Are Democrats Racist?

Um Hannity has had discussions on his show about whether minority or female can win. There was no uproar. Discussing political realities and opinions is not racist.

I've never heard Sean Hannity say that a woman or black would be "long-shots" to win. In fact, he is one of the main lobbyists for Condi to run.

It's amazing to me, I have to go find the fucking transcripts to prove Democrats said something, even if they were watching the show and saw it for themselves... blackflag mentions something about hearing Hannity say something, and the pinheads line up to pat his back and congratulate him on making an excellent point!

It seems we have a bit of a double standard when it comes to providing proof of something that was said. Let's see the transcript, flagass?

Well, first Blackflag has more credibility than you: a known pathological liar and bet welcher.

Second, talking about the electability of a minority in a nation that still harbors a lot of ambient racism, is not racist in and of itself.
See, in modern conservative-speak, you have to pretend that racism doesn't exist.

LMAO... that's absurd, of course it exists! Democrats are living proof!

Now, you black folk move on back to the rear of the bus, Maine and Al Gore will stand in the schoolhouse door and protect you from them mean old racist republicans. Run for president? No... no, I am afraid that is impossible, there is far too much racism for you to ever win.... just take your seat in the back, don't worry, we will keep them from discriminating against you!

I don't know which racists I hate worse, the sheet wearing kind, or the hypocrite liberal kind. At least the sheet wearers are honest about it.
And Politicians Who Merely Talk About The Possible Effects Of Racism On An Election Where A Black Man May Be The Candidate Are Honest And They Are Not Racist.
Democrat politicians generally are racist.

Democrat voters are afraid of appearing racist, so they overcompensate.
Michael on "The Office" is your typical Democrat...
And Maine is the resident expert on 'full of shit'!

and dixie is an obfuscating slanderous racist redneck toad.....

I am an expert on democrats, however.... and you are not.

Actually, besides one hour photo developing, slander tossing, and racist rationalization, I don't know ANYTHING that you are an expert on.
Are Democrats Racist?

Given that your party's entire House congressional delegation is made of of white people, I think your asking the wrong question. The GOP doesn't have a single black person, or hispanic person (to my knowledge) in the House of Representatives.

not exaclty sure what you tring to get at, but i will take a guess, because a party or a group racial makeup isnt diverse, dosnt mean that they are racist.

i mean is the national black caucus made up of just black people ? i relly dont know... but if is dose that make em racist

if the chess club at high shool is just made up of white people, are they racist ?

if there are only white kids at a school, dose that make em racist ?
if there are only white kids at a school, dose that make em racist ?
darn straight, we will have to bus in some minorities form the next state :)
Some are realist and realize that the red states aren't ready and some in the blue states aren't either!

yep, labeling, generalizing and pidgeon holing people when making decisions is likely to yield a far less than optimal results from that decision.
m'eh. I think it's about time...

To tell the truth, even though I don't like it, well unless we get another neocon candidate, the Rs have little chance of winning in two years if nothing changes. Realistically, whomever gets the D nod is likely to win at this juncture.

It's just time for a woman or black? Regardless of policy? THat is so freaking braindead, dude.
If they embrace the core of the democratic platform, where does the "regardless of policy" come from?

I was referring to damocles saying it's "just time" for a black or a woman. This is braindead thinking. Policy should be the consideration. Just shows how race and gender oversensitized we are. It should be based on content of character like MLK said.