Are eucalyptus trees the cause of the CA fires?

Mantra 1a. Lame.
Give it up, fool. You're a loser.

These are recent ' Into the Nightsoil's' statements ;

"Sweden is not to the east of the UK "
" There is no such science as paleoclimatology "
" There is no such thing as an unwritten Constitution "
" There were WMD in Iraq "
"There is no "weaponization of the dollar"
"Covid does not kill ."
"It is not possible to have a variant of a variant. "(Subvariants do not exist )
"Israel doesn't want to eradicate Palestine "
"The Arctic isn't melting "
"I don't need to seek attention"
"The age of the earth is unknown "

Dumbass or troll ?

Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't.
