Are Indian immigrant Ramaswamy and African immigrant Musk correct that America is a mediocrity?

He's an anchor baby. No authentic MAGA moron I know really wants more Indians, Filipinos, Mexicans coming here on student visas, vacations, or temporary work visas and having their babies be automatically granted US citizenship.
You don't know any " authentic mega moron's." Probably because that's not even a thing...
Sort of. That one was, IMHO, a way to let Gaetz resign without just resigning in disgrace. His withdrawal from consideration came way too quickly for a serious appointment. Though I would say if he got actually appointed then it would have been someone not nearly as qualified as Bondi. I notice that none of you really have anything terrible to say about that one.

I wondered at the time if the Geatz (and other first-round picks) were stalking horses, lighting rods...

Vivek Ramsay the Trump-supporting entrepreneur misapprehends the sources of American success.

By David Brooks

I could have been a tech entrepreneur, but my parents let me go to sleepovers. I could have been a billionaire, but I used to watch Saturday-morning cartoons. I could have been Vivek Ramaswamy, if not for the ways I’ve been corrupted by the mediocrity of American culture. I’m sad when I contemplate my lazy, pathetic, non-Ramaswamy life.

These ruminations were triggered by a statement that Ramaswamy, the noted cultural critic, made on X on Thursday. He was explaining why tech companies prefer to hire foreign-born and first-generation engineers instead of native-born American ones: It has to do with the utter mediocrity of American culture.

Vivek Ramsay the Trump-supporting entrepreneur misapprehends the sources of American success.

By David Brooks

I could have been a tech entrepreneur, but my parents let me go to sleepovers. I could have been a billionaire, but I used to watch Saturday-morning cartoons. I could have been Vivek Ramaswamy, if not for the ways I’ve been corrupted by the mediocrity of American culture. I’m sad when I contemplate my lazy, pathetic, non-Ramaswamy life.

These ruminations were triggered by a statement that Ramaswamy, the noted cultural critic, made on X on Thursday. He was explaining why tech companies prefer to hire foreign-born and first-generation engineers instead of native-born American ones: It has to do with the utter mediocrity of American culture.

Vivek is a sold out globalist traitor nerd, Like watermark.
Thanks for providing the correct information.

I do not think anchor baby Ramaswamy really understands what makes American culture vibrant and creative.

No, he doesn't. Upper class Indians are very focused on status, education, high earnings, wealth, and class. If his parents, well-educated members of the Brahmin caste, had the funds to immigrate here, they started out well-off. Their values differ significantly from those of middle-class Americans. This is not to say that their values are bad, merely different.
Say the folks who cheered on folks like Panetta. Did you know that 25% of the people appointed to Secretary of Defense have never served in the armed forces? (I didn't until today, I knew there were some, but not one in four, and it is actually 29%).

Interestingly, 2 of the six guys who had no time in service were appointed by Eisenhower... I wonder if he thought his experience was enough.

While you MAGAtards ignore the fact that Hegsmeth is a drunken buffoon and that Gaetz is an amoral sleazeball creep.

I think for the vague understands perfectly what America needs... And what makes us culturally vibrant and creative... Too very successful and beautiful families... His parents and his own family.... Countless impressive contributions to this country...

WTF is this? Drink up, "teacher"! :laugh:
No, he doesn't. Upper class Indians are very focused on status, education, high earnings, wealth, and class. If his parents, well-educated members of the Brahmin caste, had the funds to immigrate here, they started out well-off. Their values differ significantly from those of middle-class Americans. This is not to say that their values are bad, merely different.
Well said (y)
Thanks for providing the correct information.

I do not think anchor baby Ramaswamy really understands what makes American culture vibrant and creative.

No, he doesn't. Upper class Indians are very focused on status, education, high earnings, wealth, and class. If his parents, well-educated members of the Brahmin caste, had the funds to immigrate here, they started out well-off. Their values differ significantly from those of middle-class Americans. This is not to say that their values are bad, merely different.

Apparently he doesn't even know that malls are for all intents and purposes, dead.

When was the last time a group of teenagers went to hang out in a mall?

2007 - 08?