Are gays "born gay"?

Most babies are not born with beards.
Some babies do turn into adults who then do posses the ability to grow facial hair.

This is very likely tied in some way to the sexual maturation process.

What exactly is it one would do to a child to "turn" them gay?

If it were possible you would think sexual abuse would do this huh?

There are many cases where a boy child is sexually abused by say their priest or whatever and remained hertosexual.

This turned them gay idea is shear stupidity.

I really don't think it is desh...

Upbringing and societal conditions can have a lot to do with shaping a human.

For the record though that doesn't mean that government should disallow two individuals to enter into a contract/be married, whether or not it was nurture or nature.
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Seems like marriage is a right to me...furthermore, it removes God from the equation, completely destroying your argument.
Read much:
...every contract must have consideration. The State offers consideration in the form of the actual license itself -- the piece of paper, the Certificate of Marriage. The other part of consideration by the State is "the privilege to be regulated by statute."

This secular definition in no way negates the religious definition.
Read much:

This secular definition in no way negates the religious definition.

I still don't see how a straight man could choose to want nuts in his face? Please explain to me how you could make that choice. It seems foreign to me.

And I remember calling the dopey kid in "Whos The Boss" gay before he was 10, and guess what, homeslice likes dingus.
I'd say its unlikely.

1. Two gays can't reproduce.
2. No "gay gene" has been found, despite millions in research to find it.

It never really mattered to me.

But, for instance, psychopaths aren't born as psychopaths. That doesn't mean they're just psychopaths cus they feel like it though.
I still don't see how a straight man could choose to want nuts in his face? Please explain to me how you could make that choice. It seems foreign to me.

And I remember calling the dopey kid in "Whos The Boss" gay before he was 10, and guess what, homeslice likes dingus.

Don't ask me to explain it to you. I can't see smoking crack, getting a tat, or voting Democrat would be attractive to anybody, but people still do all three.

Never saw the show so can't comment.
Don't ask me to explain it to you. I can't see smoking crack, getting a tat, or voting Democrat would be attractive to anybody, but people still do all three.

Never saw the show so can't comment.

But you could want nuts on your chin, if you chose to want it.

Please explain.

And I haven't gotten my moonshine yet.
I'd say its unlikely.

1. Two gays can't reproduce.
2. No "gay gene" has been found, despite millions in research to find it.
Had to read through 4 pages just to make sure I was arguing something someone alreay hit upon. Number 2 begs the question. Where is the heterosexual gene? They haven't found that, the gay gene or the gene that seems to make lots of females bi-sexual. So arguing they haven't found the gene, does NOT make it non genetic. Now for your "Marriage is a privledge and not a right argument. Read Loving v. Virginia. No better yet let me read it to you.

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival.... To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law. The Fourteenth Amendment requires that the freedom of choice to marry not be restricted by invidious racial discrimination. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State.
Now granted, the court did not speak to the issue of same sex marriages but they did talk about Marriage being a fundamental liberty interest. So your argument, at least on the US legal front is incorrect, marriage is not a privilege, it is a right. See up until Loving, tradition defined marriage as between two people, a man and a woman, of the SAME RACE. The same arguments were made then. It would tear apart the fabric of society. It is not what god intended. He created different languages to keep the races separate. All that good bible based bullshit that was pretty much wrong anyway.

Further, your argument that sexuality is a choice, means that we ALL chose, not just the queers. So tell me about your choice? Did you weigh the pros and cons of sex with a woman or a man. Did you think, well women are soft and pretty, but if I can get my mind around a blowjob I can have a mate that watches football with me, and doesn't mind if the toilet seat is up. Was that your line of thought? Cause I know that when I was 4, I flew to Disneyland with my grandparents, and there was this 5 or 6 year old girl on the plane sitting in front of me that kept looking back and me and to this day, 38 years later, I can describe her face to you as if I saw it yesterday. She moved me. I don't mean I thought she was pretty, I mean that for decades after all women were judged by her. Not my choice. She hit me like a brick. I was straight the day I was born.
Do we keep two handicapped people from being married ?

nope people can marry even if they are a republican.
But you could want nuts on your chin, if you chose to want it.

Please explain.

And I haven't gotten my moonshine yet.

1. I just explained it to you best that I could. People express all types of detrimental behavior that cannot be explained logically.

2. We never consumated the deal. You send me a quart (or a fifth, or 750 ml) of Maui Wowie and I'll send you a quart of Georgia Moon.

PS I was just there and they sell pint hip flasks as well- your choice.
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Had to read through 4 pages just to make sure I was arguing something someone alreay hit upon. Number 2 begs the question. Where is the heterosexual gene? They haven't found that, the gay gene or the gene that seems to make lots of females bi-sexual. So arguing they haven't found the gene, does NOT make it non genetic. Now for your "Marriage is a privledge and not a right argument. Read Loving v. Virginia. No better yet let me read it to you.

Now granted, the court did not speak to the issue of same sex marriages but they did talk about Marriage being a fundamental liberty interest. So your argument, at least on the US legal front is incorrect, marriage is not a privilege, it is a right. See up until Loving, tradition defined marriage as between two people, a man and a woman, of the SAME RACE. The same arguments were made then. It would tear apart the fabric of society. It is not what god intended. He created different languages to keep the races separate. All that good bible based bullshit that was pretty much wrong anyway.

Further, your argument that sexuality is a choice, means that we ALL chose, not just the queers. So tell me about your choice? Did you weigh the pros and cons of sex with a woman or a man. Did you think, well women are soft and pretty, but if I can get my mind around a blowjob I can have a mate that watches football with me, and doesn't mind if the toilet seat is up. Was that your line of thought? Cause I know that when I was 4, I flew to Disneyland with my grandparents, and there was this 5 or 6 year old girl on the plane sitting in front of me that kept looking back and me and to this day, 38 years later, I can describe her face to you as if I saw it yesterday. She moved me. I don't mean I thought she was pretty, I mean that for decades after all women were judged by her. Not my choice. She hit me like a brick. I was straight the day I was born.

1. Ever hear of X and Y chromosomes?
2. That's the danger of having the courts legislate society. All is takes is one short-sighted judge in one state and we all go down some slippery slope. However we are 50 States, three branches of government in each as well as a federal umbrella.