You are a trip, Maine! ...And I bet you really honestly believe this crap to be the truth! In your mind, you are just as humble as the day is long!

Dixie..I realize that for a gomer like you who has led a pretty boring and uneventful life, when I state my qualifications to discuss such topics as middle eastern politics, it might seem as if I am bragging..... but it really isn't bragging if it is the truth, is it? If the topic were heart surgery and I were, in fact, a cardiologist, and I wanted to participate in the discussion, informing the members of the discussion group of my medical specialty would not be "bragging", it would merely be stated to provide a frame of reference for my opinions. I have never said I was the best or the greatest United Nations Military Observer in the history of the UN Truce Supervision Organization - only that I served in it and learned some stuff while there that helps inform my opinion. I don't brag. I merely state my qualifications. I do not try to pawn myself as an expert on tax policy or environmental regulation or welfare reform or any of a myriad of discussion topics. I know a great deal about the middle east...I know a great deal about the military in general and the navy in specific, and I know a great deal about Maine State government. That's about it in regards to politics. No bragging at all.... but like I a guy who doesn't know shit from fat meat, I can imagine how you might think that my qualifications sound like bragging.
no...I don't.... please stop blatantly mischaracterizing my positions

I haven't. You made the argument that it wasn't 'racially discriminating' to discuss how Obama didn't stand a chance because he is black. That was just politics, and not racist one little bit.

I never voted for a man that I knew screwed interns...

But when you found out he did, you supported him, and still support him to this day! You have made it abundantly clear, you didn't see anything wrong with his behavior, and it shouldn't have been something he was ever punished for. In fact, you continue to chastise those who spoke out against him and condemned his actions.

no...I don't. YOU want to make the claim that fetuses are innocent human life, but your opinion is your opinion...not fact

Yes, you do... you voted for Bill Clinton twice, and he twice vetoed a ban on partial birth abortion. I am not making an opinionated claim about human fetuses being human life, that is biological fact. You need to prove they are not human life, if that is your argument.

Again...your opinion...

No, again, fact of the matter. The Supreme Court is not always right. They once considered slaves property and 3/5ths of a man. Biology dictates, if it is a living thing, and it is human, it has to be human life, there is no other logic which can apply. It's not an opinion, it's a biological fact, and the Supreme Court is not in business to determine biological facts.

you need to understand the difference between someone who is mentally retarded and someone who is legally braindead.

Apparently, it doesn't matter to Democrats as long as your husband wants you dead.

no...he didn't. again...your flatulent rhetoric is long on heat and short on light

Yes he did! In fact, many people think it was one of the reasons Kerry lost the election... the debate... remember? "I think we should have a global test..." The sanctions were working.... we had him contained... unilateral action....get the inspectors back in... blah blah blah! Your party has done nothing BUT cater to the UN, and advocate a weak US foreign policy, relegated to the lap of the UN.

...when I state my qualifications to discuss such topics as...

Save your breath... when you state your qualifications to discuss virtually everything you ever discuss here, you do nothing but brag about yourself, your family, your past experience, your wisdom and knowledge, and how much fucking better you are than whoever you are debating. You are nothing BUT a braggart and blowhard, and everyone on this board with an ounce of honesty, fully understands that. Stop pretending you are something else.
no...I don't.... please stop blatantly mischaracterizing my positions

I haven't. You made the argument that it wasn't 'racially discriminating' to discuss how Obama didn't stand a chance because he is black. That was just politics, and not racist one little bit.
I made the argument that discussing whether or not a black man could win an election in this country, especially considering the states south of the Mason-Dixon line filled with bigots like YOU was not, itself a racist discussion. And it isn't. It is reality.

I never voted for a man that I knew screwed interns...

But when you found out he did, you supported him, and still support him to this day! You have made it abundantly clear, you didn't see anything wrong with his behavior, and it shouldn't have been something he was ever punished for. In fact, you continue to chastise those who spoke out against him and condemned his actions.

that is a flat out lie. I was furious as Clinton for not keeping his pants zipped and allowing the republicans the opportunity to distract the country away from the things that we needed to be doing. I saw a great deal wrong with his behavior. I do not think he should have been impeached for it... a censure motion would have been more appropriate...and stood a chance at passing.

no...I don't. YOU want to make the claim that fetuses are innocent human life, but your opinion is your opinion...not fact

Yes, you do... you voted for Bill Clinton twice, and he twice vetoed a ban on partial birth abortion. I am not making an opinionated claim about human fetuses being human life, that is biological fact. You need to prove they are not human life, if that is your argument.

no... you are making an opinionated claim... and I don't need to prove shit to you about anything ever.

Again...your opinion...

No, again, fact of the matter. The Supreme Court is not always right. They once considered slaves property and 3/5ths of a man. Biology dictates, if it is a living thing, and it is human, it has to be human life, there is no other logic which can apply. It's not an opinion, it's a biological fact, and the Supreme Court is not in business to determine biological facts.

no....opinion. If fetuses were human beings, then abortion would be murder and women and doctors would be being brought up on charges all the time.... but they aren't... they are so NOT human beings that, not only is abortion not considered murder, it is not even a is totally LEGAL.

you need to understand the difference between someone who is mentally retarded and someone who is legally braindead.

Apparently, it doesn't matter to Democrats as long as your husband wants you dead.

nonsensical statement. Democrats don't ever condone killing retarded people just because their spouse wants them dead.... although, had your ex-wife made the suggestion, I would have, at least, entertained it in YOUR case only.

no...he didn't. again...your flatulent rhetoric is long on heat and short on light

Yes he did! In fact, many people think it was one of the reasons Kerry lost the election... the debate... remember? "I think we should have a global test..." The sanctions were working.... we had him contained... unilateral action....get the inspectors back in... blah blah blah! Your party has done nothing BUT cater to the UN, and advocate a weak US foreign policy, relegated to the lap of the UN.

none of what Kerry said, or I have said relagates american foreign policy to the lap of the UN.... and, as I can recall, it was the republican secretary of state that told us that the sanctions were working long before Kerry ever suggested that.

...when I state my qualifications to discuss such topics as...

Save your breath... when you state your qualifications to discuss virtually everything you ever discuss here, you do nothing but brag about yourself, your family, your past experience, your wisdom and knowledge, and how much fucking better you are than whoever you are debating. You are nothing BUT a braggart and blowhard, and everyone on this board with an ounce of honesty, fully understands that. Stop pretending you are something else.

I am not better than you, just more informed than you on a few key topics... it just so happens it is those topics about which you know very little and about which I know much more that you chose to blather on about
no... you are making an opinionated claim... and I don't need to prove shit to you about anything ever.

There is no 'opinion' to the facts, Maine. A living organism that is human, is human life, period. That is a biological fact, it's not merely my opinion. And you do need to prove things to win debates, that is the purpose of the discussions in the first place. If you just want to rant and make up shit, that's fine, we just need to fully understand that's what you are about here.

no....opinion. If fetuses were human beings, then abortion would be murder

This is ridiculous. It's like saying, in 1800, if blacks were human, slavery would be illegal. You can't base your support of abortion on the support of abortion, moron! It defies any rational way of thinking. Fetuses of human beings, are human life, they simply can't be anything else. You can have all the backward-thinking opinion you want to on this, that is a biological fact you can't refute. If it is not a life, why does it have to be terminated? If it's not human, what is it? If it's human life, why are we debating it?