Are such references acceptable now??


On 11/27, Dark Soul made the following comment, regarding a picture of a woman "fleeing teargas" at the US/Mexico border:

4, 5, or six year old girls. Not diaper age. Look at the muscle definition on their legs. These are two fully functioning little kids, not babies who shit their diapers.

Nordberg then made the following post, in reply to Dark Soul:

12b edit.

It looked like Nordberg made a Rule 12b violation, with the bolded part of his post (Rule 12b edit.); but it's beginning to look like making such a comment is now acceptable and is not a rule violation, so we can probably expect more of the same kind of innuendo.

So sad. :(

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You made the following comment to me:

No. You are noticing the muscles in children. Actually making shit up as is your wont. I just saw scared kids fleeing tear gas.

My reply to you, was:

Care to show where I said anything about the children??

What is going to sink you, is your inclusion of "...being turned on...".

You need to be PMing Rana, so she can save your ass, instead of posting.

And I now reiterate:

Care to show where I said anything about the children??
Look, illegal immigration is a problem- not just for the US, but every nation has to deal with it.

The use of tear gas was appropriate for what was happening at the time.

It is all part of our normal way of dealing with crowds that get out of hand and pose a threat.

I think the crowd of immigrants were over reacting to the closure of the portals, because it was not explained very well to those who needed to cross the border for legitimate reasons and things escalated out of control.

But, let's not make it out to be things that it was not!

We discuss, before we ban we need agreement as to length of time, etc. It happens every time we ban somebody, then USFreedom does something like this during the discussion and pretends he has affected our decisions.
We discuss, before we ban we need agreement as to length of time, etc. It happens every time we ban somebody, then USFreedom does something like this during the discussion and pretends he has affected our decisions.

OK. Thanks.
Is USF being banned because he brought up this Topic and tried to 'push' the 'line'?
OK. Thanks.
Is USF being banned because he brought up this Topic and tried to 'push' the 'line'?

No. He didn't break the rule, he never suggested the comment was about anybody here, just discussed the comment. I get it, I just don't understand why he thinks that his thread here did anything good for the site. I just had to remove the comment... So, if you see the OP now you'll see what I have done.
No. He didn't break the rule. I just had to remove the comment... So, if you see the OP now you'll see what I have done.

OK. I see Nordburg's comment was removed. And I see a post that Nordberg was banned. Thanks for the explanation.
We discuss, before we ban we need agreement as to length of time, etc. It happens every time we ban somebody, then USFreedom does something like this during the discussion and pretends he has affected our decisions.

JEEZ, you used to have a sense of humor.

Maybe Desh is correct and Grind is posing as you. :D