no...I don't.... please stop blatantly mischaracterizing my positions
I haven't. You made the argument that it wasn't 'racially discriminating' to discuss how Obama didn't stand a chance because he is black. That was just politics, and not racist one little bit.
I made the argument that discussing whether or not a black man could win an election in this country, especially considering the states south of the Mason-Dixon line filled with bigots like YOU was not, itself a racist discussion. And it isn't. It is reality.
I never voted for a man that I knew screwed interns...
But when you found out he did, you supported him, and still support him to this day! You have made it abundantly clear, you didn't see anything wrong with his behavior, and it shouldn't have been something he was ever punished for. In fact, you continue to chastise those who spoke out against him and condemned his actions.
that is a flat out lie. I was furious as Clinton for not keeping his pants zipped and allowing the republicans the opportunity to distract the country away from the things that we needed to be doing. I saw a great deal wrong with his behavior. I do not think he should have been impeached for it... a censure motion would have been more appropriate...and stood a chance at passing.
no...I don't. YOU want to make the claim that fetuses are innocent human life, but your opinion is your opinion...not fact
Yes, you do... you voted for Bill Clinton twice, and he twice vetoed a ban on partial birth abortion. I am not making an opinionated claim about human fetuses being human life, that is biological fact. You need to prove they are not human life, if that is your argument.
no... you are making an opinionated claim... and I don't need to prove shit to you about anything ever.
Again...your opinion...
No, again, fact of the matter. The Supreme Court is not always right. They once considered slaves property and 3/5ths of a man. Biology dictates, if it is a living thing, and it is human, it has to be human life, there is no other logic which can apply. It's not an opinion, it's a biological fact, and the Supreme Court is not in business to determine biological facts.
no....opinion. If fetuses were human beings, then abortion would be murder and women and doctors would be being brought up on charges all the time.... but they aren't... they are so NOT human beings that, not only is abortion not considered murder, it is not even a is totally LEGAL.
you need to understand the difference between someone who is mentally retarded and someone who is legally braindead.
Apparently, it doesn't matter to Democrats as long as your husband wants you dead.
nonsensical statement. Democrats don't ever condone killing retarded people just because their spouse wants them dead.... although, had your ex-wife made the suggestion, I would have, at least, entertained it in YOUR case only.
no...he didn't. again...your flatulent rhetoric is long on heat and short on light
Yes he did! In fact, many people think it was one of the reasons Kerry lost the election... the debate... remember? "I think we should have a global test..." The sanctions were working.... we had him contained... unilateral action....get the inspectors back in... blah blah blah! Your party has done nothing BUT cater to the UN, and advocate a weak US foreign policy, relegated to the lap of the UN.
none of what Kerry said, or I have said relagates american foreign policy to the lap of the UN.... and, as I can recall, it was the republican secretary of state that told us that the sanctions were working long before Kerry ever suggested that.
...when I state my qualifications to discuss such topics as...
Save your breath... when you state your qualifications to discuss virtually everything you ever discuss here, you do nothing but brag about yourself, your family, your past experience, your wisdom and knowledge, and how much fucking better you are than whoever you are debating. You are nothing BUT a braggart and blowhard, and everyone on this board with an ounce of honesty, fully understands that. Stop pretending you are something else.
I am not better than you, just more informed than you on a few key topics... it just so happens it is those topics about which you know very little and about which I know much more that you chose to blather on about