Are gays "born gay"?

It does not follow that all who voted, or even the majority share the reason that you did had you voted. That is an actual logical fallacy, unlike the one that you don't understand and misapply to my post.

For instance I would have voted against it as I don't think the government should be involved in "marriage" not because I think the sanctity of my marriage would inexplicably be damaged by somebody else's marriage.
Again you repeat the Straw Man.:cool:
We'll have to agree to disagree.

SouthernMan could choose to enjoy Ron Jeremy thrusting on him, I could not.
Again you repeat the Straw Man.:cool:
Again you either don't understand what a strawman fallacy is, or believe that repeating this error makes people believe you. I have pointed out the logical fallacy of "if they voted this way they must think like me" and even informed you of ways that people may vote that way without thinking like you. To insist that they do and pretend that a flaw in your logic duly pointed out is a "strawman" is weak. Either provide a poll that shows that people feel like you do, or relegate yourself to the considerably disingenuous position that if they vote the same they must think the same.
This isn't my specific area, but as with other reports of biological research some findings do make their way into the pile. Off the top of my head, here are two findings of note:

Some years ago it was learned that the medial preoptic area in the brains of gay men (an area well established as being involved in sexual behavior) was more similar to that in the brains of heterosexual adult females than the same nucleus in straight males.

More recently, a link was found between the number of boys born consecutively to a mother and the incidence of homosexuality among the youngest. Nothing specific can be derived from a correlational study but it can point the way for future research. In this case, the hypothesis derived was that the consecutive births of males (uninterrupted by female births) somehow changed the mother's ability to provide an appropriate hormonal environment for subsequent male offspring. To broaden this study, it would be necessary to conduct an extensive longitudinal study among gay males and their parents. Ultimately it might be possible to identify a marker, not only among large families, but during gestation to see if a hormonal balance exists and what effect, if any, it might have on gender identification/sexual preference among the offspring.
Thorn you have overloaded poor southern dudes brain with that :D
Good stuff though for the less prejudiced ones of us.
You should look up straw man. You're completely misunderstanding its meaning.

Again you either don't understand what a strawman fallacy is, or believe that repeating this error makes people believe you. ....

Straw man. This is the fallacy of refuting a caricatured or extreme version of somebody's argument, rather than the actual argument they've made. Often this fallacy involves putting words into somebody's mouth by saying they've made arguments they haven't actually made, in which case the straw man argument is a veiled version of argumentum ad logicam. man
What about the Christians who want to get married?

Marriage is just a ceremony. It is, at it's core, just a title. If an atheist wants to call themselves married, then so be it.

1. Don't answer a question with a question.

2. Same with gays then, right?
Good job. That's what a straw man is, and Damo did none of that.

No excuse me while I choose to get excited by naked women.

1. Sure it is. I'm arguing that gay marriage would harm the institution of marriage as the foundation for a civilized society. Damo is attempting to say that I am arguing that gar marriage would harm my marriage.
2. Say "hey" to Mrs. Palmer and her four daughters for me.
1. Sure it is. I'm arguing that gay marriage would harm the institution of marriage as the foundation for a civilized society. Damo is attempting to say that I am arguing that gar marriage would harm my marriage.
2. Say "hey" to Mrs. Palmer and her four daughters for me.

1.)You did say it would ruin the sanctity of your marriage,

1. I’ve never suggested that what two willing adults do to each other should be interfered with.
2. As I said earlier: “most Americans agree that gay marriage will have a negative impact on traditional marriage; a smaller minority disagree. I am in the former, and you are in the latter.” I also gave my reasoning earlier and see no need to repeat it unless there is a specific question to it.
3. Good question, again broadening the issue. Homosexuality is discussed as a sin here. This example presents it as perhaps the most egregious act in history, since it was responsible for Ham’s founding of the enemies of Israel. Some believe that the conflict has never ceased, and exists today as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that seems to have no possible end.

Gay marriage would have a negative impact on marriage. You're married. Thus it would impact your marriage.