Are eucalyptus trees the cause of the CA fires?

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Democrats like the stupid trees because they're pretty and smell nice! Doesn't take much to get one burning. They are full of oil.

dec 28 2022 Eucalyptus trees are widespread in California and have been introduced to many other warm states. These beautiful stately trees are filled with aromatic oil, which makes them highly combustible. The picture this paints is of California and other areas experiencing serious eucalyptus fire damage.
The tree sheds bark and dead leaves, which make a perfect pile of tinder under the tree too. When the oils in the tree heat up, the plant releases flammable gas, which ignites into a fireball. This accelerates the eucalyptus fire hazards in a region and discourages firefighting efforts. Removal of the trees has been recommended largely due to eucalyptus fire damage but also because they are taking the place of native species. The plants are considered dangerous in fire-prone areas because of their habit of shooting sparks if they catch fire. Eucalyptus oil and fire are a match made in heaven from the fire’s perspective but a nightmare for those of us in its path.
They burn very hot, and are certainly part of the problem....Bret and Heather were just yesterday talking about these of the things they said is that they are difficult to kill.....removal would be expensive.
Introduced invasive species are certainly a problem, just look at the Russia Thistle, aka , the Tumbleweed.

It will take time, and patience to achieve a new equilibrium.

There is much we could learn from this experience.

A super dangerous wildfire invasive species in S. California and the Southwest is South African Buffel grass


Introduced in the 19th century as a feed for cattle on ranges, it is massively flammable.

The green areas are where it found today.