Are there any non-racist blacks in these forums?

The self-identified black posters who have been here on a regular basis over the years have proven themselves over and over to be superior posters, capable of insight, compelling rhetoric, and high standards. That is all that matters.

They stand in sharp contrast to the mediocre, substandard barely educated white racist pigs who continually harass them and are allowed by the board owners to turn this place into a Stormfront 2.

I am pretty sure they are impervious to the flaccid insults of degenerate of racist swine. I mean, these days you can't even openly be a racist, without getting fired, socially shunned, or otherwise sanctioned by employers, neighbors, and peers.
So it must feel pretty lonely and futile to have to stoop to hiding behind the safety of an anonymous keyboard to indulge your inner racist pig.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
An entire thread by some of the worst this forum has to offer complaining that their overt racism has some competition from the other side? Funny but pathetic.
An entire thread by some of the worst this forum has to offer complaining that their overt racism has some competition from the other side? Funny but pathetic.

You'll see more of that as time goes on. Not sure what sparked this sewer gas explosion today.
That's a lie, but white men targeted Black men, women and children and hung them from trees then burned their bodies because of the color of their skin.

We'll just call that the hanging game.......cept it's not a game.

Not a single racist post???????? WTF do you call all the posts in this thread? No dear you are either blind or a white apologist. Show me any posts that you have made to promote racial harmony. You would rather pander to those you think support you. I asked a simple question and you turned it into a Top attack. No you are obsessed with her. Did a school teacher take a black boyfriend away from you? Is that why you hate Top so much. Sorry lady but your screwed in the head and need professional help.

Looks like she has that "self hating syndrome". :palm:
That's a crock of shit man. Who's ass are you dragging these ideas from? I just got done saying that black people have insane amounts of anger for oppression, and denials. Egyptians sure didn't oppress them, other wise the animosity would be against Egyptians. Blacks don't act with whites being inferior, like whites acted with blacks back when.
Black people as well as many white people, are just fed up with some peoples pompous bs. You couldn't pay me enough, to act like I didn't want to slap the shit out of some of these people.

At this point the racists might say I'm a racist, as a lame argument built upon grade school standards. I in return would have to ask, how a white guy can be racist against white guys.

I don't think you're a racist, you're just an idiot...
Well, it's a gorgeous white winter wonderland here! All the schools are closed....unfortunately, ice under all that beautiful snow...
And it's just supposed to keep piling careful out there..
Good morning! Now let me take a moment and catch up;)
Well, another sock, some interesting theories (I think you've solved the mystery, EE;), and more "announcements"...
Looks like you're becoming obsessive and nasty again. Just can't help yourself, can you? Not a single racist post, except from your special friend, yet you insist they're there. Back on ignore you go. Have fun with your toxic little girl friend, Angry Bird.

Sorry sport but you can't put the blame on me. YOUare the one who tried to make this a Top issue NOT ME! As to the racist remarks I didn't have to post any your friends did it for me. But you clearly turn a blind I to those you are trying to smooze with your victim bull shit.
Sorry sport but you can't put the blame on me. YOUare the one who tried to make this a Top issue NOT ME! As to the racist remarks I didn't have to post any your friends did it for me. But you clearly turn a blind I to those you are trying to smooze with your victim bull shit.
Have you ever seen a thread where she didn't try to make it a TOP issue? Ever? She follows me around There's something clearly wrong with her...funnier still? They need 10 plus accounts to do
Poor Toxic, poor Angry Bird. Thanks for quoting the stupid, Tox. Here, maybe this will help him figure out how I can tell if someone's replied to one of my posts even when they are on ignore. You too can do this! It's amazing!
