Are gays "born gay"?

Have you found that gay gene yet?

So by your theory, this would make comparable to a disease?

Retard. There are genes that have an effect on hormone levels. Do you understand how something can be biological but not have a "gene" for it? The hormone system is the most complex in the human body.
Biblical. It goes back over 500 years.

I did explain it; you just don't want to understand it.

Well, considering that Western culture has its tradition rooted in Greek culture for thousands of years before Christianity and Biblical tradition, I was just confused. Because, as you may know, the Greeks considered homosexual love to be the purest of love, because it was not influenced by procreation but by actual genuine feeling.
This issue is directly related to gay's assertion of normal, healthy, etc., and their subsequent demand for equal rights. If homosexuality is a choice, or a sickness, the claim for equal status, for something like marriage, for example, flies out the window faster than a bee in summer.
It is normal for people to like different things than I like. Again, why should I care if gays are "born that way"?
Well, considering that Western culture has its tradition rooted in Greek culture for thousands of years before Christianity and Biblical tradition, I was just confused. Because, as you may know, the Greeks considered homosexual love to be the purest of love, because it was not influenced by procreation but by actual genuine feeling.
We are not discussing love, but marriage.

But to answer your straw man: When the Greeks discovered Christianity they came to the realization that homosexuality was wrong, along with theri entire belief in gods. Ask any Greek about that.
Another piss-poor analogy

We keep handicapped people from doing what would harm society. For example, we don't let the blind drive cars.

Marriage is a priveledge, not a right, and if you are not qualified for it then a civilized society should not allow it.

Most Americans say that gay marriage will have a negative impact on traditional marriage; a smaller minority disagree. I am in the former, and you are in the latter.

How is same sex marriage like the blind driving cars?

You see people can die or have their property damaged if blind people were driving.

If we allow same sex marriage NO ONE IS HARMED!

Its none of your damned business and does no other people harm.

Do you really think marriage is a privledge and not a right?

Its not enough to just say it will cause damage to limmit others rights. YOU have to prove the damage that would be caused to limmit peoples rights.

At a time in our history interacial marriages were viewed the same way. No one could prove any damage so it was changed.

How is same sex marriage like the blind driving cars?

You see people can die or have their property damged if blind people were driving.

If we allow same sex marriage NO ONE IS HARMED!

Its none of your damned business and does not other people harm.

Do you really think marriage is a privledge and not a right?

Its not enough to just say it will cause damage to limmit others rights. YOU have to prove the damage that would be caused to limmit peoples rights.

At a time in our history interacial marriages were viewed the same way. No one could prove any damage so it was changed.


Your side wants to change 5000 years of tradition. The burden of proof is on you. :)
No you fool this is a democracy we dont honor things like slavery because they ahve been arround a long time.

This law is going to change. It is increasingly a no harm and limmited rights issue to people.Your old prejudice ways are going to die just like the ones who hated interacial marraige and loved slavery your numbers are dwindling and when enough of you pass on we will right this wrong.
I find myself agreeing with Desh...and I'm afraid.

In seriousness, though, Southern Man--- even if I were to concede that homosexuality is "wrong", that still doesn't mean that their rights should be stripped away.
You didn't win. You still seem to be unwilling to learn about the hormone system and the brain and keep ignorantly insisting on a "gay gene" as the only proof. You're retarded. It's not a insult, but an accuracy.
... You're retarded. .....

.... you fool ....Your old prejudice ways....hated interacial marraige ....loved slavery .....

AHZ = 0
D/TM = 0
The Southern Man = 3

I find myself agreeing with Desh...and I'm afraid.

In seriousness, though, Southern Man--- even if I were to concede that homosexuality is "wrong", that still doesn't mean that their rights should be stripped away.

Marriage is not a right, but a privledge.