Are gays "born gay"?


Loyal to the end
I'd say its unlikely.

1. Two gays can't reproduce.
2. No "gay gene" has been found, despite millions in research to find it.
Who cares? Why would it matter to me if gays were born that way or if they somehow "learned" it or it was a virus? Why should I care what other people like so much?
3. There are cases of identical (same dna) twins where one is gay and one is not. Definately a case for nurture not nature.

My guess is it's a combination of maybe some genetic disposition along with upbringing
Who cares? Why would it matter to me if gays were born that way or if they somehow "learned" it or it was a virus? Why should I care what other people like so much?
This issue is directly related to gay's assertion of normal, healthy, etc., and their subsequent demand for equal rights. If homosexuality is a choice, or a sickness, the claim for equal status, for something like marriage, for example, flies out the window faster than a bee in summer.
Most babies are not born with beards.
Some babies do turn into adults who then do posses the ability to grow facial hair.

This is very likely tied in some way to the sexual maturation process.

What exactly is it one would do to a child to "turn" them gay?

If it were possible you would think sexual abuse would do this huh?

There are many cases where a boy child is sexually abused by say their priest or whatever and remained hertosexual.

This turned them gay idea is shear stupidity.
All normal human beings are born with hair, and the vast majority of mature males are able to grow beards. Piss-poor analogy by truthmatters/desh.
This issue is directly related to gay's assertion of normal, healthy, etc., and their subsequent demand for equal rights. If homosexuality is a choice, or a sickness, the claim for equal status, for something like marriage, for example, flies out the window faster than a bee in summer.

Do we keep two handicapped people from being married ?

What if they are at fault for their own injury that made them handicapped?

The equal status claim is that they are Americans and should not have the right to marry WHOEVER they want limmited.

Who the hell are you to tell some people in the next town who they can tie their lives too?

It does not effect you in the least and its NONE of your business.
All normal human beings are born with hair, and the vast majority of mature males are able to grow beards. Piss-poor analogy by truthmatters/desh.

Jackass, it is part of the hormal changes the body goes through to sexually mature.

So it is tied to sexual desire.

Did you really not get that?
Sexual preference has to do with the brain being feminine or masculine in structure, which is dependant on intrauterine hormone levels at certain time in the gestation process. So it's biological, and it's genetic to the extent that genes influence hormone levels.

Do we keep two handicapped people from being married ?

What if they are at fault for their own injury that made them handicapped?

The equal status claim is that they are Americans and should not have the right to marry WHOEVER they want limmited.

Who the hell are you to tell some people in the next town who they can tie their lives too?

It does not effect you in the least and its NONE of your business.

Another piss-poor analogy

We keep handicapped people from doing what would harm society. For example, we don't let the blind drive cars.

Marriage is a priveledge, not a right, and if you are not qualified for it then a civilized society should not allow it.

Most Americans say that gay marriage will have a negative impact on traditional marriage; a smaller minority disagree. I am in the former, and you are in the latter.
What is wrong with gay marriage? It promotes family values and (the best argument) the government shouldn't be involved in marriage, anyway.
Sexual preference has to do with the brain being feminine or masculine in structure, which is dependant on intrauterine hormone levels at certain time in the gestation process. So it's biological, and it's genetic to the extent that genes influence hormone levels.
Have you found that gay gene yet?

So by your theory, this would make comparable to a disease?
What is wrong with gay marriage? It promotes family values and (the best argument) the government shouldn't be involved in marriage, anyway.
The government has been for centuries, so that's a moot point.

Gay marriage may promote many beneficial things, but society has determined that these do not outweigh the negatives.